Secrets of the productivity of Nikola Tesla

About Nikola Tesla goes a huge number of legends. But one thing is certain - he was a great scholar, has long overtaken his time. His modus operandi is phenomenal: he could hardly sleep that is not reflected in its productivity. To understand whether his new invention to work, Tesla was quite easy to visualize it.
Here are some quotes that will help us understand the mystery of this great man.
"The action of even the tiny creatures leads to changes in the whole universe.»
"At a time when the inventor constructs a device to carry out immature idea, inevitably at the mercy of his thoughts about the details and imperfections mechanism. While engaged in corrections and alterations, he is distracted from his sight away the most important idea behind the original. The result can be achieved, but always at the cost of quality.
My method is different. I'm in no hurry to start practical work. When I was born the idea immediately begin to develop it in his mind: to change the design, improvement and mentally am submitting quote mechanism in motion. For me, absolutely does not matter, I manage my turbine in thought or test it in the studio. I did notice that broke her balance. Does not matter the type of mechanism, the result is the same. Thus, I can quickly develop and refine the concept without touching to anything.
When taking into account all the possible and conceivable development of the invention and shows no weaknesses, gives this final product of my thinking activity concrete form. I invented the device always works the way, in my view, it should work, and experience goes exactly as I had planned. In twenty years there have been no exception. Why should it be any different? »
"Intuition - it is something that is ahead of exact knowledge. Our brain has, without a doubt, a very sensitive nerve cells that allows to feel the truth, even when it is not available yet logical conclusions or other mental effort. »
The will
After reading the novel "Son of Aba" Nikola Tesla decided to start training your willpower. "At first it took a large internal efforts against the inclinations and desires, but over the years the contradictions smoothed, and finally my will and desire merged. These are they now, and this is the secret of success that I have achieved. These experiences are so closely linked to my discovery of the rotating magnetic field, as if they were an integral part thereof; without them I would never have invented the induction motor. »
"I'm absolutely exhausted, but I can not stop working. My experiments are so important, so beautiful, so amazing, that I could hardly tear myself away from them to eat. And when I try to sleep, all the time I think about them. I think that will continue until you drop dead. »
Physical strength
"At that time I pace yourself hard work and continuous reflections. He (we are talking about Mr. Szigeti, who, according to the scientist, had a phenomenal force) inspired me to think about the necessity of systematic exercise, and his proposal was accepted to train me with alacrity. We practiced every day, and I quickly gained strength. My spirit is also much appreciated, and when thoughts turn to the subject, to absorb all my attention, I was struck by the confidence of success. "