How to start enjoying life
“We are born screaming, we die moaning. All that remains is to live with laughter.” In fact, the miracles that happen around us are often completely invisible. But you should close your eyes to the troubles and start feeling every minute, without looking back enjoying the moment. Then you begin to understand how pleasant it is to enjoy the little things.
One charming woman named Evgenia Shustikova brought happiness from Israel! What kind of happiness is that? An invaluable ability to enjoy life here and now. I asked her, “What are you doing now?”
With a smile on her face, she replies, “Osim Haim!” I mean, "enjoying life." It was the first time I heard this uncomplicated expression from her. Its literal translation is “making life.” Editorial "Site" Tell your favorite readers how to learn. live here and nowIt’s like learning to enjoy every moment of every day.
Just imagine: Tel Aviv, heat, noon, a tiny coffee shop downtown. An elderly couple is sitting at the table. No, not even a couple, not a husband and wife, no. They're old friends. They chat admiringly, flirt a little, drink fragrant coffee.
Suddenly, their conversation ends with a phone call. Someone on the other end of the line asks the man, What are you doing? What are you doing now? And he responds with ease and dignity:Osim HaimWhat else?
He enjoys life and the present moment. He doesn't solve pressing problems, he doesn't hang out at work, he doesn't look for answers to eternal questions, no. He's just enjoying life right now! That wordplay bewitched me. I realized that I immediately wanted to learn this oshima. I will learn by myself, and then I will certainly teach all my friends and family!
Imagine feeding a horse an apple. Great animals, I was always afraid to approach them. One day I was lucky to visit the local stable. My friends persuaded me to take a scarlet apple and treat the divine creature.
And so, my knees tremble, and the playful horse opens its huge mouth with giant teeth and tenderly, only warm lips accepts the treat from my damp palm. At that moment, I lost my speech and cried. It's happiness!
By practicing the culture of life according to the rules of Oshim Haim, I learned a lot. I learned not to rush or rush others. I learned to enjoy drinking coffee in my favorite coffee shop, although it may not be the most delicious coffee in the city. What an audience!
There were many lessons, each of which He taught me to be happy.. Simple things... Reading a fascinating book, stroking green grass with fingertips on the lawn, cycling. Or homemade pies, when the whole kitchen is in flour, but it is a great pleasure and it is like having to clean and wash mountains of dishes. It's "osim chaim" to me.
How to start enjoying life
Every day we pass by our lives, remembering the past or tirelessly building the future. Every day we forget about the present. In such moments, we do not feel happy, and life becomes bland and dull. Try to enjoy every moment, listen to yourself and learn to focus on the moment. Be happy!
In 1967, at the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" was filmed the kindest cartoon called "Sea locomotive from Romashkov". A children's fairy tale that explains in 10 minutes why it is so important to slow down and enjoy the contemplation of simple things. When life begins to seem worthless and meaningless, you need to stop running into the unknown, postpone dreams and plans for later, save money for a rainy day, save smiles as if they can be wasted. To stop, as did the train, at first glance, naive, and if you think about it – very wise. Sometimes you need to watch a children's cartoon to be inspired and gain strength to turn your dreams into reality.
We are all very different, but I know for sure that it is very important to enjoy the little things like a child, just these little things for everyone. What does the phrase oshim chaim mean to you?

One charming woman named Evgenia Shustikova brought happiness from Israel! What kind of happiness is that? An invaluable ability to enjoy life here and now. I asked her, “What are you doing now?”
With a smile on her face, she replies, “Osim Haim!” I mean, "enjoying life." It was the first time I heard this uncomplicated expression from her. Its literal translation is “making life.” Editorial "Site" Tell your favorite readers how to learn. live here and nowIt’s like learning to enjoy every moment of every day.

Just imagine: Tel Aviv, heat, noon, a tiny coffee shop downtown. An elderly couple is sitting at the table. No, not even a couple, not a husband and wife, no. They're old friends. They chat admiringly, flirt a little, drink fragrant coffee.
Suddenly, their conversation ends with a phone call. Someone on the other end of the line asks the man, What are you doing? What are you doing now? And he responds with ease and dignity:Osim HaimWhat else?

He enjoys life and the present moment. He doesn't solve pressing problems, he doesn't hang out at work, he doesn't look for answers to eternal questions, no. He's just enjoying life right now! That wordplay bewitched me. I realized that I immediately wanted to learn this oshima. I will learn by myself, and then I will certainly teach all my friends and family!

Imagine feeding a horse an apple. Great animals, I was always afraid to approach them. One day I was lucky to visit the local stable. My friends persuaded me to take a scarlet apple and treat the divine creature.
And so, my knees tremble, and the playful horse opens its huge mouth with giant teeth and tenderly, only warm lips accepts the treat from my damp palm. At that moment, I lost my speech and cried. It's happiness!

By practicing the culture of life according to the rules of Oshim Haim, I learned a lot. I learned not to rush or rush others. I learned to enjoy drinking coffee in my favorite coffee shop, although it may not be the most delicious coffee in the city. What an audience!

There were many lessons, each of which He taught me to be happy.. Simple things... Reading a fascinating book, stroking green grass with fingertips on the lawn, cycling. Or homemade pies, when the whole kitchen is in flour, but it is a great pleasure and it is like having to clean and wash mountains of dishes. It's "osim chaim" to me.

How to start enjoying life
- Good books. Let yourself rest properly. Watching a movie in the evening is a good thing, but it does not compare with the benefits that a good book will bring. Especially if you highlight your favorite phrases that reflect your worldview, you can suddenly be inspired by interesting achievements. Books will never cease to be relevant: in the film we see the finished picture, the point of view of one person, the book gives food for the mind and imagination, develops thinking and creative perception of the world.
- Meditation. There is a lot of noise in our lives, sometimes it is not even immediately possible to understand what is annoying and does not allow you to concentrate. Meditation, albeit not according to all canons, but in silence, alone with yourself, will bear fruit. Namely: it will be possible to concentrate on exciting issues, anxiety and fuss will go away. A kind of reset is necessary for everyone.
- hobby A case in which all anxiety dissolves is more expensive than a boring basic job. Even half an hour spent at a favorite occupation, make a romantic, extraordinary personality out of a nerd, and just nerves calm. It is very important to have an outlet, which will allow you to come to your senses or just pause a fast life. Often knitting, reading, drawing, listening to music, we are visited by interesting ideas and life becomes a little more interesting. Not just us, but the people around us.
Every day we pass by our lives, remembering the past or tirelessly building the future. Every day we forget about the present. In such moments, we do not feel happy, and life becomes bland and dull. Try to enjoy every moment, listen to yourself and learn to focus on the moment. Be happy!
In 1967, at the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" was filmed the kindest cartoon called "Sea locomotive from Romashkov". A children's fairy tale that explains in 10 minutes why it is so important to slow down and enjoy the contemplation of simple things. When life begins to seem worthless and meaningless, you need to stop running into the unknown, postpone dreams and plans for later, save money for a rainy day, save smiles as if they can be wasted. To stop, as did the train, at first glance, naive, and if you think about it – very wise. Sometimes you need to watch a children's cartoon to be inspired and gain strength to turn your dreams into reality.
We are all very different, but I know for sure that it is very important to enjoy the little things like a child, just these little things for everyone. What does the phrase oshim chaim mean to you?