Advertising in the press: the main features

The most attractive ads for advertisers are placed in thematic publications focused on the target audience area narrowly designated, for example, businessmen, computer scientists, dog breeders, builders, for the population of a certain region or city.
Advantages of accommodation
Of the obvious advantages of such an advertising campaign can be distinguished:
- Activity. In print media, the speed of the announcement is quite high. It will appear on the first day of a new newspaper/magazine. During the first day, you can already get feedback from potential customers.
- Possibility of rapid adjustment. For the next issue, the text of the announcement can be changed;
- Massive. The printed edition comes out with a significant circulation and falls into the hands of a huge number of potential customers. The local newspaper, for example, which occupies a monopoly position in the city, passes through the hands of 65% of the adult population. On average, the publication can cover up to several million readers;
- Detailed contact details. In the posted text, you can specify not only the address and phone number of the company, but also provide a travel scheme to the office or outlet, while maintaining the main content of the announcement;
- Flexibility of coverage – advertising in the press allows you to work with a certain area.
- Advertising in a newspaper/magazine is easy and easy. And the same layout can work repeatedly.
- Economical – such advertising is economically justified, ideal for companies with a small budget allocated for this item of expenditure;
- Efficiency. Reading an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, a person has a lot of time to get acquainted with the proposal and its comprehension, which works much better advertising on radio or television;
- Variability – the advertisement is created taking into account any wishes of the customer, because both full-color ads and ordinary black and white ads are available;
- High level of confidence in printed information.
Each print edition has more and less readable places. It is necessary to place the text where as many potential customers as possible will pay attention to it. The readability of the ad depends on which page and in which editorial section it is placed. There is no direct dependence of the productivity of the posted text on its size.
The maximum use of the press, namely the optimal choice of context, day, date of placement, place on the strip, thematic applications give a combined good and quick result. It is important to successfully choose a publication where advertising in the press will be published, if possible, to combine several formats.
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