Hollywood actors who have changed their body for movie roles
For a stellar role, the actor is ready for anything. Even sacrifice himself - or rather, his own body. Indeed, sometimes, to get coveted role, he had to change himself unrecognizable, but still in a very short time
Chris Hemsworth -. Thor
To gain figure of the young god -priyatno and flatters vanity. But the horror of the situation is that in between filming the two parts of the "Thor" Hemsworth also starred in the film "Race", where he played the champion of "Formula 1" James Hunt - a young man of subtle body. Therefore, Hemsworth had to round up the weight, then re-type it. Before filming "Thor" he was eating, without stopping, and every day for a long time engaged in strength training. When it came to the turn of "Racing", he switched to starvation and endless cardio. And then - again, "Thor" and huge amounts of food. Hemsworth himself later Nazal that his experience "very unpleasant».
Jack Gyllenhaal - "Lefty»
For the role of a boxer Billy Hope slender Dzhillenhollu had not only how to be pumped up, but also learn the basic techniques of boxing, which he absolutely did not know anything. In training, he had only five months, so it had to work at a pace. The daily schedule of the actor training in the twenty weeks, included, in particular, in 2000 the body rises daily, seven days a week. But just look at these cubes press!
Adrien Brody - "Predator»
For the filming of the remake of the old box office hits with Arnold Schwarzenegger starring Adrian Brody, like it or not, had to at least try to match the Iron Arnie. That was not easy. Before filming the actor had in a very short time to build up about 15 pounds of muscle. But that was not all. To feel the role, at the time of the shooting Brody abandoned hotel, is located in a secluded house in the middle of the jungle. "I have lived in isolation and read books at night and survival guide for the special units of the army" - he recalls. Sorry, but all these efforts have virtually wasted - a new "Predator" failed at the box office
John Krasinski - "13 hours: undercover soldiers of Benghazi»)
Before shooting the film "13 hours" lean John Krasinski had 4 months to become a real Marine. He honorably coped with the task. If, before the start of training his body contained 26% fat, by the beginning of filming, this figure had fallen to 5%. However, for this, John had to attend two full fitness exercise a day, five days a week. And I must say, the result of many would envy.
Hugh Jackman - "X-Men»
Hugh Jackman stars as Wolverine is not the first year, and it would seem, it should be easy to keep fit. But do not jump to conclusions! The fact is that in his free time shooting Jackman plays in musical productions on Broadway, in which the muscles of the chest for him - only a hindrance. "A dancer can not be like a bodybuilder, as appropriate muscles he just did not need," - he explains. So whenever it is necessary to re-produce himself in shape before the shooting "X-Men". "When I have to shoot a scene with naked torso, I begin to prepare for this month. Every day - training, and 36 hours before the start of filming - a thorough dehydration. " Well, the actor is clearly better mastering process: just compare his first appearance as Wolverine in 2000 with the shots taken one and a half decades later
Mel Gibson - "The Expendables 3»
It is impossible to believe that these two photographs - one and the same person with a difference of a few months. Yes, on the left picture Gibson - already 57! Before filming "The Expendables 3" he has changed so rapidly that many journalists have suspected him of using steroids. But the actor just laughed: "On these pieces side effects such that I am afraid of them." According to Gibson, to get in shape, he completely abandoned the potatoes, pasta and sugar, going solely on fish and vegetables, in addition, several times a week to train in the gym. According to the actor, it is the first time in his life when he moved to the regular mode of training: he had previously worked on occasion, and was required to form a good nature, put on his best physique and rapid metabolism
Chris Pratt - "Guardians of the Galaxy»
Chris Pratt bad luck to shoot in the "Guardians of the Galaxy", he had to start as soon as freed from the series "Parks and Recreation" where he played a very chubby boy. Pratt himself joked that to change the way he had only to give up beer. But in reality, a good form was given Chris a lot harder. To throw in six months and thirty pounds, he had to pace yourself workouts. But he did not complain. "He is not the client, which is necessary to adjust - says his personal trainer. - Rather, it is required to contain. Coming into the hall, I always knew that he was there and ready to go. »
Gerard Butler - "300»
For the role of the Spartan king Leonidas Butler had to gain huge muscle mass. Butler has always been in good physical shape, but half a year of preparation for the film turned to him into a true nightmare: daily training for a complicated program, training on rings and cross-country running Butler turned life into hell. But, in his own words, he had never felt so steep as during the filming in
«300 Spartans".
Christian Bale - "Batman»
Again, the actor had no luck with the filming schedule: to work on the trilogy of Batman Bale began immediately after the role in "The Machinist," for which he lost 50 kilograms. Fortunately, Bale was a lifetime fan of strength training. During the six months of exhausting work, he has increased the weight by half. The most offensive is that when it came to the shooting, the director found it too pumped and demanded urgent to lose a few dozen kilos. What Bale did unquestioningly. That's dedication!
Mark Wahlberg - "blood and sweat: Anabolic»
Actors often have to pump up muscles, but Mark Uoberga in this sense, can be called a champion speed pumping muscles. For the film "blood and sweat", he had to gain twenty kilos of muscle in just less than two months! As the actor himself admitted, for this he had to eat 12 times a day. "I went to bed at 9 pm, in olnoch rose once again to eat, and the morning began with training. Training and eating - that's from what my day consisted »
Bradley Cooper - "American Sniper»
Trying on the role, Cooper was already in good forme.No his hero, a former Marine, was just great, and the actor had to comply. To do this, he increased his diet to 6000 calories per day. "For my body, it was a real shock - recalls the actor. - To push a 6000 calories - exhausting process »
Matt Damon - "The Informant»
For the role in the "Informant" Damon had to gain nearly two dozen kilograms. But, as good physical shape for his character was not required, pre-production process was for Matt present outlet. "It was probably the happiest time in my life - he nostalgically recalls. - Gain weight was easy. I have not had to go to the gym after work, I eat whatever they want, and drank dark beer. " However, after the "Informant" Damon had to be removed in the next part of the saga of Dzheyone Borne, and again to drive away the weight, he had to work hard as it should.
Ryan Reynolds - "Blade 3: Trinity»
Even the casting of the actor warned that for a role in "Trinity" he will have to lose a dozen pounds of fat, instead of typing the twenty kilos of muscle mass. Reynolds readily agreed. "I had no idea if I can it, - he confessed. - But when the casting you ask if you know how to fly a F-15 fighter, you immediately replied: "Of course, I just passed special training." However, all managed to Reynolds. However, it took several months of daily training in the gym for 2-3 hours, and hours of work with a trainer in martial arts - the same every day. Reynolds Diet during this period did not differ from the usual, but he should have every two hours.
Jamie Foxx - "Every Sunday»
To act in the role of a player in college football, you need to look the part. Jamie Foxx it was not easy. "I had to gain more than 90 pounds - he recalls. - And then, training camp, throw ten kilograms of intensive training and drainage »
a few days.
JK Simmons - "Justice League»
And another Hollywood record - this time, age. Having the role of the police commissioner Jim Gordon in kinokomiks "Justice League", JK Simmons at record speed acquired enviable muscles in the age of 61! Or, really, of people determined time has no power?
Brad Pitt - "Troy»
The role of Achilles, by his own admission Pitt, he was given a hard time. "I started to prepare for it in six months - he recalls. - Four meals, low-carb diet, meals with a high content of protein ... In addition, I had to quit every day to spend in the gym for two or three hours, working up
exhaustion. "
Alex Skarsgard - "The Legend of Tarzan»
Here's who had a hard time! During pre-production artist it was not enough to build muscle: the main thing - he had to learn how to move like a monkey. For this studio turned into a full-fledged actor's house obstacle course, and Skarsgard had to constantly wade on the ropes and bridges, following, for example, from the kitchen to the living room.
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Chris Hemsworth -. Thor
To gain figure of the young god -priyatno and flatters vanity. But the horror of the situation is that in between filming the two parts of the "Thor" Hemsworth also starred in the film "Race", where he played the champion of "Formula 1" James Hunt - a young man of subtle body. Therefore, Hemsworth had to round up the weight, then re-type it. Before filming "Thor" he was eating, without stopping, and every day for a long time engaged in strength training. When it came to the turn of "Racing", he switched to starvation and endless cardio. And then - again, "Thor" and huge amounts of food. Hemsworth himself later Nazal that his experience "very unpleasant».

Jack Gyllenhaal - "Lefty»
For the role of a boxer Billy Hope slender Dzhillenhollu had not only how to be pumped up, but also learn the basic techniques of boxing, which he absolutely did not know anything. In training, he had only five months, so it had to work at a pace. The daily schedule of the actor training in the twenty weeks, included, in particular, in 2000 the body rises daily, seven days a week. But just look at these cubes press!

Adrien Brody - "Predator»
For the filming of the remake of the old box office hits with Arnold Schwarzenegger starring Adrian Brody, like it or not, had to at least try to match the Iron Arnie. That was not easy. Before filming the actor had in a very short time to build up about 15 pounds of muscle. But that was not all. To feel the role, at the time of the shooting Brody abandoned hotel, is located in a secluded house in the middle of the jungle. "I have lived in isolation and read books at night and survival guide for the special units of the army" - he recalls. Sorry, but all these efforts have virtually wasted - a new "Predator" failed at the box office

John Krasinski - "13 hours: undercover soldiers of Benghazi»)
Before shooting the film "13 hours" lean John Krasinski had 4 months to become a real Marine. He honorably coped with the task. If, before the start of training his body contained 26% fat, by the beginning of filming, this figure had fallen to 5%. However, for this, John had to attend two full fitness exercise a day, five days a week. And I must say, the result of many would envy.

Hugh Jackman - "X-Men»
Hugh Jackman stars as Wolverine is not the first year, and it would seem, it should be easy to keep fit. But do not jump to conclusions! The fact is that in his free time shooting Jackman plays in musical productions on Broadway, in which the muscles of the chest for him - only a hindrance. "A dancer can not be like a bodybuilder, as appropriate muscles he just did not need," - he explains. So whenever it is necessary to re-produce himself in shape before the shooting "X-Men". "When I have to shoot a scene with naked torso, I begin to prepare for this month. Every day - training, and 36 hours before the start of filming - a thorough dehydration. " Well, the actor is clearly better mastering process: just compare his first appearance as Wolverine in 2000 with the shots taken one and a half decades later

Mel Gibson - "The Expendables 3»
It is impossible to believe that these two photographs - one and the same person with a difference of a few months. Yes, on the left picture Gibson - already 57! Before filming "The Expendables 3" he has changed so rapidly that many journalists have suspected him of using steroids. But the actor just laughed: "On these pieces side effects such that I am afraid of them." According to Gibson, to get in shape, he completely abandoned the potatoes, pasta and sugar, going solely on fish and vegetables, in addition, several times a week to train in the gym. According to the actor, it is the first time in his life when he moved to the regular mode of training: he had previously worked on occasion, and was required to form a good nature, put on his best physique and rapid metabolism

Chris Pratt - "Guardians of the Galaxy»
Chris Pratt bad luck to shoot in the "Guardians of the Galaxy", he had to start as soon as freed from the series "Parks and Recreation" where he played a very chubby boy. Pratt himself joked that to change the way he had only to give up beer. But in reality, a good form was given Chris a lot harder. To throw in six months and thirty pounds, he had to pace yourself workouts. But he did not complain. "He is not the client, which is necessary to adjust - says his personal trainer. - Rather, it is required to contain. Coming into the hall, I always knew that he was there and ready to go. »

Gerard Butler - "300»
For the role of the Spartan king Leonidas Butler had to gain huge muscle mass. Butler has always been in good physical shape, but half a year of preparation for the film turned to him into a true nightmare: daily training for a complicated program, training on rings and cross-country running Butler turned life into hell. But, in his own words, he had never felt so steep as during the filming in
«300 Spartans".

Christian Bale - "Batman»
Again, the actor had no luck with the filming schedule: to work on the trilogy of Batman Bale began immediately after the role in "The Machinist," for which he lost 50 kilograms. Fortunately, Bale was a lifetime fan of strength training. During the six months of exhausting work, he has increased the weight by half. The most offensive is that when it came to the shooting, the director found it too pumped and demanded urgent to lose a few dozen kilos. What Bale did unquestioningly. That's dedication!

Mark Wahlberg - "blood and sweat: Anabolic»
Actors often have to pump up muscles, but Mark Uoberga in this sense, can be called a champion speed pumping muscles. For the film "blood and sweat", he had to gain twenty kilos of muscle in just less than two months! As the actor himself admitted, for this he had to eat 12 times a day. "I went to bed at 9 pm, in olnoch rose once again to eat, and the morning began with training. Training and eating - that's from what my day consisted »

Bradley Cooper - "American Sniper»
Trying on the role, Cooper was already in good forme.No his hero, a former Marine, was just great, and the actor had to comply. To do this, he increased his diet to 6000 calories per day. "For my body, it was a real shock - recalls the actor. - To push a 6000 calories - exhausting process »

Matt Damon - "The Informant»
For the role in the "Informant" Damon had to gain nearly two dozen kilograms. But, as good physical shape for his character was not required, pre-production process was for Matt present outlet. "It was probably the happiest time in my life - he nostalgically recalls. - Gain weight was easy. I have not had to go to the gym after work, I eat whatever they want, and drank dark beer. " However, after the "Informant" Damon had to be removed in the next part of the saga of Dzheyone Borne, and again to drive away the weight, he had to work hard as it should.

Ryan Reynolds - "Blade 3: Trinity»
Even the casting of the actor warned that for a role in "Trinity" he will have to lose a dozen pounds of fat, instead of typing the twenty kilos of muscle mass. Reynolds readily agreed. "I had no idea if I can it, - he confessed. - But when the casting you ask if you know how to fly a F-15 fighter, you immediately replied: "Of course, I just passed special training." However, all managed to Reynolds. However, it took several months of daily training in the gym for 2-3 hours, and hours of work with a trainer in martial arts - the same every day. Reynolds Diet during this period did not differ from the usual, but he should have every two hours.

Jamie Foxx - "Every Sunday»
To act in the role of a player in college football, you need to look the part. Jamie Foxx it was not easy. "I had to gain more than 90 pounds - he recalls. - And then, training camp, throw ten kilograms of intensive training and drainage »
a few days.

JK Simmons - "Justice League»
And another Hollywood record - this time, age. Having the role of the police commissioner Jim Gordon in kinokomiks "Justice League", JK Simmons at record speed acquired enviable muscles in the age of 61! Or, really, of people determined time has no power?

Brad Pitt - "Troy»
The role of Achilles, by his own admission Pitt, he was given a hard time. "I started to prepare for it in six months - he recalls. - Four meals, low-carb diet, meals with a high content of protein ... In addition, I had to quit every day to spend in the gym for two or three hours, working up
exhaustion. "

Alex Skarsgard - "The Legend of Tarzan»
Here's who had a hard time! During pre-production artist it was not enough to build muscle: the main thing - he had to learn how to move like a monkey. For this studio turned into a full-fledged actor's house obstacle course, and Skarsgard had to constantly wade on the ropes and bridges, following, for example, from the kitchen to the living room.

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