Antivirus for websites

Antivirus and protection against malicious code need not only users of personal computers, mobile devices and laptops, and Internet sites. More recently, the creators of viruses and hackers has another goal - to infected sites, with a view to subsequent infection of visitors of Internet resources and theft of personal data. Such a situation could not be unnoticed by security experts and affected the appearance of the first web-sites for antivirus SANTI.

SANTI (Site-Antivirus) - Protection is a free web-sites developed by Russian programmer Igor Mitrofanov. The main purpose of web-antivirus - is to protect Internet sites from interference hackers, file integrity monitoring, and timely notice of ugrozah.

Infection sites with viruses occurs in order to achieve objectives such as: the introduction of viruses on the computers of visitors divert the audience to other sites, theft databases, e-mail spam from the servers of Internet projects, deletion or substitution of the site, the implementation of advertising and malicious links in the page.

The results of break-ins are deplorable, and result in the loss of these sites, and their blocking search engines, e-mail services, web browsers, desktop antivirus software, and consequently - the loss of visitors, the loss of positions in the search engines, loss of face and the erosion of trust in your online project . In order to avoid the consequences, it is necessary at least time to learn about hacking and virus infection, this copes SANTI.

If a site has been hacked and infected, Santa promptly inform the owner about it via SMS and E-mail. Kaspersky constantly monitors all files and reports them to the changes, the emergence of new or delete old ones. SANTI scans automatically condition the site in 30 desktop antivirus, check its status in the search engines.

To be able to restore the site after the breakage or cracking, web-antivirus automatically makes backup copies of the site and the databases in the cloud. In addition to automatic detection systems, procedures and data storage, Santa contains a set of tools for recovery, treatment, improve security site - date-file search, file editor, a massive search and removal of malicious insertions, password generator, php info, news of vulnerabilities and more drugoe.

Internet Antivirus installed entirely on site, requires the support of PHP, it has a simple user interface and tips at every turn. Each SANTI integrated online consultant, through which you can get at any time, expert advice on security, aid in treatment. Community web-antivirus is always ready to suggest and help in setting up the system.
Source: mirfactov.com/