Problems in life given to man for his spiritual development

Problems in life given to man for his spiritual development, that it is something fundamentally changed in their lives, become stronger, wiser, lighter, more independent, learned to think, to analyze, to exercise willpower to change their lifestyle. Cure selfishness and self-pity a person can only CAM through self-love through himself, with his own hands, because when a man loves himself, it is led by the heart, not the ego. Then he had no time to condemn and blame others. He will not waste your precious time and energy in vain.
If a man wants and pretend to be something, but it does not make any steps to get what you want, before you a true egoist, who spared themselves, thereby covering the laziness and helplessness. It turns out that it is necessary to deal with his selfishness, to make concrete steps to update themselves and their self-qualities of character, and stop feeling sorry for yourself, then a man and forces there, and will be positive, and the desired results will certainly be.
To do this, we need to develop openness to the adoption of new information, develop industry by understanding and applying it to themselves, to form self-love and share that love with the world, always be ready to change and are not afraid of difficulties, which only temper. Of course, this would require a revision of their life values, self-awareness man performing an important role in the universe.
Start living a full life, give yourself the right to be a person that is get your own personal experience, overcome their fears, change beliefs, achieve their desires and do not take yourself too seriously. Just live the present and know that your every decision will have consequences, pleasant or not, so we need to take responsibility for your thoughts, for your feelings and actions - for his life. And, most importantly, learn to accept yourself as you are, because you are unique and very important for the universe is such.
Selfishness will be desperate to resist such attempts updates, but commitment to spiritual development and painstaking "work on a" self-improvement of the qualities of character and lifestyle changes, will certainly give a positive result and will lead to the goal. Spiritually evolving and being updated, you accumulate in your soul love, nourish yourself with love and create a space of love around you, not pity and selfishness. Making the world a better and updated, you are making an invaluable contribution to the universe.