Spirit of Pushkin or how to get rid of fear

xxx: Do you have any fears?
yyy: When I was little, my parents gave me a regular summer camp.
Among all the charms and entertainment was such a strange thing as calling spirits. Who are we just did not cause, and the Queen of Spades, and the different characters of horror films, and various dead. Until the day I was certain this is more amused than frightened. And on this very day, or rather night, when the older guys went through a window into our ward for alcohol and cigarettes, we decided to summon the spirit of Pushkin. Elder No one put to bed, and we will not criticize, so in this Chamber was about the entire body, probably about forty children. The girls brought all the items for the ritual: mirror, a candle, a book of Pushkin and other things. Put out the light in the room, lit a candle, put a mirror held hands. Someone began to chant - "the spirit of Pushkin, come to us, the spirit of Pushkin come to us ..." Taught children knew that coming spirit to make sounds, grind on the wall, walked across the floor, knocked on the window. And after a 5-minute repetitions of the phrase "Spirit of Pushkin come" when all is already drawn to sleep, there was a powerful blow to the glass. Fear paralyzed all in the ward. Then another and another blow. Someone had the courage to ask - "Who is there?" From the window of bad voice was heard - "Who, who is damn! Pushkin! Discover! »
It was after that incident, I do not why I am not afraid.
Taken from Basha