Members will be held responsible torrents
Be responsible for illegal content on the Internet should not only providers and websites, but also users of file-sharing networks, according to the Ministry of Culture. This search for "pirates" have operators and site owners will be required to check the legality of the content of the special state register. This is an attempt of a business to solve their problems at the expense of another, say Internet companies.
Ministry of Culture presented an updated version of the anti-piracy amendments to the legislation yesterday at the meeting of special working group in the Duma. The original version of the amendments, sharply toughening the fight against infringements of copyright and related rights in the network, was published in late January of 2013. Then one of the main innovations was the requirement for hosting providers and site owners threatened with fines to remove illegal content on the first request of the copyright holder.
Yandex now looks like:
Ministry of Culture to expand the project, in particular by offering to enter into the law "On information, information technologies and information protection" definition "file-sharing network user." They will, together with the site owners and hosting providers to be responsible for the distribution of pirated content.
This will take place as follows: the right holder sends a service provider statement indicating the IP-address of the user file-sharing network that violates copyright or related rights. The operator, in turn, is obliged within days redirect it to the user and to notify of the need to remove the information or block access to it (it comes to content, it is placed on the torrent). Otherwise, he could face administrative liability on a par with the site owners and providers have ignored appeals holders: 5 th. Rub. for citizens of the 50 th. rub. for officials and entrepreneurs and 1 million rubles. for legal entities.
If you do not take action within days, network operator have 12 hours to manually remove the information or block access to it.
Site owners, in turn, is suggested to independently monitor the legality of the content posted. To do this, they will have to consult the public information system in the field of intellectual property, the creation of which the Ministry of Culture proposes to authorize one of the federal authorities.
File sharing system (torrent trackers) - servers that coordinate customer BitTorrent, the network protocol for sharing file sharing over the Internet. Files are transferred parts: a torrent client, receiving (downloading), these parts at the same time gives (pumping) of their other clients. Internet Copyright Management Company previously estimated expense of Russian right holders from illegal distribution of content in an amount not less than € 400 million a year.
At the meeting, the working group has refined, in fact, the technical issues - for example, the procedure for submitting complaints about the owners of illegal content, says the director of regulatory department of the Ministry of Culture Natalya Romashov. The final version of the bill, taking into account the comments, she said, will be discussed on June 3 a conciliation commission with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education and the Working Group, and the project will be given for approval to the Ministry of Justice and submitted to the government.
His comments on the draft in the coming days will send to the Ministry of Culture, Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC), says the coordinator of the Commission of Legal Affairs RAEC Irina leva. According to her, the project brings to the operators and owners of sites impossible demands, being the only one attempting to solve their business problems at the expense of another. "The project was described by the Minister of Culture as an analogue of the American DMCA (copyright law in the digital epohu.-" b "), but it is not DMCA, and innovation, which have no analogues in the world. For information intermediaries explicitly imposed excessive duties and responsibilities, while the mechanisms and procedures for dealing with violations spelled out very clearly, "- it is categorical. The document needs work, and agree to the press service of "VimpelCom" and MTS added that the project is not intended to provide evidence that the content, access to which requires a ban franchisor is its inalienable right.
"The responsibility of users - one of the measures, unfortunately, already firmly established in the world. While we have always offered solutions to the problem without affecting the users will probably not avoid this ", - the president of the film company" Amedia "Alexander Akopov.
And be it:
Ministry of Culture presented an updated version of the anti-piracy amendments to the legislation yesterday at the meeting of special working group in the Duma. The original version of the amendments, sharply toughening the fight against infringements of copyright and related rights in the network, was published in late January of 2013. Then one of the main innovations was the requirement for hosting providers and site owners threatened with fines to remove illegal content on the first request of the copyright holder.
Yandex now looks like:

Ministry of Culture to expand the project, in particular by offering to enter into the law "On information, information technologies and information protection" definition "file-sharing network user." They will, together with the site owners and hosting providers to be responsible for the distribution of pirated content.
This will take place as follows: the right holder sends a service provider statement indicating the IP-address of the user file-sharing network that violates copyright or related rights. The operator, in turn, is obliged within days redirect it to the user and to notify of the need to remove the information or block access to it (it comes to content, it is placed on the torrent). Otherwise, he could face administrative liability on a par with the site owners and providers have ignored appeals holders: 5 th. Rub. for citizens of the 50 th. rub. for officials and entrepreneurs and 1 million rubles. for legal entities.
If you do not take action within days, network operator have 12 hours to manually remove the information or block access to it.
Site owners, in turn, is suggested to independently monitor the legality of the content posted. To do this, they will have to consult the public information system in the field of intellectual property, the creation of which the Ministry of Culture proposes to authorize one of the federal authorities.
File sharing system (torrent trackers) - servers that coordinate customer BitTorrent, the network protocol for sharing file sharing over the Internet. Files are transferred parts: a torrent client, receiving (downloading), these parts at the same time gives (pumping) of their other clients. Internet Copyright Management Company previously estimated expense of Russian right holders from illegal distribution of content in an amount not less than € 400 million a year.
At the meeting, the working group has refined, in fact, the technical issues - for example, the procedure for submitting complaints about the owners of illegal content, says the director of regulatory department of the Ministry of Culture Natalya Romashov. The final version of the bill, taking into account the comments, she said, will be discussed on June 3 a conciliation commission with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education and the Working Group, and the project will be given for approval to the Ministry of Justice and submitted to the government.
His comments on the draft in the coming days will send to the Ministry of Culture, Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC), says the coordinator of the Commission of Legal Affairs RAEC Irina leva. According to her, the project brings to the operators and owners of sites impossible demands, being the only one attempting to solve their business problems at the expense of another. "The project was described by the Minister of Culture as an analogue of the American DMCA (copyright law in the digital epohu.-" b "), but it is not DMCA, and innovation, which have no analogues in the world. For information intermediaries explicitly imposed excessive duties and responsibilities, while the mechanisms and procedures for dealing with violations spelled out very clearly, "- it is categorical. The document needs work, and agree to the press service of "VimpelCom" and MTS added that the project is not intended to provide evidence that the content, access to which requires a ban franchisor is its inalienable right.
"The responsibility of users - one of the measures, unfortunately, already firmly established in the world. While we have always offered solutions to the problem without affecting the users will probably not avoid this ", - the president of the film company" Amedia "Alexander Akopov.
And be it:
