Defects stars
As mentioned earlier, not all stars all goes like clockwork. But some skillful disadvantages into advantages, make it their "chip", others simply do not pay attention, well, others - generally complex because of its defects!
The latter include the actress Tina Fey. His scar on his chin Tina tries to hide carefully with a thick layer of makeup, big-eyed at all long ago spotted, and many speaking about it, remember an external fault. When it comes to how to do, he appeared on the face of actress Fay very reluctant and vague answers to this question. So for sure, no one knows where he is. But is it worth it so worry about it? We can not say that the scar disfigures her, and a man who achieved such success should not worry on such trifles. But Tina is a woman, and that's it.
But cheerful Paris Hilton all for no nothing! She will try to use their own benefit, even a defect, because in contrast to Paris Fay special achievements in the film industry can not boast. She lowered "lazy" eyelid became chip Hilton. It is said that the eyelid droop may result in a failed plastic surgery or as a result of "abuse" of lenses. Well loves Paris blue lenses!
Despite advances in modern dentistry, Vanessa Paradis is in no hurry to get rid of shcherbinki between teeth. It became her hallmark, a kind of French charm.
Vanessa uses the feature and model activities.
And here is an honorary member of the Order of the British Empire Vasily Livanov, who gave us an unforgettable and incomparable image of Sherlock Holmes, was a specific unique voice who talks the most famous heroes of Soviet animation - Crocodile Gena, Carlson and boa, by chance, at what is not very pleasant. The director of the film "unsent letter" Mikhail Kalatozov decided to announce the winter scene on the street ... in the 40-degree cold. There was a very strong wind, poor actors tried to shout him, and Lebanon lost his voice.
And finally, the secret magnetic enchanting view of world cinema Cleopatra Elizabeth Taylor. Taylor differed unusually lush and thick eyelashes. On the film "Lassie comes home" Roddy McDowall, who starred with the then girl Elizabeth looked at her and said that in the face of too much makeup. After unsuccessful attempts to wash stylists Taylor revealed that on the eyelashes mascara was not in sight. And the thing is that the actress was born with a double row of eyelashes. Such a genetic mutation called distichiasis.
Photo: womenhairstylesdesign.com, wordpress.com.

The latter include the actress Tina Fey. His scar on his chin Tina tries to hide carefully with a thick layer of makeup, big-eyed at all long ago spotted, and many speaking about it, remember an external fault. When it comes to how to do, he appeared on the face of actress Fay very reluctant and vague answers to this question. So for sure, no one knows where he is. But is it worth it so worry about it? We can not say that the scar disfigures her, and a man who achieved such success should not worry on such trifles. But Tina is a woman, and that's it.

But cheerful Paris Hilton all for no nothing! She will try to use their own benefit, even a defect, because in contrast to Paris Fay special achievements in the film industry can not boast. She lowered "lazy" eyelid became chip Hilton. It is said that the eyelid droop may result in a failed plastic surgery or as a result of "abuse" of lenses. Well loves Paris blue lenses!

Despite advances in modern dentistry, Vanessa Paradis is in no hurry to get rid of shcherbinki between teeth. It became her hallmark, a kind of French charm.

Vanessa uses the feature and model activities.

And here is an honorary member of the Order of the British Empire Vasily Livanov, who gave us an unforgettable and incomparable image of Sherlock Holmes, was a specific unique voice who talks the most famous heroes of Soviet animation - Crocodile Gena, Carlson and boa, by chance, at what is not very pleasant. The director of the film "unsent letter" Mikhail Kalatozov decided to announce the winter scene on the street ... in the 40-degree cold. There was a very strong wind, poor actors tried to shout him, and Lebanon lost his voice.

And finally, the secret magnetic enchanting view of world cinema Cleopatra Elizabeth Taylor. Taylor differed unusually lush and thick eyelashes. On the film "Lassie comes home" Roddy McDowall, who starred with the then girl Elizabeth looked at her and said that in the face of too much makeup. After unsuccessful attempts to wash stylists Taylor revealed that on the eyelashes mascara was not in sight. And the thing is that the actress was born with a double row of eyelashes. Such a genetic mutation called distichiasis.

Photo: womenhairstylesdesign.com, wordpress.com.