Confrontation Apple and Google in the gaming sector
Tablets and smartphones have long conquered the whole world, the market has grown to an incredible amount. His lion's share belongs to mobile gaming, they generate most of the profits.
The alignment of forces in the global market the same: the operating system Google is the leader in the number of devices, but brings more revenue "apple" platform. This is due to the fact that smartphones and tablets with Android operating system on average much cheaper devices Apple, that is, and their owners less pay. This is true even for the developed countries, including the United States. But in some countries, Android-powered devices are so popular that overtake iOS and earnings, for example, in the Asian region.
Consider the situation in different countries more:
- In the US sector of smartphones Google owns more than 50% market share, while the share of iOS accounted for 44%. Nevertheless, three-quarters of all profits bring iPhone. But this does not mean that fewer users like Android-app - the number of downloads is ahead of Google Play App Store. The lion's share of the profits on both platforms allow microtransactions in f2p-games: 86% for iOS and 94% on Android. Developers still prefer the "apple" of the operating system, as evidenced by the output of several gaming hits only on this platform. But, analysts say, the situation is gradually changing, Android overtakes iOS.
- Canada's role in the gaming market is quite interesting: the developers often use it to test the market and the "break-in" applications before placing them in US stores. The markets of the two countries are quite similar in all respects except for the volume, so the risk when starting a new game in Canada where below.
- Mexican mobile sector is experiencing rapid growth, the country is now at 23 in the world in terms of market.
- China is very unusual in that the volume of its market is an impressive $ 1, 8 billion, but Google has not officially represented in this country. But this does not mean that all the profit belongs to Apple, for example, 73% of all mobile devices have an operating system Android. This paradox is explained by the laws of the country: applications for this platform are not to Google Play, and in many local stores. In addition, China's widespread piracy that deters many Western publishers.
- Japan volume market firmly in second place after the United States. People pay much attention to their smartphones and tablets and much more willing to pay for games and embedded purchase. For example, the average revenue per user is kept at $ 6, 34, whereas in the US the figure is more than two and a half times lower. In addition, Japan is one of the lowest prices for the purchase of the user - $ 1, 86 (according to Distimo).
- In South Korea, the balance of power is completely on the side of Google: Android brings more than 80% of the profits. In many ways, this advantage is observed through a local company Samsung, which produces the most popular devices on the platform. In addition, the Korean market is one of the fastest growing in the world.
- The largest sector of the market belongs to Europe UK. Here reigns iOS, and the Android platform accounts for less than a quarter of all profits. High welfare explains pretty big waste of gamers in applications. The British are known worldwide for his love of football, so games of this subject here the most in demand and bring a huge amount of money to developers.
What to expect in the future? How to change the balance of power? On which regions should be targeted to developers? These issues concern many, but to make an accurate prediction impossible. Revenues from mobile games in a given country is largely dependent on the economic situation. Rapidly developing countries can be a lure for developers, since access to such markets may be among the first to help break a big jackpot. Now, many experts are betting on Brazil, Russia and China. With regard to the platforms, the developing countries are almost always in the lead Android. But this does not mean that Apple is losing ground - in many developed regions share the profit with iOS-games continues to grow.
With the support of www.cpiera.com (exchange buying and selling iOS and Android installs, working on CPI-model)
Source: venturebeat.com
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/apps4all/blog/222165/
The alignment of forces in the global market the same: the operating system Google is the leader in the number of devices, but brings more revenue "apple" platform. This is due to the fact that smartphones and tablets with Android operating system on average much cheaper devices Apple, that is, and their owners less pay. This is true even for the developed countries, including the United States. But in some countries, Android-powered devices are so popular that overtake iOS and earnings, for example, in the Asian region.

Consider the situation in different countries more:
- In the US sector of smartphones Google owns more than 50% market share, while the share of iOS accounted for 44%. Nevertheless, three-quarters of all profits bring iPhone. But this does not mean that fewer users like Android-app - the number of downloads is ahead of Google Play App Store. The lion's share of the profits on both platforms allow microtransactions in f2p-games: 86% for iOS and 94% on Android. Developers still prefer the "apple" of the operating system, as evidenced by the output of several gaming hits only on this platform. But, analysts say, the situation is gradually changing, Android overtakes iOS.
- Canada's role in the gaming market is quite interesting: the developers often use it to test the market and the "break-in" applications before placing them in US stores. The markets of the two countries are quite similar in all respects except for the volume, so the risk when starting a new game in Canada where below.
- Mexican mobile sector is experiencing rapid growth, the country is now at 23 in the world in terms of market.
- China is very unusual in that the volume of its market is an impressive $ 1, 8 billion, but Google has not officially represented in this country. But this does not mean that all the profit belongs to Apple, for example, 73% of all mobile devices have an operating system Android. This paradox is explained by the laws of the country: applications for this platform are not to Google Play, and in many local stores. In addition, China's widespread piracy that deters many Western publishers.
- Japan volume market firmly in second place after the United States. People pay much attention to their smartphones and tablets and much more willing to pay for games and embedded purchase. For example, the average revenue per user is kept at $ 6, 34, whereas in the US the figure is more than two and a half times lower. In addition, Japan is one of the lowest prices for the purchase of the user - $ 1, 86 (according to Distimo).
- In South Korea, the balance of power is completely on the side of Google: Android brings more than 80% of the profits. In many ways, this advantage is observed through a local company Samsung, which produces the most popular devices on the platform. In addition, the Korean market is one of the fastest growing in the world.
- The largest sector of the market belongs to Europe UK. Here reigns iOS, and the Android platform accounts for less than a quarter of all profits. High welfare explains pretty big waste of gamers in applications. The British are known worldwide for his love of football, so games of this subject here the most in demand and bring a huge amount of money to developers.
What to expect in the future? How to change the balance of power? On which regions should be targeted to developers? These issues concern many, but to make an accurate prediction impossible. Revenues from mobile games in a given country is largely dependent on the economic situation. Rapidly developing countries can be a lure for developers, since access to such markets may be among the first to help break a big jackpot. Now, many experts are betting on Brazil, Russia and China. With regard to the platforms, the developing countries are almost always in the lead Android. But this does not mean that Apple is losing ground - in many developed regions share the profit with iOS-games continues to grow.
With the support of www.cpiera.com (exchange buying and selling iOS and Android installs, working on CPI-model)
Source: venturebeat.com
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/apps4all/blog/222165/