Married to cook

most fat woman in Britain, 33-year-old Susan Eman weighs "only" 343 kg. Susan wants to achieve its goal, set last year - namely, "to become the fattest woman in the history of mankind." To help in that it is ready to groom her 35- year-old Parker Clark, who works supervision povarom.

What's that, and unemployment Parker Clack town of Casa Grande, Arizona, just is not threatened. The work he will always, at least in the foreseeable future, because it is engaged to Susan Eman. The one who last year announced the desire to become the heaviest woman Zemli.

Now the weight is close to Susan 3, 5 hundredweight, but her plans - recover to 7. To do this, it needs a high-calorie food. It was then that Eman handy Parker Klak.

By profession Clack - cook. Cooking food for Susan - a pleasure, because it is not a lack of appetite suffers. They met last year on the internet and after a stormy correspondence decided to become suprugami.

Parker is already several months living in the house, Susan - with her and her sons, 17-year-old Gabriel and 13-year-old Brendinom, who, by the way, with the weight of all norme.

"Our union can be considered a marriage in heaven - sure Susan Eman.- I love to eat, and Parker loves to cook. I still dream of becoming the heaviest woman in the world, and he supports me in this. He likes big women, like to see what it gives me pleasure when I eat. He - a great cook. How could I refuse a man who so deftly managed the kitchen! Tastes we agree with him completely: he loves to cook spaghetti bolognese, my favorite dish ».

In addition, Clack does most of the work around the house, trying to persuade the bride to walk, bathe her and help do whatever it is difficult because of the large weight. They try every day to make a walk in the park, during which Susan is in a special kresle.

"I support the Susan in her desire to become the largest woman - he says - because it makes her happy. Of course, I'm worried about her health, but I try to make her eat only healthy food, for example, more salads, and make her do exercises. Last year she took a full medical check-up. The doctor said her health order, although it is, of course, against her dreams. So, as long as the doctors did not score the alarm, I will support it. " See also: A resident of Britain is recognized as the fattest man in the world. Women see themselves fatter than they actually are. What people regret "over 30" sweet lovers often look older than their years. How much water you need to drink to be healthy?
Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=272702