Makeup was created to hide the shortcomings and emphasize the dignity of the person, but he can play with us a cruel joke. For example, I can remember a couple of cases, when my mejk not that that was a bad one, and leads to the washing of a global catastrophe (especially during school and college). However, to say nothing of us mere mortals, even if the celebrities are not immune from such failures. Only now I care about one issue: the star, which casts a spell over the way the whole team superprofessionals may appear on the red carpet with horror on his face.
If you think that Nicole Kidman's face fell into flour, she blew on baby powder, or, God forbid, has used a prohibited powder, it is not so. Nicole just wanted to look beautiful at the premiere of his musical "Nine," what is it and tried to help her make-up artists, generously priporoshit actress mineral face powder. But do not blame the workers ahead of time in an evil conspiracy. If you look at such a powder under ordinary light, everything looks like pretty well. But when she starts to camera flashes blikovat, leaving the face here are here are white marks.
The same fate befell and Uma Thurman.
Judging by the contented face Ashley Judd, and she has no idea what's going on with her makeup.
Drew Barrymore also has a weakness for light-reflecting particles. Or is this by design?
If the previous beauty learned about their failure only after the publication of newspaper circulation to their "snow-white" person, these ladies are too hurried to look at yourself in the mirror. With all my love to Eva Longoria, actress strongly namudrili with concealer. That's if she chose too light shade, then, whether it caused too much, but the result was, to put it mildly, not very.
The same trouble Carrie Underwood ...
... Selena Gomez and.
And here at the nuclear mixture of light concealer and bronzer (solarium?). I never knew Anna-Lynn McCord first.
Oversupply bronzer on the face and other parts of the body of sin many celebrities. A justification of all one thing: "I just wanted to look relaxed!". And it turned overdone. For example, Ketriz Zeta-Jones also wanted to remove from the face of fatigue using bronzer (like vacationing in the Caribbean). And here's the result.
A Michael Douglas, Catherine loves even this!
Sienna Miller have the same problem, but in the Caribbean only rested her cheek and nose.
And Lindsay Lohan was basking in the sun just a piece of the face between the nose and lips. It looks like dirt.
On the number of layers on the face tonalnika Kim Kardashian is already legendary. So what, but the skin looks perfect. From a distance.
And Jennifer Lopez, on the contrary, to get close to his dark skin tone is too light, and why some looks unhealthy.
Porcelain skin - is, of course, perfectly and gives the image of tenderness and sensuality. But the measure is necessary to know something. So Nicola Roberts spooky.
Here at Blake Lively perfect makeup - beautiful skin tone, sensual lips, long eyelashes. Only small pimples on the chest Blake decided to cover a light proofreader. The result - a strange spot on the lush breasts.
From the color of the face and body to the eye makeup. Lily Allen and she realized what he had done. See hiding from journalists ashamed. And just wanted to make his eyes shine.
Makeup Pamela Anderson always looks like a messy - smeared mouth, blurred eyes, these tiddly edge, which is not visible on the background of the eyes and lips. Pamela, you're a smart woman, so why to spoil yourself ?!
Well, no, it is the horror of some!
I always respected Leighton Meester for the courage in choosing clothes and make-up, but this mejk not worthy of any respect. Every woman should know: make-up, or to allocate only the eyes or lips. But not all at once.
The same applies to Kelly Osbourne.
I understand the desire of women to look beautiful, but why stick forever such webs ?!
Well, it does not reward you the nature of lush lashes grow neat cilia natural length. Although I am generally against all artificial - hair, nails, eyelashes.
Cher has repeatedly said that to do plastic surgery (yes there and say nothing it is necessary - and so everything is clear), but apparently she was tired to fill the pockets of plastic surgeons hard-earned money, and the singer resorted to cheaper way - tape. Yes, she pulled the wrinkles on the neck with adhesive tape. By the way, Cher is not the first who so transforms her appearance - she Marlene Dietrich "pull" his neck with tape.

If you think that Nicole Kidman's face fell into flour, she blew on baby powder, or, God forbid, has used a prohibited powder, it is not so. Nicole just wanted to look beautiful at the premiere of his musical "Nine," what is it and tried to help her make-up artists, generously priporoshit actress mineral face powder. But do not blame the workers ahead of time in an evil conspiracy. If you look at such a powder under ordinary light, everything looks like pretty well. But when she starts to camera flashes blikovat, leaving the face here are here are white marks.
The same fate befell and Uma Thurman.

Judging by the contented face Ashley Judd, and she has no idea what's going on with her makeup.

Drew Barrymore also has a weakness for light-reflecting particles. Or is this by design?

If the previous beauty learned about their failure only after the publication of newspaper circulation to their "snow-white" person, these ladies are too hurried to look at yourself in the mirror. With all my love to Eva Longoria, actress strongly namudrili with concealer. That's if she chose too light shade, then, whether it caused too much, but the result was, to put it mildly, not very.

The same trouble Carrie Underwood ...

... Selena Gomez and.

And here at the nuclear mixture of light concealer and bronzer (solarium?). I never knew Anna-Lynn McCord first.
Oversupply bronzer on the face and other parts of the body of sin many celebrities. A justification of all one thing: "I just wanted to look relaxed!". And it turned overdone. For example, Ketriz Zeta-Jones also wanted to remove from the face of fatigue using bronzer (like vacationing in the Caribbean). And here's the result.

A Michael Douglas, Catherine loves even this!

Sienna Miller have the same problem, but in the Caribbean only rested her cheek and nose.

And Lindsay Lohan was basking in the sun just a piece of the face between the nose and lips. It looks like dirt.
On the number of layers on the face tonalnika Kim Kardashian is already legendary. So what, but the skin looks perfect. From a distance.

And Jennifer Lopez, on the contrary, to get close to his dark skin tone is too light, and why some looks unhealthy.

Porcelain skin - is, of course, perfectly and gives the image of tenderness and sensuality. But the measure is necessary to know something. So Nicola Roberts spooky.
Here at Blake Lively perfect makeup - beautiful skin tone, sensual lips, long eyelashes. Only small pimples on the chest Blake decided to cover a light proofreader. The result - a strange spot on the lush breasts.

From the color of the face and body to the eye makeup. Lily Allen and she realized what he had done. See hiding from journalists ashamed. And just wanted to make his eyes shine.

Makeup Pamela Anderson always looks like a messy - smeared mouth, blurred eyes, these tiddly edge, which is not visible on the background of the eyes and lips. Pamela, you're a smart woman, so why to spoil yourself ?!

Well, no, it is the horror of some!

I always respected Leighton Meester for the courage in choosing clothes and make-up, but this mejk not worthy of any respect. Every woman should know: make-up, or to allocate only the eyes or lips. But not all at once.

The same applies to Kelly Osbourne.
I understand the desire of women to look beautiful, but why stick forever such webs ?!

Well, it does not reward you the nature of lush lashes grow neat cilia natural length. Although I am generally against all artificial - hair, nails, eyelashes.

Cher has repeatedly said that to do plastic surgery (yes there and say nothing it is necessary - and so everything is clear), but apparently she was tired to fill the pockets of plastic surgeons hard-earned money, and the singer resorted to cheaper way - tape. Yes, she pulled the wrinkles on the neck with adhesive tape. By the way, Cher is not the first who so transforms her appearance - she Marlene Dietrich "pull" his neck with tape.