Just ... Heroes ..
Remember when you unselfishly helped a stranger and help if there anyway?
As it is not sad to realize, but in this world, every man for himself, and even the loved one is unlikely to risk their lives
for the sake of embroider. But there are people who are knocked out of the common herd with overdeveloped sense of self-interest and self-preservation, that simply can not go past the man in need of assistance.
Many call them idiots, lunatics, and even heroes, but they say they are just people. Perhaps to be a man it means to help others? The question then becomes, who then we - the majority of the population of the planet Earth?
1. Victor Perez (Victor Perez)
29-year-old vintner Victor Perez (Victor Perez) was working in his garden when he heard a radio advertisement for the extra child abduction. A moment later the front of his house drove a car, according to the description coincides with the car thief. Do not hesitate a second, Victor jumped in his car and gave chase. Having caught up with the car the alleged kidnapper, he saw in the passenger seat of a crying girl. Casting aside doubts, Victor began to honk and yell as loud: "It's not your child. Let her go ... It's not your child. " After a couple of minutes of this obsessive pursuit thief pushed the girl out of the car and, having pressed the pedal to the gas disappeared around the bend. Victor Perez remained a frightened child until the police arrived.
A few hours later the California patrol detained and kidnapper. It turned out to Gregorio Gonzalez (Gregorio Gonzalez), who for several years had abducted children.
2. Skopnik Larry (Larry Skopnik)
10 years ago in an accident Skopnik Larry (Larry Skopnik) injured his back and was confined to a wheelchair. But this did not prevent him to stand up for the defenseless seller shop was attacked by a bandit.
When Larry saw the buyer received death threats store owner, he just could not stay away. "I could not just turn gray in the chair when my eyes healthy man began to threaten the fragile woman," I want to say that the inferiority of both physical and moral no excuse to stay away and do not come to the aid of the who needs you ».
Arrived in his wheelchair to the troublemakers, Larry tried to calm him down, but when the words had no effect, disabled thugs grabbed and threw it on the floor.
Larry Skopnik very embarrassed when he was named a hero, and said that the manifestation of humanity is very stupid to call heroism: "I believe that to help your neighbor does not have to be a hero and have some super-powers. Look at me - I'm chained to a chair and even if someone could cripple help, think of what you are capable of? »
In a few days Mr. Skopnik became a real Internet sensation. Thousands of people have written to him on Facebook, that are proud of the fact that these people live on the planet and are always ready to come to the rescue.
"I am very grateful to him - says the hostess store. - He did not hesitate to rush to my aid, even though that can not walk. He is my hero ».
3. Hasan Askari (Hasan Askari)
In celebration of Hanukkah Muslim teenager Hasan Askari (Hasan Askari) arrived by train in Brooklyn. Coming out of the car I saw a gang of thugs Hassan, surrounded by young Jewish couple. Fearing for the safety of the girls he pushed one of the goons and invited him to vent all their anger on him. Imbitsily crowd did not have to ask twice, and in a second 56-pound Hassan knocked to the ground and started kicking zapinyvat. At this time, the Jews were able to escape and call the police.
Hassan escaped with a concussion, a broken nose and bruises all over his body, despite this, he refused medical treatment, arguing the fact that he does not have health insurance.
4. Diret Julien (Julien Duret)
April 7, 2010 Diret Julien (Julien Duret) was walking with his girlfriend on the street South port stri, when he saw something fell into the water.
"At first I thought that someone just decided silly joke and dropped into the water a big doll, but when I ran closer, I saw a girl in the river floundering" - says Julien.
Despite the fact that he almost could not swim, Julien, without hesitation, threw his clothes on the ground and jumped into the icy water. Sailed on the dog to the girl, who by this time had lost consciousness and began to go under water, Julien lifted her head above water and kept afloat until the arrival of rescuers. When the Savior gave stiff body of the girl to her father, she opened her eyes.
Julien saw that with the baby all right, said the grateful father: "I was glad to help," and as if nothing had happened, continued his walk.
A few days later a modest hero who conquered the hearts of New Yorkers wanted the whole city already. Soon, Julien was found. Shy and nothing unremarkable French engineer gave only one interview in which he said: "No, I did not do anything like this before. I was impressed by people who were looking at what is happening and did nothing. I was not sure I could to save her, but I had to at least try to «.
5. Mark Peterson (Marc Patterson) (not found picture)
Mark Peterson (Marc Patterson) went camping with his family.
"When I set up the tents, to me with loud cries ran daughter. She was hysterical, and all that I understood from her words - is that someone on the shore of a mountain lion attacked "- says Mark.
He rushed headlong to the river, where he saw a boy to ride on the shore, desperately trying to hide his head clamped in the jaws of a cougar. Mark started to peel animal feet, but after five kicks realized that because a predator can not cope and crushing knees cougar to the ground, began to strangle her.
"At this point, I just do not understand what to do. The boy screamed, cougar growl somewhere nearby cried my daughter - it was awful. I just clenched his hands on the animal's neck stronger and stronger, and prayed that it opened his mouth and get away "- says Mark.
Mark prayers were heard and puma, releasing the child ran into the woods. Mark took the bleeding boy to the hospital, where he received medical treatment. Later, the child had to postpone another 12 plastic surgeries in the Lyceum and neck.
6. Noria Crete (Horia Cretan) (again, no photos, but this and many other videos on cases of this post is on youtube)
Office worker Noria Crete (Horia Cretan) analyzed the reports, when he heard screams coming from the building across the street. Looking out the window, he saw that one of the windows brings down the thick smoke. Noria says that nothing has to understand how to have ran across the road, and then climbed the fire escape to the apartment on fire. He climbed in through the open window, daredevil saw a man sitting in a chair, obviously in a state of shock. Pulling it out, Noria decided to check out the rest of the room enveloped in flames apartment. In one of the rooms he found a 4-year-old boy. Horia wrapped the baby miraculously survived in the shade and headed for the exit.
The only victims of this fire turned Horia that had burned hands.
The history of the incredible rescue of father and son was widely covered in the press and Horia for a few months became a real American hero. When he told his story on the TV show "Good Morning America" that made your girlfriend, who happily agreed to become his wife.
7. Otrey Wesley (Wesley Autrey)
In 2007, 50-year-old construction worker Wesley Otrey (Wesley Autrey) drove his daughters on the subway to school. A few minutes before the arrival of the train, one of the passengers - Hollopiter Cameron (Cameron Hollopeter) fainted and fell from the platform. Wesley realized that to stop approaching the composition he did not succeed, and ordered his daughters not to leave, jumped onto the tracks. He lay lyadom with Cameron and pressed his head to the ground. A minute later they flew over the composition. When the screams subsided witnesses of the tragedy of the car under Wesley's voice came: "Tell my girls that their dad is OK«.
After a few minutes rails were de-energized and the man pulled out from under the car. Wesley refused medical treatment, complained that soiled hat guy advised to eat better and took the arms of their weeping with happiness daughters, headed for the exit of the subway.
When rescued departed from the shock, then said that panicked when swept over his head and tried to get a train, but a number of people lying pinned him to the ground so that he could not move.
Journalists who tried to take Wesley interview, he advised not to suffer foolishness and not to inflate out of molehills, "I just saved a guy who probably waited at home parents. I hope that if, God forbid this happens to my children, there is a man who is not afraid to help them «.
8. Rev. Bennie Newton (Bennie Newton) (pictured Fidel Lopez (Fidel Lopez))
Rev. Bennie Newton (Bennie Newton) watched on TV live coverage of the race riots in the streets of Los Angeles, from which we learn that the gang of racist attacks on defenseless passers just a few blocks from his parish. Armed with the bible, Benny went to warn the lost souls: "God created us in his image and likeness, so to hate his neighbor - it's the same thing as hating God«.
By the time the Reverend arrived on the scene of unrest, a gang of thugs had already dealt with the truck driver Reginald Denny (Reginald Denny) (pictured left). As the next victim was chosen builder Fidel Lopez (Fidel Lopez). A man was dragged from his old car, robbed, beaten, stripped and painted from a container in the black. The culmination of the racist acts was to be cutting off the ears. At this point, waving his arms, ran to the sadists Benny blocked their way to the victim. A servant of God several times flings aside, but he repeatedly rose to his feet and stood up in the way of racists. "To kill him, you first have to kill me" - shouted with all his saint, clutching a bible.
Not wishing to communicate with the old madman, the bandits left Fidel alive. Before the arrival of the ambulance, Benny stayed with bleeding Fidel and prayed for his recovery and for the souls of his tormentors.
9. Skatnik Martin (Martin Scutnik)
Skatnik Martin (Martin Scutnik) was a low-level budget management in the United States (US Congressional Budget office). January 13, 1982, Martin was returning home from work in the evening, when witnessed the crash of Florida airlines. The plane, breaking ice, at an angle of 90 degrees entered the Potomac River. Only 6 of the 74 passengers survived the crash. Surfacing, they clung to the ice floes and towering out of the water tail of the aircraft. After 19 minutes (16:20) came to the scene of the accident helicopter was not equipped with a device for lifting aboard exhausted people and all they could do rescuers - throw the rope. It was a miracle for rescuers managed to climb aboard 4 people, completely exhausted when Patricia Tirado (Priscilla Tirado) began to sink. Watching the rescue operation, Martin threw his coat and rushed to her aid. He helped Patricia swim to shore, where they were already waiting medical team. At this time, rescuers lifted out of the water another woman - Duncan Kelly (Kelly Duncan), who missed the forward Ariandes Williams (Arland Williams). After a moment, the tail of the aircraft and keep him Ariandes disappeared under the water.
A month later, Ronald Reagan invited to take part daredevil presidential televised address to the nation, where he was given a place of honor next to the first lady.
10. Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yaks (Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax)
April 18, 2010 immigrant from Guatemala and just an ordinary bum Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yaks (Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax) stood on the street for a woman, which was attacked by a robber with a knife. In order to protect the person of a woman who did not want to part with their good, Hugo rushed to the robber and was stabbed in the stomach. The robber and his victim fled in different directions, leaving the hero bleed on the street. Daredevil died slowly and painfully, but to him because no one came to help.
This tragedy was filmed on CCTV cameras. The video captures the moment as Hugo falls on the sidewalk, after gets shot in the stomach. It may seem terrible, but what happens next may shock a normal person: by lying on the sidewalk men go passersby stopped only one "man" who decided to shoot a dead man on a mobile phone, while others simply look and giving way circumvent a puddle of blood. < br />
After watching this video, I can say that there is not even the worst murder, people from time immemorial were killing their own kind, and the indifference of passers-by, who are trying to ignore lying in a pool of blood. It is very sad to know that in this world every man for himself, and people like Hugo, who, in spite of the danger, ready to come to any help, just destroyed. There is a reasonable question, but was it worth Hugo risk their lives to save the woman?
As it is not sad to realize, but in this world, every man for himself, and even the loved one is unlikely to risk their lives
for the sake of embroider. But there are people who are knocked out of the common herd with overdeveloped sense of self-interest and self-preservation, that simply can not go past the man in need of assistance.
Many call them idiots, lunatics, and even heroes, but they say they are just people. Perhaps to be a man it means to help others? The question then becomes, who then we - the majority of the population of the planet Earth?

1. Victor Perez (Victor Perez)

29-year-old vintner Victor Perez (Victor Perez) was working in his garden when he heard a radio advertisement for the extra child abduction. A moment later the front of his house drove a car, according to the description coincides with the car thief. Do not hesitate a second, Victor jumped in his car and gave chase. Having caught up with the car the alleged kidnapper, he saw in the passenger seat of a crying girl. Casting aside doubts, Victor began to honk and yell as loud: "It's not your child. Let her go ... It's not your child. " After a couple of minutes of this obsessive pursuit thief pushed the girl out of the car and, having pressed the pedal to the gas disappeared around the bend. Victor Perez remained a frightened child until the police arrived.
A few hours later the California patrol detained and kidnapper. It turned out to Gregorio Gonzalez (Gregorio Gonzalez), who for several years had abducted children.
2. Skopnik Larry (Larry Skopnik)

10 years ago in an accident Skopnik Larry (Larry Skopnik) injured his back and was confined to a wheelchair. But this did not prevent him to stand up for the defenseless seller shop was attacked by a bandit.
When Larry saw the buyer received death threats store owner, he just could not stay away. "I could not just turn gray in the chair when my eyes healthy man began to threaten the fragile woman," I want to say that the inferiority of both physical and moral no excuse to stay away and do not come to the aid of the who needs you ».
Arrived in his wheelchair to the troublemakers, Larry tried to calm him down, but when the words had no effect, disabled thugs grabbed and threw it on the floor.
Larry Skopnik very embarrassed when he was named a hero, and said that the manifestation of humanity is very stupid to call heroism: "I believe that to help your neighbor does not have to be a hero and have some super-powers. Look at me - I'm chained to a chair and even if someone could cripple help, think of what you are capable of? »
In a few days Mr. Skopnik became a real Internet sensation. Thousands of people have written to him on Facebook, that are proud of the fact that these people live on the planet and are always ready to come to the rescue.
"I am very grateful to him - says the hostess store. - He did not hesitate to rush to my aid, even though that can not walk. He is my hero ».
3. Hasan Askari (Hasan Askari)

In celebration of Hanukkah Muslim teenager Hasan Askari (Hasan Askari) arrived by train in Brooklyn. Coming out of the car I saw a gang of thugs Hassan, surrounded by young Jewish couple. Fearing for the safety of the girls he pushed one of the goons and invited him to vent all their anger on him. Imbitsily crowd did not have to ask twice, and in a second 56-pound Hassan knocked to the ground and started kicking zapinyvat. At this time, the Jews were able to escape and call the police.
Hassan escaped with a concussion, a broken nose and bruises all over his body, despite this, he refused medical treatment, arguing the fact that he does not have health insurance.
4. Diret Julien (Julien Duret)

April 7, 2010 Diret Julien (Julien Duret) was walking with his girlfriend on the street South port stri, when he saw something fell into the water.
"At first I thought that someone just decided silly joke and dropped into the water a big doll, but when I ran closer, I saw a girl in the river floundering" - says Julien.
Despite the fact that he almost could not swim, Julien, without hesitation, threw his clothes on the ground and jumped into the icy water. Sailed on the dog to the girl, who by this time had lost consciousness and began to go under water, Julien lifted her head above water and kept afloat until the arrival of rescuers. When the Savior gave stiff body of the girl to her father, she opened her eyes.
Julien saw that with the baby all right, said the grateful father: "I was glad to help," and as if nothing had happened, continued his walk.
A few days later a modest hero who conquered the hearts of New Yorkers wanted the whole city already. Soon, Julien was found. Shy and nothing unremarkable French engineer gave only one interview in which he said: "No, I did not do anything like this before. I was impressed by people who were looking at what is happening and did nothing. I was not sure I could to save her, but I had to at least try to «.
5. Mark Peterson (Marc Patterson) (not found picture)

Mark Peterson (Marc Patterson) went camping with his family.
"When I set up the tents, to me with loud cries ran daughter. She was hysterical, and all that I understood from her words - is that someone on the shore of a mountain lion attacked "- says Mark.
He rushed headlong to the river, where he saw a boy to ride on the shore, desperately trying to hide his head clamped in the jaws of a cougar. Mark started to peel animal feet, but after five kicks realized that because a predator can not cope and crushing knees cougar to the ground, began to strangle her.
"At this point, I just do not understand what to do. The boy screamed, cougar growl somewhere nearby cried my daughter - it was awful. I just clenched his hands on the animal's neck stronger and stronger, and prayed that it opened his mouth and get away "- says Mark.
Mark prayers were heard and puma, releasing the child ran into the woods. Mark took the bleeding boy to the hospital, where he received medical treatment. Later, the child had to postpone another 12 plastic surgeries in the Lyceum and neck.
6. Noria Crete (Horia Cretan) (again, no photos, but this and many other videos on cases of this post is on youtube)

Office worker Noria Crete (Horia Cretan) analyzed the reports, when he heard screams coming from the building across the street. Looking out the window, he saw that one of the windows brings down the thick smoke. Noria says that nothing has to understand how to have ran across the road, and then climbed the fire escape to the apartment on fire. He climbed in through the open window, daredevil saw a man sitting in a chair, obviously in a state of shock. Pulling it out, Noria decided to check out the rest of the room enveloped in flames apartment. In one of the rooms he found a 4-year-old boy. Horia wrapped the baby miraculously survived in the shade and headed for the exit.
The only victims of this fire turned Horia that had burned hands.
The history of the incredible rescue of father and son was widely covered in the press and Horia for a few months became a real American hero. When he told his story on the TV show "Good Morning America" that made your girlfriend, who happily agreed to become his wife.
7. Otrey Wesley (Wesley Autrey)

In 2007, 50-year-old construction worker Wesley Otrey (Wesley Autrey) drove his daughters on the subway to school. A few minutes before the arrival of the train, one of the passengers - Hollopiter Cameron (Cameron Hollopeter) fainted and fell from the platform. Wesley realized that to stop approaching the composition he did not succeed, and ordered his daughters not to leave, jumped onto the tracks. He lay lyadom with Cameron and pressed his head to the ground. A minute later they flew over the composition. When the screams subsided witnesses of the tragedy of the car under Wesley's voice came: "Tell my girls that their dad is OK«.
After a few minutes rails were de-energized and the man pulled out from under the car. Wesley refused medical treatment, complained that soiled hat guy advised to eat better and took the arms of their weeping with happiness daughters, headed for the exit of the subway.
When rescued departed from the shock, then said that panicked when swept over his head and tried to get a train, but a number of people lying pinned him to the ground so that he could not move.
Journalists who tried to take Wesley interview, he advised not to suffer foolishness and not to inflate out of molehills, "I just saved a guy who probably waited at home parents. I hope that if, God forbid this happens to my children, there is a man who is not afraid to help them «.
8. Rev. Bennie Newton (Bennie Newton) (pictured Fidel Lopez (Fidel Lopez))

Rev. Bennie Newton (Bennie Newton) watched on TV live coverage of the race riots in the streets of Los Angeles, from which we learn that the gang of racist attacks on defenseless passers just a few blocks from his parish. Armed with the bible, Benny went to warn the lost souls: "God created us in his image and likeness, so to hate his neighbor - it's the same thing as hating God«.
By the time the Reverend arrived on the scene of unrest, a gang of thugs had already dealt with the truck driver Reginald Denny (Reginald Denny) (pictured left). As the next victim was chosen builder Fidel Lopez (Fidel Lopez). A man was dragged from his old car, robbed, beaten, stripped and painted from a container in the black. The culmination of the racist acts was to be cutting off the ears. At this point, waving his arms, ran to the sadists Benny blocked their way to the victim. A servant of God several times flings aside, but he repeatedly rose to his feet and stood up in the way of racists. "To kill him, you first have to kill me" - shouted with all his saint, clutching a bible.
Not wishing to communicate with the old madman, the bandits left Fidel alive. Before the arrival of the ambulance, Benny stayed with bleeding Fidel and prayed for his recovery and for the souls of his tormentors.
9. Skatnik Martin (Martin Scutnik)

Skatnik Martin (Martin Scutnik) was a low-level budget management in the United States (US Congressional Budget office). January 13, 1982, Martin was returning home from work in the evening, when witnessed the crash of Florida airlines. The plane, breaking ice, at an angle of 90 degrees entered the Potomac River. Only 6 of the 74 passengers survived the crash. Surfacing, they clung to the ice floes and towering out of the water tail of the aircraft. After 19 minutes (16:20) came to the scene of the accident helicopter was not equipped with a device for lifting aboard exhausted people and all they could do rescuers - throw the rope. It was a miracle for rescuers managed to climb aboard 4 people, completely exhausted when Patricia Tirado (Priscilla Tirado) began to sink. Watching the rescue operation, Martin threw his coat and rushed to her aid. He helped Patricia swim to shore, where they were already waiting medical team. At this time, rescuers lifted out of the water another woman - Duncan Kelly (Kelly Duncan), who missed the forward Ariandes Williams (Arland Williams). After a moment, the tail of the aircraft and keep him Ariandes disappeared under the water.
A month later, Ronald Reagan invited to take part daredevil presidential televised address to the nation, where he was given a place of honor next to the first lady.
10. Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yaks (Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax)

April 18, 2010 immigrant from Guatemala and just an ordinary bum Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yaks (Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax) stood on the street for a woman, which was attacked by a robber with a knife. In order to protect the person of a woman who did not want to part with their good, Hugo rushed to the robber and was stabbed in the stomach. The robber and his victim fled in different directions, leaving the hero bleed on the street. Daredevil died slowly and painfully, but to him because no one came to help.
This tragedy was filmed on CCTV cameras. The video captures the moment as Hugo falls on the sidewalk, after gets shot in the stomach. It may seem terrible, but what happens next may shock a normal person: by lying on the sidewalk men go passersby stopped only one "man" who decided to shoot a dead man on a mobile phone, while others simply look and giving way circumvent a puddle of blood. < br />
After watching this video, I can say that there is not even the worst murder, people from time immemorial were killing their own kind, and the indifference of passers-by, who are trying to ignore lying in a pool of blood. It is very sad to know that in this world every man for himself, and people like Hugo, who, in spite of the danger, ready to come to any help, just destroyed. There is a reasonable question, but was it worth Hugo risk their lives to save the woman?