In the world there are many countries where people do not know what kissing.

According to scientists, a kiss - it's not a reflex. Children do not know how to kiss. Therefore, you can only learn how to kiss. Or learn. In the world there are many countries where people do not know what kissing. 10th place: In the tribes living on the heights to the east of Chittagong Bangladesh, there is not even the expression "kiss me", but they say "smell me." 9th place: As it became known from the notes Cook, the natives of New Zealand during meetings covered each other's veils and mutually rubbed noses, uttering at the same kind of grunting and heavily sucking in air. 8th place: The natives of the island of Santa Mapiya at meetings sniff each other and rub noses, too. 7th place: Papuans, Tasmanians and Fugue inhabitants of the island in the Philippines, health, always keep near the nose or overhead some nice smelling thing. 6th place: The island Sokotpa, located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia when greeting kiss each other on the shoulder. 5th place: on the islands of Tonga, or as they are called, islands of Friendship, at a meeting with a friend take his hand and rubbed himself greatly by her nose and mouth. 4th place: the Royal greeting Islands is that greets applied tightly to each other noses and then vigorously rub them against each other. 3rd place: I called the Burmese greeting nomtschi, that, in fact, means "inhaling the smell» (nom - smell, tschi - Inhalation). 2nd place: The Chinese have a friendly hello, touching noses, or cheeks of spending one another, like how when meeting our ladies pretend they kiss. 1st place: In modern Japan is considered very rude to kiss in front of witnesses. For this reason, you will almost never see a kiss in the Japanese film. What in the world it is called the Japanese kiss, like this: the stand at a distance of one step from each other and lean forward. pouting lips, touch their lips partner. Roth thus in any case not to open!
Source: mirfactov.com/