Briefly and clearly
Attention! It is forbidden to ignite fires, dog walking, catching and shooting game, grazing and pasture cattle and crawled snake vyporos pigs vyzhereb horses and vykobyl horses shedding eggs hatched birds from eggs vykukol butterflies and muskrat muskrats, smoked chickens and vypryg Kangaroo obgadit daisies, stripping berries, cut down forests and vylom branches tracked down hare, thought true vypug grouse, exhaling breath, exhaust gases, removal of the body, you have the nose we have on the ear, miscarriage debris, brood geese, geek people vyplav steel and swim herring vypendritsya fraerov shot "Aurora" to cadge money vymushtr soldiers vytrus rugs, fell from the window, vent children otters in hammocks, wipe the lips and remove eye vysmork cold, vytrep and razbreh state secrets Vykusi nakus mow and take a bite, and most importantly, to stare and climb into the hollow of a smoked out the bees and honey rasprobuet.
inscription in the reserve
inscription in the reserve