25 useful websites for photographers

masterpiece - a tricky thing: it is necessary to get a cool picture as want more and more. Already is not enough just to press the button in the automatic mode of the camera, there are questions that one person, even the most skilful photographer, unable to answer.
Website gathered expert advice of the most interesting sites devoted to the technique of photography, where you can find answers to tricky questions. And even in the exercise fototrenazhere online.

Photographer says a lot about the philosophy and the history of photography, published an interview with well-known photographers.

On this website you can read reviews of cameras, tips on documentary photography, photographing food, street photography, exposure assessment.

Here, in addition to news from the world of photography, stories about interesting projects, there is a detailed section for beginner photographers: how to choose a camera, how to photograph animals, secrets of successful compositions, and more.

This site has collected a huge number of articles on various subjects: Elementary - for example, what to do with the sky in the landscape photography - the nuances of photographing strangers and features time-lapse photography.

Articles and lessons photography, where the emphasis is on working with the light in the studio shooting. If you captivate the word "soft box" and "light painting", there are many delicious.

Fototips available will tell you how to take a picture with a spoonful of fruit or some svetoformiruyuschie nozzle used in the studio shooting.

Pure and simple advice for all occasions PhotoLife children, landscapes, birds and animals, city nightlife, weddings, clubs.

Fotogora gives no less interesting tips. What if you lost the magic in the works? How to improve your photos in one day? How can I make a complete model? And what Relf?

Photoword tells how to choose a story and to view images on instagram as photographed in the club, how to organize the shoot-style pin-up, where it is forbidden to shoot and how to effectively take pictures of the ruins.

Here to answer questions when the manual focus better automated, how to overcome sluggishness in the photo, how to get rid of the "shake" and in general - how to make nice.

The site of great theoretical section, which contains not only articles on photography, but also laid some books, and a large reference list of pictures.

Photo-monster puts video tutorials of different levels of difficulty: Safety photo processing in the basic editing and tells how to correct certain flaws frame.

A useful site for fans of the macro: machinery, methods of work, photo editing and preparation for printing.

Educational Project Fujifilm. An interesting series of articles entitled "Myths photocomposition».

Blog Anton Marakhovskii. Here he talks about the technical difficulties that occur in the work of the photographer, for example, how to make a quality picture story about a tiger in a dimly lit circus.
Anton Martynov

Blog Anton Martynov photographers. Basically this equipment reviews, stories about the shooting and traveling.

Blog where much attention is paid to work with light, both natural and artificial.
Site Artem Kashkanova

On his website Photographer Artem Kashkanov tells about the basics of photography, why photos are dark and pale, examines typical mistakes of reportage photography and shares the secrets of how to take pictures in the woods, it was not necessary to send all the shots in the basket.

Maksim Izmailov on its website reveals secret fotosekrety where to draw ideas for photo shoots, photographing lightning, rain, children, what is backstage and how to photograph seals to Milota off scale.
Site Basil Andreeva

The site can be read by Vasily Andreev film photographers calculated as beginners and experienced amateurs.

It is a place where there are photographers and models. If you have an idea of stunning photos, but there is no suitable person can look there.

The Lens-club you can read about the lenses, lens pick up on important parameters for you personally, see the test pictures with different lenses and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

It laid out references to books and magazines about photography, which are free to download.

On-line simulator for the novice photographer or the virtual camera will quickly deal with the shutter speed, aperture and ISO.

"Solar Calculator" shows the time of sunrise, sunset, helps determine how much you can go for masterpieces.
See also Favorite photos introverts
Best Photos National Geographic 2014
Without Photoshop
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