Problem Android: users do not want to spend money

In the Android one billion active users. In this past year $ 5 billion has been paid to developers. That sounds good until you realize that iOS users spend 4 times more money on the application.
At the annual conference Google I / O was first announced two key business indicators: the number of active Android users a month and the fee paid by Goodle application developers for Android. Excluding users from China (apparently their too i> a lot - approx. Trans.), As well as users of Kindle, Android system uses about 1 billion people in the last month. At the same time in the last 12 months for application developers were paid about $ 5 billion. Analyst Benedict Evans of companies Andreessen Horowitz made a few simple Computing:
Apple announced that it would pay $ 7 billion to developers for 2013. Given the current trend in the last 12 months, the developers were paid about $ 10 billion. Thus in March 2014 in iOS was about 470 million active users. It turns out that 2 times more Android users spend 2 times less money on the application, ie average revenue per user (ARPU, average revenue per user) for Android 4 times smaller than for iOS. i> blockquote> There are a number of assumptions, what has caused such a big difference:
1) System Android prevails in countries with low income.
2) Devices on iOS, usually more expensive devices on Android, respectively buyers choose more expensive device, ready to spend more money on the application.
3) Apple offers something that people want to get hold of and therefore are willing to spend money on it.
4) Application developers prefer iOS, because count on more profit, resulting for Android creates fewer good apps that users could buy.
The key here is the fact that Android users are inherently less wasteful of money than users of iOS. And this becomes particularly significant problem for Android as the spread of this system to various portable devices and automation systems for "smart" houses.
Thus it becomes difficult not only to sell hi-end device users to Android (top devices like Galaxy S5 uses a very small share of the market), but also motivate developers to create applications for competitive devices having such a low attractiveness to buyers.
Android to position itself as a cheap alternative to iOS, and it seems that this is exactly what people were waiting for and what will soon become accustomed. This fact may prevent the spread of the most innovative and therefore more expensive area. Whether you buy applications for mobile OS? Android, buy Android, I use mostly free Android, use the toll free (Rooting, warez) iOS, buy iOS, I use mostly free < iOS, use the toll free (jailbreak, warez) Do not use the device on iOS and Android Registered users can participate in the survey. Sign , please. 832 people have voted. 63 people abstained. If you buy any of the applications for the mobile OS, how much money they spend in a month? Less than 200 rubles 200 to 500 rubles From 500 to 1000 rubles From 1000 to 3000 RUB More than 3,000 rubles a month Only registered users can vote in polls. Sign , please. 572 people have voted. Excused 199 people.