Law "On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development"
With the onset of autumn will come into force the Law "On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development", adopted back in 2010. Among other things, the document commits to label each program with a special icon, which will specify the age at which it is calculated. There are five age groups: "0+" (for viewers under the age of 6 years), "6+" (6 years), "12+" (from 12 years), "16+" (from 16 years), "18+ " (adults only). No need to mark only the live broadcast.
On television, the Wolf of "Well, wait!" Crocodile Gena and forced to quit.
Decide who and what you can watch channels allowed by yourself. In complex situations can get help from the experts. Representatives of the channels claim that comply with the requirement of the law ready. But, according to unofficial data, "buttons" light reigns turmoil. A lot of nuances in the law, to decide which age group include a program or film is not so simple. For example, how to deal with, "Well, wait a minute!"? Generations grew up on the cartoon, and now like to show it as it is impossible - the wolf and then smokes! And Crocodile Gena - too! Only one way out: cut "incriminating" footage.
To show the children will be prohibited not only scenes that can cause suicide, drug use, but also, for example, can "cause a desire to engage in vagrancy, begging." So, will have to decide what to do with adventure for teenagers, where the characters run away from home. After all, it would be strange to label them "18+". On one channel, "just in case" has canceled the premiere of "dubious" of the program, the advertising of which was in the air.
Enforce the law instructed Roskomnadzor. It is expected that the agency will review and complaints of citizens. When asked how this would happen in practice, there is difficult to answer - regulations are not yet ready.
Icon design which develops each channel independently, according to the law must be placed in a corner of the frame and take no less than 5% of the screen. Details Ministry of Communications regulates the order: an icon will appear for 8 seconds at the beginning of the program and after each commercial break. Similar laws exist in many countries around the world. We have it will affect not only the TV - the icons will appear on tickets for theaters, magazines, video games, websites and so on. N.
All of the above can not be on the TV show from 4.00 to 23.00. Matt and porn banned around the clock. Exception - paid cable and satellite channels, which are necessary for receiving decoder.
Children under 6 years (0+) may well watch the scenes of violence (without unnecessary naturalism), but only if the triumph of good over evil. Under this limit fits the majority of Russian fairy tales, or, for example, the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" (if the cut scenes of smoking).
Children 6 - 11 years (6+) can already watch movies where the hero falls ill a short time (as in the cartoon "On the hippo who was afraid of vaccination") or die "non-violent". Valid even "anti-social activities" - provided that they are condemned.
Twelve (12+) in force, according to the developers of the law, to cope with the scenes where good always triumphs not (it seems many of Andersen's fairy tale fall precisely under this limit). But a victim should certainly regret and condemn violence. But you can not judge if someone got killed in order to protect the citizens (like the wolf in "Little Red Riding Hood" or a fairy tale "The Seven Little Kids"). You can even mention (but not show) drugs and cigarettes, but only if you have a negative attitude towards them.
Just an adult children (16+) is allowed to see the pictures of catastrophes, hear swearing (no mat). Finally allowed intimate scenes (but the couple must be heterosexual and that no scenes of a sexual nature). In our view, this category can include many youth series about love and, say, the film "Romeo and Juliet».
If the house parents can allow your child to stay at the screen when there is a transfer for the older, in cinemas, theaters and so on. N. Will have to obey the law: the controllers before entering the room will specify age. However, there is relief for the six-year - accompanied by an adult on their empty movie "12+".

On television, the Wolf of "Well, wait!" Crocodile Gena and forced to quit.

Decide who and what you can watch channels allowed by yourself. In complex situations can get help from the experts. Representatives of the channels claim that comply with the requirement of the law ready. But, according to unofficial data, "buttons" light reigns turmoil. A lot of nuances in the law, to decide which age group include a program or film is not so simple. For example, how to deal with, "Well, wait a minute!"? Generations grew up on the cartoon, and now like to show it as it is impossible - the wolf and then smokes! And Crocodile Gena - too! Only one way out: cut "incriminating" footage.

To show the children will be prohibited not only scenes that can cause suicide, drug use, but also, for example, can "cause a desire to engage in vagrancy, begging." So, will have to decide what to do with adventure for teenagers, where the characters run away from home. After all, it would be strange to label them "18+". On one channel, "just in case" has canceled the premiere of "dubious" of the program, the advertising of which was in the air.

Enforce the law instructed Roskomnadzor. It is expected that the agency will review and complaints of citizens. When asked how this would happen in practice, there is difficult to answer - regulations are not yet ready.

Icon design which develops each channel independently, according to the law must be placed in a corner of the frame and take no less than 5% of the screen. Details Ministry of Communications regulates the order: an icon will appear for 8 seconds at the beginning of the program and after each commercial break. Similar laws exist in many countries around the world. We have it will affect not only the TV - the icons will appear on tickets for theaters, magazines, video games, websites and so on. N.

All of the above can not be on the TV show from 4.00 to 23.00. Matt and porn banned around the clock. Exception - paid cable and satellite channels, which are necessary for receiving decoder.

Children under 6 years (0+) may well watch the scenes of violence (without unnecessary naturalism), but only if the triumph of good over evil. Under this limit fits the majority of Russian fairy tales, or, for example, the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" (if the cut scenes of smoking).
Children 6 - 11 years (6+) can already watch movies where the hero falls ill a short time (as in the cartoon "On the hippo who was afraid of vaccination") or die "non-violent". Valid even "anti-social activities" - provided that they are condemned.

Twelve (12+) in force, according to the developers of the law, to cope with the scenes where good always triumphs not (it seems many of Andersen's fairy tale fall precisely under this limit). But a victim should certainly regret and condemn violence. But you can not judge if someone got killed in order to protect the citizens (like the wolf in "Little Red Riding Hood" or a fairy tale "The Seven Little Kids"). You can even mention (but not show) drugs and cigarettes, but only if you have a negative attitude towards them.
Just an adult children (16+) is allowed to see the pictures of catastrophes, hear swearing (no mat). Finally allowed intimate scenes (but the couple must be heterosexual and that no scenes of a sexual nature). In our view, this category can include many youth series about love and, say, the film "Romeo and Juliet».

If the house parents can allow your child to stay at the screen when there is a transfer for the older, in cinemas, theaters and so on. N. Will have to obey the law: the controllers before entering the room will specify age. However, there is relief for the six-year - accompanied by an adult on their empty movie "12+".