20 quotes Boris Akunin, which give food for thought

Boris Akunin (George Chkhartishvili Shalvovich) - a well-known writer who wins the reader from the first pages of his books. It affects a variety of genres of his works: it is and detective stories, and novels with elements of fantasy and historical realities. But all the books one thing in common: people can not remain indifferent to the deep content batter right on target
< Website has prepared for you the most poignant expressions of the writer, where there is something to think about.
The existence outlined the tendency to deterioration of conditions of life, or simply to say, things were shitty nowhere. A lot of people, and people - no. Something like you to me too good keep silent. < Of all pleasures, released the man most refined - brains Not yet born the woman, whose pride would be higher curiosity.. Even if you fly into the abyss without fear zazhmurivaysya and look round - all of a sudden be able to grab for anything. < In the light has to be someone who from you only one thing is needed: that you were alive and that you have all been good It all depends on your type of wine.. If it is cheaper - to age turn sour. If noble - will only get better. Hence the conclusion: the man is older, the better it must become. With those who claimed the particle of your heart, not rasstaneshsya until the end of life, and perhaps even longer in order. If the soul of discontent, identify the factors that disturb the harmony and eliminate it. < Stronger all sleep is not those who have a clear conscience, and those with her he has never happened One of the greatest pleasures -. A sense of secret superiority over those who believe you higher than you. It seems to be short and clear. Briefly a short, but damn is not clear. You must be able to formulate the question correctly. That's half the battle. And the second half - the ability to hear the answer. Stronger than all the one who has not seen or heard, but who sees and hears all. A wise man does not try to find a solution that clues in principle has not. Smart people simply take a miracle and come up with how to use this phenomenon for the benefit of the case. < I can not sleep, I can not eat. To drink, the truth, I can. It is better to say stupid, than to miss important. Talents inherent in female nature, are often of such a nature that the morality of modern society is not ready to receive them properly. Overcoming difficulties - one of the pleasures of life.
Preview: Christian Asuh
via www.kaifineart.com/2013/04/christian-asuh_6462.html