Women are becoming more beautiful

Researchers have proved that in the evolution of women are becoming more beautiful and men and remain at their cave ancestors. Moreover, the beautiful women born more children - 16% compared to the world average. And, curiously, at the beauties often girls are born than boys. And this, according to experts, lead to a further increase in the number of beautiful women. Scientists have even started to argue about whether there is a so-called "beauty race" from generation to generation the women. Trying to explain this phenomenon, they point out that the fight for the hand and heart of a beautiful girl is more men than the average for the world statistics. As a result of her life there are additional opportunities to arrange their own destiny and future family. "Women are becoming more beautiful and attractive," - said work manager Professor Markus Jokela. He used data on 1244 women and 997 men who were going in America for four decades. The attractiveness of the experimental homo sapiens has been evaluated by the photos. Arguments of the Finnish scientist based in particular on the work of Satoshi Kanazawa, who had come to the conclusion that beautiful parents often there are girls, not boys. He suggested that this was an evolutionary strategy, thinly programmed into human DNA. Then the scientists have deduced, that physical attractiveness - an inherited trait. Then why is not wise evolution changed the face of men wondered Sunday Times. The answer, according to scientists is that for the beautiful half of humanity male beauty is not decisive in choosing a life partner. The main thing for women when choosing a mate, it is man's ability to provide protection and comfort of life for his wife and family. As a result of the lack of male beauty compensate material wealth or success in any sphere of activity.
Source: mirfactov.com/