< A.Polyakov
Ninety-fourth year. I am a young couple of years ago, graduated from the Institute of professionals working in a Moscow company, was sent on a long trip in one southern city. The company rented me a budget kopeck piece, in the Khrushchev on the 5th floor, in the central market area. Rayonchik not the quietest, but the center. With work, I usually come back in the morning, such is the specificity was places where I worked and step over a couple of homeless people whiling away the night in the stairwell, was for me a way of life. Completing the picture are scattered throughout the floors of empty bottles, used syringes and condoms. I always tried as quickly as possible to skip this cesspool and be in his apartment. Sometimes a bunch of smelly rags requested a cigarette or a trifle, in these cases, I would add only a step, but at the time the request sounded strange and I stopped.
- You will not have caramel? - Me from dirty artificial fur looked grimy face. I suddenly felt very funny, well, no, I did not expect that someone in this chaos, I ask caramel.
- What's your name?
- Marina.
10 minutes later she was sitting in my bathroom. At that time I passed the trash all her things, just pulled out a dirty, oily stains in the passport. Golay Marina A., born in 1978. Picked up in the closet, something right out of their old belongings and Marinka an hour sitting in the kitchen, getting tangled in long sleeves, drank tea and talked about himself. She was a bomzhihoy. For almost a year wandered around the city without a roof over his head. She herself was out of a small village, his mother died, and his stepfather brought home a new family and Marinka just quietly survived. She leaned into the city, but to work on the early childhood never take. Spent the night at the station, and arrived at the local homeless people, to somehow survive. Well, twirled, in this environment to get better than to get out, booze, smoking, sleeping with anyone, thank God, like no bunks * Otik cost, hands, anyway, clean. I also tried to thank her in a known manner. But I refused. Firstly, Tiny, and secondly disdained, even after hours of soaking in the bath, the smell remained. Such a characteristic smell of mustiness as from the basement. And an open wound on his leg. Erg-Semitism all this of course did not add, but she was beautiful, very beautiful. To be honest, I just sat and admired. Groomed, without makeup, she was charming to delight even the pictures I have never met such nice people.
The next day, I bought her clothes for the first time, a toothbrush, a refrigerator filled, closed in the apartment and went to work. In general, slept and eaten off Marina week on the street do not come out. Has become even more beautiful wound on his leg almost delayed. And it turned out, it is not stupid, little knowing of course, but clever and witty. I did not want to part with it, would have left her to live, but I was married and his wife was soon to come.
Leave it on the street again, I also could not. Once attached, and even felt some responsibility. So I took her to an apartment, paid first, then took a job as a waitress, to his good friend. A little later, arranged in college for the evening. Went to her village school, where she studied, took a duplicate certificate, the benefit of an eight-year she graduated. Agreed with who should have paid.
It was interesting to see how grubby zamuhryshka turned into a normal person, like the ugly duckling turned, if not into a swan, then in quite charming and beautiful utenochka. I once asked her why she had asked caramel. To which she replied that she would like very sweet, but more than caramel, she did not even count. .Smeshno Funny ... and sad. Of course, we became lovers, I confess, could not resist, perhaps even in love. Anyway, I was happy. But everything comes to an end. So my trip was over, I had to return to Moscow. There were rivers of tears, my too little when nobody saw. But to give up everything, child, wife, job, prosperous life in the capital, the spirit is not enough. I left.
Left, not fully understanding what I am, a traitor or a benefactor. Yes, in principle, it does not matter. I still do not understand the main thing that I can not without it. I thought I could, but in the end, drop by drop, all my worries and sadness, anger and intolerance engendered in the family. I divorced three years later, after my return to Moscow.
Took leave and went to the city by the sea, I find, to fall at his feet and start a new life. Found by old friends, find out where he lives. Sat and waited. She has appeared with leading her by the arm a young bloke, probably her husband. I'm no expert, but probably because women look, the eighth month. I decided not to go, but could not. On the same day, the evening train went back.
Bridges were burned. But she was OK and it calms me down. Life went on as usual. Work, home, work. The more I met no one with whom could connect his life, he lived a bachelor, setting the stage for short novels, not letting anyone in his soul.
Time heals all, and going to the wonderful city by the sea, after nineteen years, just to rest, I vowed not to seek not to know anything about my caramel. Rest passed quickly, I honestly kept his word, without making any attempt to meet or even know anything about Marina. But it still happened, against my will. Going into the last day on the beach, I bought a local newspaper, but never before did not do it.
The comfort of a deck chair, I opened the newspaper and almost dropped her hands. The whole turn was a great article with photos, a very respected businessman, philanthropist, helping the homeless, the owner of a chain of restaurants and hotels Marina A. Golay. In the photos, she was amazing.
I knew I had to see it, otherwise I can not not eat, sleep, do not breathe. Having learned from the article, which is the flagship restaurant, I decided that there is sure to appear, at least, was a chance.
Ask the maitre d ', when the Marina A. I received the answer that will be, but when unknown. After a short order, I sat in the far corner and waited. His heart was beating like a jackhammer, I did not know how to act. She appeared in two hours, and pretty swift, grown-up, but for me is still the same small, defenseless girl, begging caramel.
The maitre d 'told her that her wait, she threw a quick glance at me, waved it like I see, now go up and began to consider the paper brought meter, apparently mistaking me for another correspondent or any vendor.
And I had to boil the brain, from its proximity from you soon and awareness of agony, whether I'm doing. Marinka, in turn, slowly, carefully studying the working paper, for which I was grateful. I called the waiter, paid off, asked for the book review recorded.
Waiter, get back a book, furtively glanced at her in surprise looked at me, smiled, and suffered a head waiter. That, in turn, read it, looked me over, shrugged and carried the book owner. I was heading for the exit. When he reached the door, he stopped and looked for the last time on my "difficult teenager." She listened to a meter that shows the place where I was sitting, opened the book and read: "You will not have candy?" I saw her flinch. Came out.
Caught a taxi at the entrance, sat in the back seat. Marinka ran out a minute later, she was crying. The driver turned and looked at me questioningly.
- Let's go! - Almost cried I- in the "red", then the station. Let's go!
Lump was in my throat. "Farewell caramel. Twice into the same river not enter. "

Ninety-fourth year. I am a young couple of years ago, graduated from the Institute of professionals working in a Moscow company, was sent on a long trip in one southern city. The company rented me a budget kopeck piece, in the Khrushchev on the 5th floor, in the central market area. Rayonchik not the quietest, but the center. With work, I usually come back in the morning, such is the specificity was places where I worked and step over a couple of homeless people whiling away the night in the stairwell, was for me a way of life. Completing the picture are scattered throughout the floors of empty bottles, used syringes and condoms. I always tried as quickly as possible to skip this cesspool and be in his apartment. Sometimes a bunch of smelly rags requested a cigarette or a trifle, in these cases, I would add only a step, but at the time the request sounded strange and I stopped.
- You will not have caramel? - Me from dirty artificial fur looked grimy face. I suddenly felt very funny, well, no, I did not expect that someone in this chaos, I ask caramel.
- What's your name?
- Marina.
10 minutes later she was sitting in my bathroom. At that time I passed the trash all her things, just pulled out a dirty, oily stains in the passport. Golay Marina A., born in 1978. Picked up in the closet, something right out of their old belongings and Marinka an hour sitting in the kitchen, getting tangled in long sleeves, drank tea and talked about himself. She was a bomzhihoy. For almost a year wandered around the city without a roof over his head. She herself was out of a small village, his mother died, and his stepfather brought home a new family and Marinka just quietly survived. She leaned into the city, but to work on the early childhood never take. Spent the night at the station, and arrived at the local homeless people, to somehow survive. Well, twirled, in this environment to get better than to get out, booze, smoking, sleeping with anyone, thank God, like no bunks * Otik cost, hands, anyway, clean. I also tried to thank her in a known manner. But I refused. Firstly, Tiny, and secondly disdained, even after hours of soaking in the bath, the smell remained. Such a characteristic smell of mustiness as from the basement. And an open wound on his leg. Erg-Semitism all this of course did not add, but she was beautiful, very beautiful. To be honest, I just sat and admired. Groomed, without makeup, she was charming to delight even the pictures I have never met such nice people.
The next day, I bought her clothes for the first time, a toothbrush, a refrigerator filled, closed in the apartment and went to work. In general, slept and eaten off Marina week on the street do not come out. Has become even more beautiful wound on his leg almost delayed. And it turned out, it is not stupid, little knowing of course, but clever and witty. I did not want to part with it, would have left her to live, but I was married and his wife was soon to come.
Leave it on the street again, I also could not. Once attached, and even felt some responsibility. So I took her to an apartment, paid first, then took a job as a waitress, to his good friend. A little later, arranged in college for the evening. Went to her village school, where she studied, took a duplicate certificate, the benefit of an eight-year she graduated. Agreed with who should have paid.
It was interesting to see how grubby zamuhryshka turned into a normal person, like the ugly duckling turned, if not into a swan, then in quite charming and beautiful utenochka. I once asked her why she had asked caramel. To which she replied that she would like very sweet, but more than caramel, she did not even count. .Smeshno Funny ... and sad. Of course, we became lovers, I confess, could not resist, perhaps even in love. Anyway, I was happy. But everything comes to an end. So my trip was over, I had to return to Moscow. There were rivers of tears, my too little when nobody saw. But to give up everything, child, wife, job, prosperous life in the capital, the spirit is not enough. I left.
Left, not fully understanding what I am, a traitor or a benefactor. Yes, in principle, it does not matter. I still do not understand the main thing that I can not without it. I thought I could, but in the end, drop by drop, all my worries and sadness, anger and intolerance engendered in the family. I divorced three years later, after my return to Moscow.
Took leave and went to the city by the sea, I find, to fall at his feet and start a new life. Found by old friends, find out where he lives. Sat and waited. She has appeared with leading her by the arm a young bloke, probably her husband. I'm no expert, but probably because women look, the eighth month. I decided not to go, but could not. On the same day, the evening train went back.
Bridges were burned. But she was OK and it calms me down. Life went on as usual. Work, home, work. The more I met no one with whom could connect his life, he lived a bachelor, setting the stage for short novels, not letting anyone in his soul.
Time heals all, and going to the wonderful city by the sea, after nineteen years, just to rest, I vowed not to seek not to know anything about my caramel. Rest passed quickly, I honestly kept his word, without making any attempt to meet or even know anything about Marina. But it still happened, against my will. Going into the last day on the beach, I bought a local newspaper, but never before did not do it.
The comfort of a deck chair, I opened the newspaper and almost dropped her hands. The whole turn was a great article with photos, a very respected businessman, philanthropist, helping the homeless, the owner of a chain of restaurants and hotels Marina A. Golay. In the photos, she was amazing.
I knew I had to see it, otherwise I can not not eat, sleep, do not breathe. Having learned from the article, which is the flagship restaurant, I decided that there is sure to appear, at least, was a chance.
Ask the maitre d ', when the Marina A. I received the answer that will be, but when unknown. After a short order, I sat in the far corner and waited. His heart was beating like a jackhammer, I did not know how to act. She appeared in two hours, and pretty swift, grown-up, but for me is still the same small, defenseless girl, begging caramel.
The maitre d 'told her that her wait, she threw a quick glance at me, waved it like I see, now go up and began to consider the paper brought meter, apparently mistaking me for another correspondent or any vendor.
And I had to boil the brain, from its proximity from you soon and awareness of agony, whether I'm doing. Marinka, in turn, slowly, carefully studying the working paper, for which I was grateful. I called the waiter, paid off, asked for the book review recorded.
Waiter, get back a book, furtively glanced at her in surprise looked at me, smiled, and suffered a head waiter. That, in turn, read it, looked me over, shrugged and carried the book owner. I was heading for the exit. When he reached the door, he stopped and looked for the last time on my "difficult teenager." She listened to a meter that shows the place where I was sitting, opened the book and read: "You will not have candy?" I saw her flinch. Came out.
Caught a taxi at the entrance, sat in the back seat. Marinka ran out a minute later, she was crying. The driver turned and looked at me questioningly.
- Let's go! - Almost cried I- in the "red", then the station. Let's go!
Lump was in my throat. "Farewell caramel. Twice into the same river not enter. "