Quotes Brody
He can play any character, his talent and bright appearance contribute to this with great force. Many believe Adrien Brody unattractive man, based on standard notions of male beauty, but also as that of Vincent Cassel at this actor can learn a lot prettier colleagues. His sad eyes and a piercing look, his smooth movements and emotional content of each scenario words evaluated not only in America and France, handed Adrian "Oscar" and, accordingly, "César" for his role in the film "The Pianist", but also in other countries, where he is known as the most talented of the actors. His films are almost always pays off, because look at the game of the 39-year-old American is always interesting. Brody admits that always takes on the role, challenged him, and that is why he has starred in such films as "jacket", "experiment" and "Jala". Adrian works at the Stanislavsky system that Russian actors should take note. Although they are Russian, but work on this method are not able to ...
As a child I was mad, naughty and always lied. Perhaps that is why I became an actor. Other explanation I have.
By the way, to his personal life, it is on this front have Adrian as there are no problems. He was credited with a lot of novels, for example, with Keira Knightley and Halle Berry, but a serious relationship with actor tied only current wife Elsa Pataky Chris Hemsworth. She was even engaged to Adrian, but still prefer Brody young and beautiful Australian. But Adrian is not too upset, because his relationship with Lara Leito in the midst of (the paparazzi recently managed to make some juicy shots, one of which you will find in the post).
People little know me, they know only my work.
Being a star is not so cool, but some of the benefits are still there. For example, you can not cut from the film during installation.
Oscar made me famous, and not 17 years of work in film. But Oscar does not change your life. It only changes people and the life around. Just after that you are no longer able to remain the same, because everything around you has changed.
Before becoming an actor, I was a simple man from the working quarters in Queens (one of the five boroughs of New York). By and large, if we ignore some insignificant little things to them I stayed.
When I was awarded an Oscar for "The Pianist," I was on the other side of the world - we just filmed "King Kong" in New Zealand. In short, somewhere out there, the ocean, I was awarded an Oscar, and I was lying on the hotel bed naked and ate a hamburger. In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to get a reward.
I do not like Hollywood. Everything you hear it - is, "Oh, what do you prefer in clothing? Oh, you look wonderful! Oh, and you know so and so? I used to be handsome, but now they face, and some asshole ».
I like to keep secrets. As long as it does not cause inconvenience to someone, it's funny.
I'll tell you a secret: Sean Penn may behave like a real bastard, if he does not like the way you work.
I like working with Polanski. He's a fucking genius. All he has, comes from his personal experience. Sometimes I think it is something like a superman - because to make as much as he ordered, the strength is not for everyone. And he's ready for anything. I remember an episode on the set of "The Pianist." I had to jump out the window. At the bottom of the life safety mat. I hesitated: "Damn, someone has tried to jump through that window?" Mark shook his head. "What, no one jumped?" - I asked. Then Polanski picked up and leaped out the window. Already from the bottom, he shouted: "Well, someone has tried. Now it's your turn! "I jumped. I remember great dolbanuli skinned face and ribs. And though that Polanski. Even the pants are not squeezed.
I often think about that someday I'll show you, "King Kong" to his grandchildren. Maybe I'll tell them, "Look, what I was cool! See how tough was your grandfather when he fled through the jungle. " And grandchildren, I suppose, say, "Oh, shit some».
The most amazing trip - the ones that you do not as a tourist.
After filming "Train to Darjeeling," which took place in India, I became a different attitude to the cows. Probably a hundred times I have witnessed the following picture: the train for no apparent reason stopped, we all fell out to see what happened and saw a cow on the tracks. These cows were particularly stubborn and did not want to go to the tracks. But the Indians did not want to bother them too much. And then we talked about it to the cows, "Pshla, pshla!" And the cows reason to listen to us.
The key word in today's world - it is the word "fear." Look at what we have become manageable in the face of fear. Leaders at all levels - whether it be a city or an entire country - use fear to control us. Fear eats us with guts. And we are increasingly adapting to living in constant fear. Fear of terrorism, fear, poverty, and fear of the unknown.
To feel the harmony, you need to go through a lot of things - bad, good, pain, joy. It is necessary to meet many different people - deprived, the downtrodden, the homeless, the mentally ill - and to learn compassion for them. Of course, all this sounds like a worthless pennies sermon, but life really is arranged so.
I love the uncertainty. Because life is full of uncertainty. Things are full of uncertainty, people are full of uncertainties, full of uncertainty judgments. I like it all - just because it's cool.
We live in a difficult time. Going to the cinema for the premiere, people already know all about the movie. Thank for this you need advertising, Internet, TV, all this crap. People sit in a dark theater room and watch a movie that could not watch because they know everything about it. I think about how we Raleigh * the feeling of a thriller.
Today it is very difficult to go to the movies and do not feel overfed to vomiting. We're watching a movie every day. And so it's hard not to glut oneself.
I have never felt so good as in the moment when we staged in Cannes 18-minute standing ovation.
Cool to be sarcastic, cool to be sarcastic. I'll be serious and important.
I'm not a great actor. I think the great people who know how to be sincere, even when he hated the role or character. These actors can sit in front of the camera and be complete nonsense, but you will always believe them.
There is a saying: do not believe the praise. I do not believe it.
Once, I almost went to cow * operator. In India, I bought a motorcycle - we traveled with a girlfriend like hell. Once I raced along the narrow road. In front rode a tuk-tuk (three-wheeled auto-rickshaw). I clung to the side of the road to overtake him and then suddenly saw a cow. She looked at me with his honest cow eyes. I pressed the brake, flew out of the saddle, flew over the handlebars and flew headfirst right into the cow's ass. But the cow dodged, and I fell on the asphalt. I remember I was lying and thought: Damn, what could be funny death.
As a child I was mad, naughty and always lied. Perhaps that is why I became an actor. Other explanation I have.

By the way, to his personal life, it is on this front have Adrian as there are no problems. He was credited with a lot of novels, for example, with Keira Knightley and Halle Berry, but a serious relationship with actor tied only current wife Elsa Pataky Chris Hemsworth. She was even engaged to Adrian, but still prefer Brody young and beautiful Australian. But Adrian is not too upset, because his relationship with Lara Leito in the midst of (the paparazzi recently managed to make some juicy shots, one of which you will find in the post).
People little know me, they know only my work.
Being a star is not so cool, but some of the benefits are still there. For example, you can not cut from the film during installation.
Oscar made me famous, and not 17 years of work in film. But Oscar does not change your life. It only changes people and the life around. Just after that you are no longer able to remain the same, because everything around you has changed.

Before becoming an actor, I was a simple man from the working quarters in Queens (one of the five boroughs of New York). By and large, if we ignore some insignificant little things to them I stayed.
When I was awarded an Oscar for "The Pianist," I was on the other side of the world - we just filmed "King Kong" in New Zealand. In short, somewhere out there, the ocean, I was awarded an Oscar, and I was lying on the hotel bed naked and ate a hamburger. In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to get a reward.
I do not like Hollywood. Everything you hear it - is, "Oh, what do you prefer in clothing? Oh, you look wonderful! Oh, and you know so and so? I used to be handsome, but now they face, and some asshole ».

I like to keep secrets. As long as it does not cause inconvenience to someone, it's funny.
I'll tell you a secret: Sean Penn may behave like a real bastard, if he does not like the way you work.
I like working with Polanski. He's a fucking genius. All he has, comes from his personal experience. Sometimes I think it is something like a superman - because to make as much as he ordered, the strength is not for everyone. And he's ready for anything. I remember an episode on the set of "The Pianist." I had to jump out the window. At the bottom of the life safety mat. I hesitated: "Damn, someone has tried to jump through that window?" Mark shook his head. "What, no one jumped?" - I asked. Then Polanski picked up and leaped out the window. Already from the bottom, he shouted: "Well, someone has tried. Now it's your turn! "I jumped. I remember great dolbanuli skinned face and ribs. And though that Polanski. Even the pants are not squeezed.

I often think about that someday I'll show you, "King Kong" to his grandchildren. Maybe I'll tell them, "Look, what I was cool! See how tough was your grandfather when he fled through the jungle. " And grandchildren, I suppose, say, "Oh, shit some».
The most amazing trip - the ones that you do not as a tourist.
After filming "Train to Darjeeling," which took place in India, I became a different attitude to the cows. Probably a hundred times I have witnessed the following picture: the train for no apparent reason stopped, we all fell out to see what happened and saw a cow on the tracks. These cows were particularly stubborn and did not want to go to the tracks. But the Indians did not want to bother them too much. And then we talked about it to the cows, "Pshla, pshla!" And the cows reason to listen to us.

The key word in today's world - it is the word "fear." Look at what we have become manageable in the face of fear. Leaders at all levels - whether it be a city or an entire country - use fear to control us. Fear eats us with guts. And we are increasingly adapting to living in constant fear. Fear of terrorism, fear, poverty, and fear of the unknown.
To feel the harmony, you need to go through a lot of things - bad, good, pain, joy. It is necessary to meet many different people - deprived, the downtrodden, the homeless, the mentally ill - and to learn compassion for them. Of course, all this sounds like a worthless pennies sermon, but life really is arranged so.

I love the uncertainty. Because life is full of uncertainty. Things are full of uncertainty, people are full of uncertainties, full of uncertainty judgments. I like it all - just because it's cool.
We live in a difficult time. Going to the cinema for the premiere, people already know all about the movie. Thank for this you need advertising, Internet, TV, all this crap. People sit in a dark theater room and watch a movie that could not watch because they know everything about it. I think about how we Raleigh * the feeling of a thriller.

Today it is very difficult to go to the movies and do not feel overfed to vomiting. We're watching a movie every day. And so it's hard not to glut oneself.
I have never felt so good as in the moment when we staged in Cannes 18-minute standing ovation.

Cool to be sarcastic, cool to be sarcastic. I'll be serious and important.
I'm not a great actor. I think the great people who know how to be sincere, even when he hated the role or character. These actors can sit in front of the camera and be complete nonsense, but you will always believe them.

There is a saying: do not believe the praise. I do not believe it.
Once, I almost went to cow * operator. In India, I bought a motorcycle - we traveled with a girlfriend like hell. Once I raced along the narrow road. In front rode a tuk-tuk (three-wheeled auto-rickshaw). I clung to the side of the road to overtake him and then suddenly saw a cow. She looked at me with his honest cow eyes. I pressed the brake, flew out of the saddle, flew over the handlebars and flew headfirst right into the cow's ass. But the cow dodged, and I fell on the asphalt. I remember I was lying and thought: Damn, what could be funny death.