Dentistry past
you are afraid to go to the dentist? If - yes, these five horror stories for you! You will no longer be afraid of dentists. Just imagine what people did before. Dentistry Middle Ages Perhaps the most innocuous procedure to get rid of tooth pain offered 400 years ago a German scientist Kardanus. He advised the patient to sit for several hours with my mouth open, turning toward the Moon: according to medieval healer, lunar rays have a beneficial effect on the diseased tooth. A famous scholar Pliny in the I century AD recommended to put in the ear with a sick tooth crow or sparrow droppings mixed with oil. But if home treatment is not helping, had to go to the doctor. However, the ancient Aesculapius were taken to treat dental diseases patients are not on the side where it hurts. In those days, doctors used as the very first means for toothache ... enema and laxative. Who lived in the XI century Arabic Abulkazi surgeon dentists recommend the following sequence of actions: "First of all, give the patient a laxative, starved and on an empty stomach to take frequent baths and do exercise ... If no effect sear tooth with a hot iron as long as the fire did not penetrate to the root ... "Dental worm and the first drill Our grandparents were convinced that the tooth starts to hurt because it settles" tooth worm "and gnaws a hole. Expel the parasite is not only a hot iron, but also filling the hollow of melted wax, acid ... In 1820, the Frenchman Delabar first applied for the treatment of cavities special drills. A half-century later, in the United States dentist Morrison invented a drill with a treadle. Similar designs existed for a long time. The collection Gulin has a record memories of school teachers how is the procedure of dental treatment in summer military camps in the early 1950s: "They put me in a chair, to which fastened the pedal like a bicycle, and from them the chain is stretched to the drill. Team doctor: "Open your mouth and Pedal! "I wind the, and he told me a tooth drilled. And the patient becomes, the more I desperately pedal shake. Ended this "cycling" the fact that boron broke and stuck in the tooth ... "pulling teeth when all means of treatment have been exhausted, the only thing left - to tear! In the old days this was done not by doctors, and "special part-time" - the butchers, blacksmiths, goldsmiths, barbers, corn operators ... tools they use the most primitive. And the process is very markedly different from the present procedure. Put you a barber-surgeon on the floor, get caught in the head between your knees, felt schiptsami- "pelicans" sore tooth and ... However, some "masters" preferred to the patient during the surgery was. A certain gentleman was famous in the XVII century in the whole of France that people pulled out teeth other than sitting on a horse: hang on tighter clamp tooth, given the horse spurs - and voila! .. From Russian zuboderov famous Emperor Peter the Great: the Emperor always carried Case himself with tools, among which were the "Pelican", and was very fond of his own vomit razbolevshiesya teeth at his court. Instead dentures remote tried to put prostheses. Even in IV-III centuries BC. e. rich Phoenicians fastened mouth artificial gold wire cutters, carved ivory. Medieval "prosthetic" fit in the mouth of his patients porcine, canine teeth, and sometimes human. The legendary villain-Saltychikha landowner, trying to regain the "Hollywood smile" forced serf farrier povydergivat teeth once in a few yards of girls to choose from the collection formed the perfect color and shape tooth. The first toothpaste In the old days, and did not neglect preventive measures. The famous Hippocrates in the V century BC. e. recommended a means of preserving the teeth and removing halitosis: "Burn head rabbit and three mice ... Grind ash with marble mortar ... clean the powder teeth and gums, and then wipe the teeth and mouth sweaty fleece spread with honey." Pliny advised as prophylaxis against caries eat bimonthly fried mouse. Simple recipe eminent English physician John Monk Gladdesden: a person must regularly breathe their own excrement. In China, it was believed to brush your teeth with ashes from burnt monkey head. And the Romans for this hygienic procedures prepared powder from crushed pearls or corals.
Source: mirfactov.com/