Fattest in the world (20 photos)
You - fans of sofas, chips and beer. Of them are known to get better. But fat people have a little surprise anyone. Therefore, we made a selection of the most "fat any different».
The fattest country in the world - Nauru
Surprisingly, this is not the United States. Fattest people on the planet live in Nauru (percentage per capita) - is a small island in the South Pacific. The population of this nation of less than 10 000 people, most of whom are overweight. Increase in obesity began after the importation of Western products. Not surprisingly - Sampo popular dish in this country - cola and fried chicken. That there supplies the United States. Since the US still blame! Approx.
The thickest gymnast
His name is Matt Alaeddine, and weighs 181 pounds, he is the thickest flexible person. Or the most flexible fat man - as you like. Weight does not prevent it, twist, touch the toes of his cheeks. Of course it works in a circus. Well, really - not in the ballet did he dance :)
Fattest woman
317 pounds - the weight of Terri Smith, the fattest woman in the world. She can not move or stand. Terry childhood was not too thin. At the age of 7 years old, she weighed 70 pounds! The woman explains that her family was poor and she could not eat healthy food. SHOCK! :)
The thickest prisoner
272 kilograms weighs George Jolicoeur. This is the thickest prisoner. You know what he was arrested? Think of something that got into the house through the window? Nope. He loved to go to restaurants and did not pay for the food. Here on khalyavnykh grub and then came. He was arrested in 2007 because of the $ 50 that he did not want to pay for beef, arguing that it is covered with mold.
However, there is one thing. The prosecutor's office considered the cost of maintaining such a prisoner in prison and decided not to put it. He was placed in a nursing home to house arrest, such as the content there are cheaper.
Fattest child
This boy from China for 3 years. His weight - 63 pounds! It's like 5 times more than a child should weigh at his age. In kindergarten he was not taken - said it is dangerous to other children. Imagine an innocent children's games - and your child is carried in such a carcass of 70 kg. In fact, the guy is not to blame for their weight. In China there is even a special term - a syndrome of "little emperors". Since in this country hard limit - one child in the same family, they are very much pampered.
The thickest wedding!
The heaviest person in the world Manuel Uribe (317 kg) recently married. Stunned! He did not leave his bed for 6! year old. Because he could not stand up. By the way, he also got married in bed. Wedding dance newlyweds they danced with the chosen simply holding hands and shaking them in time to the music.
About the wedding night is no information.
The fattest cat
IN! There is something to be proud of. The fattest cat lives in Russia! Ural cat Katie, who lives in asbestos (city in the Urals), weighs 23 kilograms. Despite the relatively young age - Katie just 5 years - because of its enormous weight pussy long lost interest in all the entertainment, but food.
Cathy is not interested in the opposite sex, most of the day she spends in a dream. Siamese cat owners Kathy currently make out an application to the Guinness Book of Records.
The thickest American president
William Howard Taft was the 27th President of the United States of America from 1909 to 1913 he was the fattest president. Evil tongues say that several times he gets stuck in your bathroom, and I had to call the crane to get him out of there. Oh, and he weighed just 159 pounds.
Fattest newborn
SHOCK! Nadia Khalina newborn weighs 7 to 75 kg. From the moment of birth, Nadia lost some weight. And doctors are taking steps to reduce it. Otherwise, the child will have a heart problem.
Generally, the most fattest newborn weighed 10 pounds 8. He was born in the United States in 1879 and lived only 11 days.
Eat only healthy food!
The fattest country in the world - Nauru

Surprisingly, this is not the United States. Fattest people on the planet live in Nauru (percentage per capita) - is a small island in the South Pacific. The population of this nation of less than 10 000 people, most of whom are overweight. Increase in obesity began after the importation of Western products. Not surprisingly - Sampo popular dish in this country - cola and fried chicken. That there supplies the United States. Since the US still blame! Approx.
The thickest gymnast

His name is Matt Alaeddine, and weighs 181 pounds, he is the thickest flexible person. Or the most flexible fat man - as you like. Weight does not prevent it, twist, touch the toes of his cheeks. Of course it works in a circus. Well, really - not in the ballet did he dance :)
Fattest woman

317 pounds - the weight of Terri Smith, the fattest woman in the world. She can not move or stand. Terry childhood was not too thin. At the age of 7 years old, she weighed 70 pounds! The woman explains that her family was poor and she could not eat healthy food. SHOCK! :)
The thickest prisoner

272 kilograms weighs George Jolicoeur. This is the thickest prisoner. You know what he was arrested? Think of something that got into the house through the window? Nope. He loved to go to restaurants and did not pay for the food. Here on khalyavnykh grub and then came. He was arrested in 2007 because of the $ 50 that he did not want to pay for beef, arguing that it is covered with mold.
However, there is one thing. The prosecutor's office considered the cost of maintaining such a prisoner in prison and decided not to put it. He was placed in a nursing home to house arrest, such as the content there are cheaper.
Fattest child

This boy from China for 3 years. His weight - 63 pounds! It's like 5 times more than a child should weigh at his age. In kindergarten he was not taken - said it is dangerous to other children. Imagine an innocent children's games - and your child is carried in such a carcass of 70 kg. In fact, the guy is not to blame for their weight. In China there is even a special term - a syndrome of "little emperors". Since in this country hard limit - one child in the same family, they are very much pampered.
The thickest wedding!

The heaviest person in the world Manuel Uribe (317 kg) recently married. Stunned! He did not leave his bed for 6! year old. Because he could not stand up. By the way, he also got married in bed. Wedding dance newlyweds they danced with the chosen simply holding hands and shaking them in time to the music.
About the wedding night is no information.
The fattest cat

IN! There is something to be proud of. The fattest cat lives in Russia! Ural cat Katie, who lives in asbestos (city in the Urals), weighs 23 kilograms. Despite the relatively young age - Katie just 5 years - because of its enormous weight pussy long lost interest in all the entertainment, but food.
Cathy is not interested in the opposite sex, most of the day she spends in a dream. Siamese cat owners Kathy currently make out an application to the Guinness Book of Records.
The thickest American president

William Howard Taft was the 27th President of the United States of America from 1909 to 1913 he was the fattest president. Evil tongues say that several times he gets stuck in your bathroom, and I had to call the crane to get him out of there. Oh, and he weighed just 159 pounds.
Fattest newborn

SHOCK! Nadia Khalina newborn weighs 7 to 75 kg. From the moment of birth, Nadia lost some weight. And doctors are taking steps to reduce it. Otherwise, the child will have a heart problem.
Generally, the most fattest newborn weighed 10 pounds 8. He was born in the United States in 1879 and lived only 11 days.
Eat only healthy food!