10 myths about nutrition (11 photos)
Each of us in something believes. Someone - the theory of evolution and the big bang, someone - in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. So really let's separate the facts from the myths.
1. Egg yolk is harmful
They are just as harmful, such as masturbation. In reasonable quantities is good for health in general is the norm. And when you start to pull his friend five times a day, using any lubricant tucked under the arm (lotion, soap, his tears of loneliness), this is becoming a problem.
95% of the nutrients contained in the egg yolks are precisely. All calcium, vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E - all of this is based in the yolk. If you will have some proteins, it is better to drink a protein shake.
2. Wholemeal wheat - it is useful
It's like saying that any blow - it's cool. Oh my naive man, and if he is going to do the Nutcracker?
We whole-wheat almost the same glycemic index, like white bread. The difference is infinitesimal. You may look different special sites that contain information about such things, check my right. It's like replacing chocolate with sugar.
3. Saturated fats are harmful
Perhaps for girlfriends so. And for all the dudes in the amount of business. Saturated fats and testosterone - the best of friends. But even your best friend can you vybesit when its in your life too much. The fat from milk and meat - all normal thing. No need to take it a rule to the absorption of the fat, but also neglect it also should not be. And a couple of words about fats.
4. Artificial sweeteners sugar better
Not better. They deceive your mind, he realizes that he has not received the sugar when he wanted it, and begins to make you eat more. Not the most suitable deal. Then it is better to eat honey.
5. In the nuts a lot of protein
Especially strongly believe it ladies. No, no and NO. The nuts contain healthy fats, so they are good. However, the protein from nuts is not as useful and as well as from well-known protein-containing foods. Do not give up nuts - just do not kid yourself that this is a complete protein food. So some of them are good.
6. Protein Bars helpful
Protein Bars about as good for you as anal sex is good for friends. That is not really something. They like it because you like it, come on. It's like a pencil to poke in the ear, while enjoying the man and yells: "eeeee!" And then a couple of shots to the skull - and get it over with. If you like this, then you should first ask yourself a few questions.
The protein bars are full of sugar and protein quality is quite mediocre. Sometimes they can entertain themselves, but better eat normal food, not synthesized in laboratories.
7. For a time, you can not eat more than 30 grams of protein
This pseudoscience. 3-4 hours your body can process just 30-40 grams of protein, and it's true. It seems that on this and such myths are based.
They do not understand guys handing out such advice, it's that if your stomach more protein, the body will simply recycle it longer. Not disappear as good.
8. You can excrete toxins
It is such a hipster yogofagovskoe statement. Do not buy products that are "toxins out of your body." If you want, you can clean the colon or just make yourself an enema and sit all day in the clean and jerk. What tormented.
9. Fruit - bad
Anyone who says that you have to get off the fruit, eats shit and let him die. The difference between natural sugar and processed sugar - it's like the difference between a lamp and a moon. I seriously need to explain what is good fruit?
10. The breakfast - the most important meal
Nothing like this. Yes, so they say; It says it speeds up the metabolism. And they say that fasting is harmful. Many say that, in general. You've got to listen to your body and do not poke a meal if you do not climb.

1. Egg yolk is harmful

They are just as harmful, such as masturbation. In reasonable quantities is good for health in general is the norm. And when you start to pull his friend five times a day, using any lubricant tucked under the arm (lotion, soap, his tears of loneliness), this is becoming a problem.
95% of the nutrients contained in the egg yolks are precisely. All calcium, vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E - all of this is based in the yolk. If you will have some proteins, it is better to drink a protein shake.
2. Wholemeal wheat - it is useful

It's like saying that any blow - it's cool. Oh my naive man, and if he is going to do the Nutcracker?
We whole-wheat almost the same glycemic index, like white bread. The difference is infinitesimal. You may look different special sites that contain information about such things, check my right. It's like replacing chocolate with sugar.
3. Saturated fats are harmful

Perhaps for girlfriends so. And for all the dudes in the amount of business. Saturated fats and testosterone - the best of friends. But even your best friend can you vybesit when its in your life too much. The fat from milk and meat - all normal thing. No need to take it a rule to the absorption of the fat, but also neglect it also should not be. And a couple of words about fats.
4. Artificial sweeteners sugar better

Not better. They deceive your mind, he realizes that he has not received the sugar when he wanted it, and begins to make you eat more. Not the most suitable deal. Then it is better to eat honey.
5. In the nuts a lot of protein

Especially strongly believe it ladies. No, no and NO. The nuts contain healthy fats, so they are good. However, the protein from nuts is not as useful and as well as from well-known protein-containing foods. Do not give up nuts - just do not kid yourself that this is a complete protein food. So some of them are good.
6. Protein Bars helpful

Protein Bars about as good for you as anal sex is good for friends. That is not really something. They like it because you like it, come on. It's like a pencil to poke in the ear, while enjoying the man and yells: "eeeee!" And then a couple of shots to the skull - and get it over with. If you like this, then you should first ask yourself a few questions.
The protein bars are full of sugar and protein quality is quite mediocre. Sometimes they can entertain themselves, but better eat normal food, not synthesized in laboratories.
7. For a time, you can not eat more than 30 grams of protein

This pseudoscience. 3-4 hours your body can process just 30-40 grams of protein, and it's true. It seems that on this and such myths are based.
They do not understand guys handing out such advice, it's that if your stomach more protein, the body will simply recycle it longer. Not disappear as good.
8. You can excrete toxins

It is such a hipster yogofagovskoe statement. Do not buy products that are "toxins out of your body." If you want, you can clean the colon or just make yourself an enema and sit all day in the clean and jerk. What tormented.
9. Fruit - bad

Anyone who says that you have to get off the fruit, eats shit and let him die. The difference between natural sugar and processed sugar - it's like the difference between a lamp and a moon. I seriously need to explain what is good fruit?
10. The breakfast - the most important meal

Nothing like this. Yes, so they say; It says it speeds up the metabolism. And they say that fasting is harmful. Many say that, in general. You've got to listen to your body and do not poke a meal if you do not climb.