Why the lies in the media called the duck?
Generally, this catch phrase says a lot of people. What does it mean? The truth lies, fiction. But not everyone knows where it all went so popular expression. Several versions. Here is the first of them. Once famous Protestant Martin Luther instead of the word legende (legend) wrote lugende, which translated from German means "false duck." If you believe the other theory, the "ducks" became known in the 17th century. Then the editors of German publications sensational, but obviously false articles tagged their NT (from the Latin non testatur - not tested). However, for the German ear, this letter sounds like ente, ie duck. The third version seems a little ridiculous and far-fetched. It happened in France. In 1776, the Paris edition of "Agricultural Newspaper" described on the pages of the new and fabulous way of catching ducks. It was necessary to take an acorn, cook it in a special solution, which added a potent laxative, and then had to tie him a thin but strong rope. Initially acorn ingested a bird, but as he was drenched strong laxative, nut out of it naturally. Then he swallowed is another duck. As the newspaper, one person in this way managed to catch as many birds 20, who allegedly failed to lift it into the air. But quickly the rope broke and he fell to the ground. Which version is most true? Unknown. Moreover, no one knows if any of them are true. However, the popular expression, the subject of this article, has become increasingly popular.
Source: mirfactov.com/