Men to be easier because ...

1. Your phone call lasts 30 seconds.
2. In the movies more often show naked women.
3. For the week-long vacation you missing a suitcase.
4. Turn the toilet is shorter by 80%.
6. You yourself can open all the bottles.
7. Old friends do not care deeply for changes in your weight.
8. The shape of your priests is irrelevant for the job.
10. All your orgasms are real.
11. You do not need to always carry a whole bag of much-needed items.
12. Garage and TV remote - yours and only yours.
13. You do not need to shave anything that is below the neck.
14. If you are 34-year-old bachelor, no one pays attention to it.
15. All the problems are settled colors.
16. You think about sex 90% of the time, free from sleep.
17. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough to you.
18. You can remove the T-shirt if you're hot.
19. You do not care whether the surrounding notice your new haircut.
20. The whole month you have the same mood.
21. You never will go to another gas station because this - "nasty».
22. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
23. If another man appeared at the party dressed in the same way as you do, you can become the best of friends.