10 non-serious diet rules:

1. Food opponent's plate does not count! If no one saw you sneak a piece, then it has no calories.
2. If you eat standing up, the calories go to the legs and spent during walking.
3. Calories at parties are not considered as spent on communication and dancing.
4. Diet soda neutralizes the fats from burgers and cakes.
5. The sauce for the salad, as well as everything that is wrapped in lettuce, is not considered a high-calorie, because still we eat salad.
6. All the calories in chocolate is spent on brain activity, and ice cream is an antidepressant so - they are not potolsteesh.
7. All the food in the cinema does not contain calories, as is part of the fun, but not dinner.
8. Broken pieces of cookies is not high in calories, because Calories are just a whole cookie.
9. Products that you try during cooking, do not contain calories, as they are only in the final dish.
10. When you eat together, the number of calories divided by 2 if the three of us - 3, etc.
10 correct habits:
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