10 common mistakes in speech:
1. Wear pants or wear?
Hope I dress, put on her clothes.
!!! Wrong: dress pants
2. Borrow me or lend me?
I took my parents money,
And do not come back, because Slacker.
In the spring of each bike I borrowed,
And I did not live up to the summer.
!!! Wrong: entertain me, I borrowed (meaning "took a loan»)
3. Firefighter or fireman?
I put out the car trade,
Because I'm the fireman.
!!! Wrong: firefighter
4. According to what or according to what?
According to the imperial decree
Boyars knocked on the eye.
!!! Wrong: According to the decree
5. Mitino or in Mitin, rubble or rubble? (Vail whether place-names of Slavic origin, ending -ovo, -evo, -ino, -yno) *
Baba Luba (she lives in Mitin)
Called in-law of rubble at the tea party.
!!! Wrong: Mitino, of rubble
* If the phrase add a generic word ("City", "village"), place-name does not bow. Example: "in Mitino».
6. Contracts or contract?
We are not thieves, not thieves,
Signed agreements
!!! Wrong: contract
7. The sock or socks, stockings or tights?
I left her in pledge,
A couple of little blue stocking,
And immediately went to Pskov,
On the box of colored socks.
!!! Wrong: socks and stockings
8. Wednesday or Wednesday?
I do not advise you
Drunk on Wednesdays.
!!! Wrong: Wednesdays (weekdays)
9. Signature / painting
Mossad agents
Caught an Arab, an ambush.
Making on the facade of a Jewish house painting,
Arab put in the act of acceptance is not the signature.
!!! Wrong: put in the act of painting
10. At the same time / at the same time?
Just two said simultaneously:
"My dear, looks like I'm pregnant».
!!! Wrong: simultaneously