Remedy for depression
This story is told of a young doctor-resuscitator Alexander, who once a very unconventional way to cure depression guy who threw the girl.
In 2010, he graduated from the Medical University and was sent to the intensive care unit of a hospital in St. Petersburg for internships. And so, in the end of March brought them a young boy about 20 years old. He was inadequate, yelling something about a girl Masha, and about the fact that if it is not with him, he will commit suicide.
It turns out that this would-be suitor March drank some pills. However, he shouted that he would open his veins, therefore, away from sin and its screwed to the bed. And since life is already out of danger, he decided to transfer from the intensive care unit to an ordinary ward.
This had to do an intern Alexander. Well, lucky boy Sasha, bolted to a gurney with a drip in his hand, yelling knows that not even realize that just a few minutes it will be cured from depression ...
After a night of heavy duty and Sasha a very bad headache, and the boyfriend still took out his cries. And then the doctor could not stand, unplug the dropper and said:
- Do not you want to live, well, okay, you analyze the organs - people will benefit!
Screamer once wilted.
Sasha Zavoloka gurney into the elevator and to the question: "Where are you taking me?" Calmly and clearly answered:
- In the morgue.
Failed suicide became whiter than the sheets on which lay. When moving the basement connecting Corps Hospital, saw another doctor, that there are forces began to shout: "Save me, I want to kill!»
Unfamiliar doctor noticed that the patient straps bolted to a gurney, immediately realize that there is a "treatment for depression," grinned and said:
- What are you afraid of, it does not hurt!
The guy lost the power of speech. When Sasha brought him to the ward, the guy barely recovered, but "recovered from depression," and the desire to commit suicide was gone completely.