The jaw and spine are inextricably linked: if your back hurts, you need to treat your teeth!
Have you ever thought that the cause of gait disturbance or unbearable pain in the neck, which torments you not the first year, lies not in the nerves or muscles, but in the most unexpected place - in the mouth? My dentist friend, being an experienced orthopedist, by profession, looked into the mouth of each interlocutor and passer-by: “Say or be silent?” And yet I say, and the interlocutor is shocked, they say, what is the connection between the bite, the spine and my sore foot ...
The body is a complete system, and the doctor who forgets it is wrong. But successful treatment depends on an integrated approach! "Site" will tell you why an unsuccessful filling can cause neck pain and how competent correction of problems with a bite will relieve diseases of the ridge.
Dental health “It’s time for the dentist to come out of the mouth, he must come out of the mouth!” “We as dentists must finally understand that dental disorders are intimately linked to the whole body,” he wrote on Facebook. doctor Natia Kurashvili. It may surprise someone that foot muscles can affect oral health and vice versa, but there is a link between bite and posture.
Displacement of the jaw, and in the future the entire spinal column, can cause one incorrectly placed filling, a long sucking of a dummy or an unpolished milk canine once. And what about such invasive intervention as prosthetics.
Therefore, before starting to examine the patient in the chair, each dentist without exception must pay attention to the posture of the person and the position of his head. And then, if there is a problem, persuade the patient (no other way!) to replace the newly installed filling or expensive metal-ceramic prosthesis, because they disrupt the closure of the teeth, and this will entail much more serious changes in the body: constant migraines, clicking in the temporomandibular joint or pain in the neck.
But that's not all. After all, it is known that one problem necessarily entails another, and if you do not interrupt the vicious circle, it will last forever. Curvature of posture leads to diseases of the joints, problems with the cardiovascular system and can even cause disruption of digestive processes. Of these problems follow others and so on.
In a healthy, harmoniously developed person, the center of gravity of the head, shoulders, hips, knees and feet is located on one axis. If a person suffers from bite disorders, the center of gravity of the head, as a rule, shifts, this leads to a change in posture and an increase in the load on the neck muscles. As they say, complete disharmony.
In people suffering from disorders of occlusion (this is not necessarily crooked teeth, quite incorrectly put fillings), there is a trapping of the chest, protrusion of the shoulder blades, curvature of the legs, flat feet. By the way, the vestibular apparatus suffers no less: difficulty walking and improper gait are often a consequence of problems in the oral cavity.
Bite disorder can be both a cause and a consequence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, because only an integrated approach to treatment will help to achieve the desired result. It is worth understanding that only the cohesive work of an orthopedist, orthodontist, therapist, periodontologist and even a neurologist can break a vicious circle and restore the patient’s health.
Unfortunately, modern medicine has become a godless source of income, especially dentistry. Unwise doctors are ready for any whim at the expense of the patient, even the most inappropriate. Alas, such dentists are not up to the problems of communication between oral pathologies and the health of the whole body.
Dentistry is not just about tooth decay, fillings, money, tooth extraction, crowns and even more money. Proper prosthetics, dental filling and orthodontic treatment is a guarantee of dental and general somatic health.
Such a simple truth should be understood not only by doctors, but also by patients whose reluctance to once again make an X-ray or postponing a second visit to the dentist leads to much more serious problems. And if a dentist asks you to get a CT scan of your neck all of a sudden, listen, maybe it'll change your life.
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The body is a complete system, and the doctor who forgets it is wrong. But successful treatment depends on an integrated approach! "Site" will tell you why an unsuccessful filling can cause neck pain and how competent correction of problems with a bite will relieve diseases of the ridge.
Dental health “It’s time for the dentist to come out of the mouth, he must come out of the mouth!” “We as dentists must finally understand that dental disorders are intimately linked to the whole body,” he wrote on Facebook. doctor Natia Kurashvili. It may surprise someone that foot muscles can affect oral health and vice versa, but there is a link between bite and posture.
Displacement of the jaw, and in the future the entire spinal column, can cause one incorrectly placed filling, a long sucking of a dummy or an unpolished milk canine once. And what about such invasive intervention as prosthetics.

Therefore, before starting to examine the patient in the chair, each dentist without exception must pay attention to the posture of the person and the position of his head. And then, if there is a problem, persuade the patient (no other way!) to replace the newly installed filling or expensive metal-ceramic prosthesis, because they disrupt the closure of the teeth, and this will entail much more serious changes in the body: constant migraines, clicking in the temporomandibular joint or pain in the neck.
But that's not all. After all, it is known that one problem necessarily entails another, and if you do not interrupt the vicious circle, it will last forever. Curvature of posture leads to diseases of the joints, problems with the cardiovascular system and can even cause disruption of digestive processes. Of these problems follow others and so on.

In a healthy, harmoniously developed person, the center of gravity of the head, shoulders, hips, knees and feet is located on one axis. If a person suffers from bite disorders, the center of gravity of the head, as a rule, shifts, this leads to a change in posture and an increase in the load on the neck muscles. As they say, complete disharmony.
In people suffering from disorders of occlusion (this is not necessarily crooked teeth, quite incorrectly put fillings), there is a trapping of the chest, protrusion of the shoulder blades, curvature of the legs, flat feet. By the way, the vestibular apparatus suffers no less: difficulty walking and improper gait are often a consequence of problems in the oral cavity.

Bite disorder can be both a cause and a consequence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, because only an integrated approach to treatment will help to achieve the desired result. It is worth understanding that only the cohesive work of an orthopedist, orthodontist, therapist, periodontologist and even a neurologist can break a vicious circle and restore the patient’s health.

Unfortunately, modern medicine has become a godless source of income, especially dentistry. Unwise doctors are ready for any whim at the expense of the patient, even the most inappropriate. Alas, such dentists are not up to the problems of communication between oral pathologies and the health of the whole body.
Dentistry is not just about tooth decay, fillings, money, tooth extraction, crowns and even more money. Proper prosthetics, dental filling and orthodontic treatment is a guarantee of dental and general somatic health.

Such a simple truth should be understood not only by doctors, but also by patients whose reluctance to once again make an X-ray or postponing a second visit to the dentist leads to much more serious problems. And if a dentist asks you to get a CT scan of your neck all of a sudden, listen, maybe it'll change your life.
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