Bags with integrated socket
American Josh Cross launched on Kickstarter fundraising project GoPlug Charging Bags - set of luggage with its own built-in battery. Bags GoPlug technique can charge through standard interfaces (socket and USB), while the user is on the road or outside the availability of sockets.
The draft GoPlug includes several kinds of bags, laptop case, suitcase, various modifications, backpacks, bags for photographic equipment. Thus, they are waterproof. Capacities built-in battery enough to fully charge a smartphone six times, the tablet - twice Laptop - approximately two times. All sockets are installed on a rotating mechanism, so you can connect gadgets inside the bags while they carry, or outside - during the use of the owner. About how batteries increase the weight bags, the author fails to mention, however writes how they will be standing on its website - $ 65- $ 85
Price of bags GoPlug starts at $ 139. For a successful start of the project Josh requires 65 thousand dollars. Until the end of the fundraising 7 days left and scored until slightly more than 25 thousand. Given how clumsy look photos of prototypes, the project is unlikely to collect the required amount. But as ideas for DIY, like a suitcase can easily come up.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222057/

The draft GoPlug includes several kinds of bags, laptop case, suitcase, various modifications, backpacks, bags for photographic equipment. Thus, they are waterproof. Capacities built-in battery enough to fully charge a smartphone six times, the tablet - twice Laptop - approximately two times. All sockets are installed on a rotating mechanism, so you can connect gadgets inside the bags while they carry, or outside - during the use of the owner. About how batteries increase the weight bags, the author fails to mention, however writes how they will be standing on its website - $ 65- $ 85

Price of bags GoPlug starts at $ 139. For a successful start of the project Josh requires 65 thousand dollars. Until the end of the fundraising 7 days left and scored until slightly more than 25 thousand. Given how clumsy look photos of prototypes, the project is unlikely to collect the required amount. But as ideas for DIY, like a suitcase can easily come up.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222057/
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