Pushkin did not write a single poem about his father and mother, only the “Smere Knight” drew from his father.
Pushkin is the sun of Russian poetry and everything. Unfortunately, we know very little about his parents. Editorial "Site" He will tell you who the father of Alexander Pushkin was and why he was so cold to his son.
Father Alexander Pushkin Sergey Lvovich Pushkin was born on May 23, 1770 in St. Petersburg. His father Lev Alexandrovich Pushkin (the poet’s grandfather) was a retired lieutenant colonel of artillery, a rich landowner and owner of more than three and a half thousand souls.
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Posted by Baron Jauzsky (@history_true_archivist)
I must say that the Pushkin family has an ancient history. So Karamzin in the “History of the Russian state” writes the following: “When Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky came from a German husband is honest named Radsha.” What land he came from is unknown, since all foreigners were called Germans. From Radsha there were several noble births. At the end of the XIV century, his descendant Gregory Pushka laid the foundation for the Pushkin family.
GettyImages This is stated in the poem by Pushkin “My pedigree”.
“My ancestor Racha with a brannaya muscle
He served Saint Nevsky;
His offspring are wrathful,
Ivan IV spared.
The Pushkins were with the kings;
Not one of them was famous.
But back to Sergey Lvovich. Enrolled since childhood in the guard, he, unlike his father, did not show special zeal for military service. But he spoke excellent French, had a large collection of books, wrote poetry and was friends with writers.
In 1797, Sergey Pushkin retired and married a “beautiful creole” Hope Osipovna Hannibal. Contemporaries recall that her temper and stubbornness were the cause of trouble in the family. Cheerful and witty in public, at home Sergey Lvovich for the most part was gloomy and sullen.
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Publication by A.V. Selivanov Library (@biblioperesvet)
And the poet living with his parents brought little joy. Nadezhda Osipovna was not engaged in the upbringing of children at all, and Alexander was indifferent, preferring his daughter Olga and the younger Levushka. Perhaps that is why references to the mother in the work of Pushkin are so rare.
Later, his parents reproached Alexander for corrupting Olga and Leo with the poison of atheism. And he often complained that Sergey Lvovich does not give him money. Who would give it to an avid gambler? When in 1824 Pushkin was sent into exile in Mikhailovskoye, he had a big quarrel with his father because he covered his case with the secret police. They did not speak for almost 4 years.
Perhaps, if Pushkin’s biography did not have a painful break with his family, he would not have reached such heights in poetry. “A poet must suffer!” said Dostoevsky. "A poet to be recognized must be damned," Camus echoes him. After all, only those who have suffered and experienced a lot can write something truly talented.
In 1836, Nadezhda Osipovna died after a long illness. And in 1837, Alexander died after the fatal duel. A series of these tragic events strongly affected Sergey Lvovich. In the hope of brightening up his loneliness, he began to marry young women. Anna Kern was no exception, to whom Pushkin Jr. dedicated his immortal lines “I remember a wonderful moment...”
Sergey Lvovich Pushkin survived Alexander for 11 years. Until the very last days, he did not recognize the genius of his son, considering himself a poet no worse, although he wrote mainly in French. The last shelter and Alexander Sergeyevich, and his parents found in the cemetery of Svyatogorsk Uspensky monastery. According to the apt expression of A. N. Wolf, Pushkin and his mother “are now lying under the same stone, much closer to each other than they were in life.”
The article and the preview used photos.

Father Alexander Pushkin Sergey Lvovich Pushkin was born on May 23, 1770 in St. Petersburg. His father Lev Alexandrovich Pushkin (the poet’s grandfather) was a retired lieutenant colonel of artillery, a rich landowner and owner of more than three and a half thousand souls.
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Posted by Baron Jauzsky (@history_true_archivist)
I must say that the Pushkin family has an ancient history. So Karamzin in the “History of the Russian state” writes the following: “When Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky came from a German husband is honest named Radsha.” What land he came from is unknown, since all foreigners were called Germans. From Radsha there were several noble births. At the end of the XIV century, his descendant Gregory Pushka laid the foundation for the Pushkin family.

GettyImages This is stated in the poem by Pushkin “My pedigree”.
“My ancestor Racha with a brannaya muscle
He served Saint Nevsky;
His offspring are wrathful,
Ivan IV spared.
The Pushkins were with the kings;
Not one of them was famous.
But back to Sergey Lvovich. Enrolled since childhood in the guard, he, unlike his father, did not show special zeal for military service. But he spoke excellent French, had a large collection of books, wrote poetry and was friends with writers.
In 1797, Sergey Pushkin retired and married a “beautiful creole” Hope Osipovna Hannibal. Contemporaries recall that her temper and stubbornness were the cause of trouble in the family. Cheerful and witty in public, at home Sergey Lvovich for the most part was gloomy and sullen.
View this post on Instagram
Publication by A.V. Selivanov Library (@biblioperesvet)
And the poet living with his parents brought little joy. Nadezhda Osipovna was not engaged in the upbringing of children at all, and Alexander was indifferent, preferring his daughter Olga and the younger Levushka. Perhaps that is why references to the mother in the work of Pushkin are so rare.

Later, his parents reproached Alexander for corrupting Olga and Leo with the poison of atheism. And he often complained that Sergey Lvovich does not give him money. Who would give it to an avid gambler? When in 1824 Pushkin was sent into exile in Mikhailovskoye, he had a big quarrel with his father because he covered his case with the secret police. They did not speak for almost 4 years.

Perhaps, if Pushkin’s biography did not have a painful break with his family, he would not have reached such heights in poetry. “A poet must suffer!” said Dostoevsky. "A poet to be recognized must be damned," Camus echoes him. After all, only those who have suffered and experienced a lot can write something truly talented.
In 1836, Nadezhda Osipovna died after a long illness. And in 1837, Alexander died after the fatal duel. A series of these tragic events strongly affected Sergey Lvovich. In the hope of brightening up his loneliness, he began to marry young women. Anna Kern was no exception, to whom Pushkin Jr. dedicated his immortal lines “I remember a wonderful moment...”

Sergey Lvovich Pushkin survived Alexander for 11 years. Until the very last days, he did not recognize the genius of his son, considering himself a poet no worse, although he wrote mainly in French. The last shelter and Alexander Sergeyevich, and his parents found in the cemetery of Svyatogorsk Uspensky monastery. According to the apt expression of A. N. Wolf, Pushkin and his mother “are now lying under the same stone, much closer to each other than they were in life.”
The article and the preview used photos.
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