How not to worry over trifles

Frequent stress caused by trifles, often lead to unpleasant consequences. their sleep, the problem starts with the heart and nervous disorders, a person loses the rest, becomes irritable and he destroys his happiness, quarreling with close people and not performing their duties. Learn how not to get upset over small things, and life will become much easier.
Feature important things on trivia. Missing wallet - it is unpleasant, but not much more. It does not compare with the fire that destroyed the family property. Do not be discouraged because of the words spoken by strangers - like all is simply impossible, and probably offended you people very quickly forget about the spoken word so worth it to torment themselves in such a ridiculous about?
Learn to see the future is not bleak and frightening, and light. The fear that has not even happened and perhaps never will, irrational. For example, if a person is persuaded himself that his child will get into trouble, and advance upset about this, so he made doubly stupid act. Thinking about the bad, you attract him, and distressed, and spend more nerves because of their own imagination.
Take an unpleasant situation, if nothing you can do about it. Think about how important it is for you to be in five or ten years. Trivia, which afflict you, soon forgotten, but the damage caused by them, will remain forever. Think about it and try to understand that the unpleasant, but not too important things do not deserve your attention.
Understand that your feelings do not solve the problem. Let's say you lost your decoration or were refused on the interview results. Torturing yourself, you can not fix the situation, but can accelerate the occurrence of gastric ulcers or other unpleasant diseases. For the same reason it is not necessary to scroll in my head what happened and to reproach yourself for what you have done so, and not otherwise. What's done is done, and your task - to put up with it.
Learn how to turn off their emotions and look at the situation from the point of view of logic. Go in search of solution to the problem, rather than feelings about her appearance, otherwise you may miss out on your chance to improve the situation. Suppose a student pulled the exam ticket, which he does not know. Instead of getting upset about it and lose time on the mental anguish, it is better to try to calm down, to remember all that is known on a given topic, and try to build a response.