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What sacrifices are actors for movie roles

Jim Carrey
During filming biopic (biographical film), "Man on the Moon", about the life and death of the famous comedian Andy Kaufman, Jim Carrey refused to leave the role to complete work on all scenes. So, Kerry did not react, if someone spoke to him differently than "Andy" or "Tony" (Tony Clifton - the alter ego of Kaufman), while filming an episode where the character Carrie had to deal with heinous third-singer Jim planted in his pocket a piece of the actor playing him very fragrant cheese, to the horror of the screen look more realistic conversation.
In the film "Man on the Moon" is a very convincing quarrel between Kaufman and comedian wrestler Jerry Lawler. Crazy on the desire to experience the same feelings as Andy, Kerry tried to instigate Lawler (in the film he plays himself) put him in the same reception, after which the real Kaufman lain for three days in the hospital. When the fighter told this to the heads of the crew, they certainly were furious - not enough even to hit the leading man in intensive care! In the course of explaining in a raised voice between the creators of the picture, Lawler and Kerry last request was denied and angered fighter comedian relish spat in the face. Scuffle, Lawler fired, then took back and he still took part in the film. The scene depicting a sensational interview with assault and battery definitely a success - the fighter could not hold back emotions, and Jim got a real slap in the face.

Daniel Day-Lewis
The methods used by Daniel Day-Lewis, to feel the role is quite extravagant - many colleagues in the actor's craft consider him something of a madman, but one way or another, the master knows his hypocrisy - evidence that the two statues "Oscar" and other prestigious actor's award.
The role in the movie "My Left Foot", where Day-Lewis playing the paralyzed artist Christy Brown was given actor is particularly difficult - in preparation for filming, he spent much time in a clinic for people with disabilities to better understand the features of their behavior, and in the course of work on the role of the image did not come out and did not get out of the wheelchair, even outside the set. At one time it was rumored that because of the constant sitting in a chair, Daniel broke two ribs, but later the actor has denied them. The result of such a selfless attitude to work was the first "Oscar" for Best Actor.
Another example of meticulous Daniel empathy to the image - one of the main characters of the film adaptation of the novel "The Last of the Mohicans." To his character, a hunter and tracker Hawkeye was more believable as possible, Day-Lewis for some time alone was in the Arizona desert. The actor tried to live just like his hero - traveled, slept under the open sky and ate only one meal, which managed to collect or shoot.
For the role of Abraham Lincoln. Daniel went at least responsible - he was preparing for a year, and during filming insisted that everyone, including director Steven Spielberg has always addressed him as "Mr. President" He also avoided talking with the British, who participated in the filming, not to lose at home to a British accent. The movie "Lincoln" Daniel prinёc second "Oscar" for the best part, so that when all the unusual creativity Day-Lewis, something in him there.

Christian Bale
Another actor-workers who have to overcome themselves to meet the expectations of the audience - Christian Bale. Before the start of filming the movie "The Machinist" Bale literally had to sweat - the actor dropped about 25 kg, and not at the request of the director, and on their own initiative.
Before beginning work on the role of Christian weighed about 74 kg, for its growth is a normal body weight. After meeting with a medical crew of the actor he decided that Trevor Reznik (the main character) will look better if it reset "extra weight". Bale limited his daily ration of one jar of canned tuna and an apple, leaving him in a relatively short period of time managed to lose a quarter of a hundredweight. Christian was going to lose weight, and further, but was dissuaded doctors fear it could damage his health.
Less than five months after the end of filming "The Machinist" Bale once again had to change their eating habits, this time - in the direction of high-calorie food: for the title role in the film "Batman Begins," it was necessary to gain its former weight and in addition, another 15 kg on. Of course, Christian coped with this task as "excellent».

Heath Ledger
One of the main roles in the film "The Dark Knight" Heath Ledger played, and even though he got angry anti-hero of the Joker, the actor approached the role with the utmost seriousness, however, it is believed that it cost him his life.
Preparing for the role, Ledger within a month all day sat in a hotel room, creating a diary, which could lead Joker. Ledger pasted in a notebook comic clippings with Batman, scenes from the film by Stanley Kubrick "A Clockwork Orange", playing cards and painted clowns, wrote various delusional phrases - Heath seemed that way he will be able to merge together with his character-a psychopath.
After the infamous shooting incident at the premiere of "The Dark Knight," Ledger told reporters that in the course of working on the film "slept two hours a night," because he had to play a "psychopathic killer, a ruthless madman clown." The actor admitted that the Joker is so deeply penetrated his brain that he "could not stop thinking - even when the body is mortally tired head continued to work».
Doctors believe that the beginning of the next shooting after "Dark Knight" movie Heath Ledger was physically and mentally exhausted, he was haunted by chronic insomnia, in addition, the actor was suffering from pneumonia and malnutrition. Hit interrupted shooting and returned to New York in order to improve their health, but soon he was found dead in his New York apartment - according to the official version, the cause of death was an overdose of potent drugs.

Rooney Mara
When Rooney Mara won the role of a hacker Lisbeth Salander in the film "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," the actress was completely unfamiliar with piercings - she did not even have pierced ears. According to Rooney, it was necessary to make a few punctures in order to better understand the nature of his character.
Actress pierced lip, nose, ears and nipples as she later admitted, it really helped her, "Going through it all - abundant makeup, tattoos and piercings, I began to feel dressed, even being completely naked».

Choi Min-sik
Although the Korean Choi Min-sik is not as popular among the general public as the other actors of this collection, it is no less selflessly devoted to his craft - to take at least his work on the role in the thriller "Oldboy».
In the story, a picture, a man named Oh Dae-Su after a 15-year prison sentence comes to freedom, to take revenge on his enemies. Each year, conducted by in jail, the man says, doing on my skin "serifs" red-hot wire. To know the pain and despair of his hero, Choi Min-sik take after take in good faith zhёg himself, though the director and other members of the shooting process repeatedly offered him to take off the episode with the help of makeup and special effects. When working on another episode in which O Dae-soo eats at the restaurant live octopus, the actor also held strict realism - in the course of four doubles he had to eat four octopuses, while before every meal he prayed and asked forgiveness for the murder - Choi Min-sik Buddhist so it is very sensitive to all living beings.

Robert De Niro
Long before participation in an easy passage comedy "Meet the Fockers," starring Robert De Niro had to play characters that were given to him is not easy, as the role of the father, and in combination - a retired CIA officer.
Before playing Vito Corleone in the second part of the film adaptation of the famous novel by Mario Puzo, Robert De Niro a few months he lived in Sicily, exploring the Sicilian dialect and soaking up the cultural characteristics of the inhabitants of the island - some of their traits he so well embodied in the character of Vito, his work has been " Oscar "for Best Supporting Actor.
For the role of boxer Jake LaMotta in the movie "Raging Bull" Robert scored about 24 kg, in addition, he had to take some boxing lessons at the very Lamotte. Because of the weight gained the actor had difficulty breathing, resulting in director Martin Scorsese stopped shooting to De Niro could restore health. Gym boxing were not in vain - work in the "Bull" brought him "Oscar" for Best Actor.
In preparation for the "taxi driver" De Niro learned the rights and contrived in between filming (at that time he was busy in the film by Bernardo Bertolucci to fly from Rome to New York to enough to travel on the streets of his native city, live in the role.
The role of a sociopath Max Cady (the film "Cape Fear") demanded that De Niro is not even self-sacrifice, and a kind of sacrifice - the actor insisted on surgery to change the shape of the teeth, but it was enough to take advantage of special prostheses ... The list of examples of professional courage of Robert De Niro can continue almost indefinitely.

Al Pacino
The legendary Al Pacino always distinguished with thorough approach to the characters - great actor sometimes so immersed in the role that he forgets about everything. Rumor has it that in the process of working on the film "Serpico", where Al Pacino plays the role of a police undercover agent, with the actor there was a funny story: once in his spare shooting while he was driving in his car and suddenly noticed that the exhaust pipe was riding ahead truck released clot smoke. Apparently, the actor has forgotten to log out of the role, because he behaved like a real Serpico - pulled the driver out of the cab of the truck and tried to arrest.
On the set of the film "Scent of a Woman" Al Pacino also excelled - he has repeatedly said that so get used to the image of a blind retired military, which ceased to be. A few weeks after the end of filming, Chris O'Donnell (Chris O'Donnell), who played one of the main roles of Al Pacino received a note of congratulation: "I have not seen you, but I know - you were great».

Adrien Brody
Excellent, largely autobiographical film by Roman Polanski is one of the main successes of the director, not least thanks to the incredible game actors and, in particular - Adrien Brody.
To transform into Wladyslaw Szpilman, the pianist who survived the horrors of the Warsaw ghetto, Brody before leaving for shooting in Europe ceased to communicate with his lover, Relocate and renounced most of his possessions, including a car - both later claimed the actor, so it is easier to understand thinking man who has lost his family and home. In preparation for the role of Brody, at the insistence of Polanski, at least four hours a day I practiced the piano and the beginning of the shooting he was able to briefly play excerpts from Chopin. The final chord was the reincarnation of weight loss - the actor lost weight to 52 kg, in order to understand what had fasted ghetto. "Before, I did not know what it means to experience real hunger. I could portray sadness, grief - all this I felt before, but hunger, despair giving birth, was previously unknown to me "- admits the actor.

Source: www.publy.ru