7 ways to crack you up from the series "Mr. Robot"
7 new methods of Internet fraud, which we learned from the series "Mr. Robot" series of anti-globalization hackers "Mr. Robot" has received high marks for believability. A fascinating story of a gifted sociopath Elliott Alderson and his accomplices may well be used as a textbook for Security - advised real cpetsy writers and hackers. And if the hero of the series uses this scheme to destroy the corporation, the usual con artists - to steal money or use personal data of ordinary people. Such as we are.
1. Internet from the air h2> The series offers a host of spectacular scenes revelations cafe part-owner of the website with illegal content, the existence of which the hero learned cracking a public Wi-Fi-point institutions and tracked these enterprising fraudster. Indeed, free internet access in the subway, restaurants and other public places - just a feast for the townspeople. User traffic is literally flying through the air, so that a person with certain skills, it can take advantage of.
2. «Qwerty» or «Barsik2011»? H2> If you are so young and advanced that use of passwords for more complex combinations than brilliant «Qwerty1», congratulations. But maybe your password - it's Mom's birthday? Name a cat? The name of your favorite band?
3. Do not talk to strangers h2> The quick-witted, and has some knowledge of people can learn about you a lot. For example, when Elliot was required to find out where the taxi rides with the right person, he just called the dispatcher and lied that he dropped the car keys. I immediately got the address for sending his "protege».
4. Digital Care h2> Free - does not mean safe. This rule does not just Wi-Fi. In the series, the hero easily installs a virus on the user's computer, giving a free promo CD with music. Such viruses can transmit information about the user's actions to his master. Some programs read shortcuts and including - passwords. In the series, one of the characters so the camera is connected to a laptop a "victim", which blackmails.
5. "Hospitals. The more computerize them, the easier it is to break them » h2> State institutions, of course, obliged to protect your personal information from intruders. However, many of them are outdated and cheap antivirus software that is updated infrequently.
6. Keep a notebook nearby, and the smartphone closer h2> There are applications that allow you to keep track of other people's mobile phone. You just need to install it on your smartphone and conceal the victim did not notice anything.
7. Even the "Wikipedia" is not always possible to believe h2> In order to deceive the guard and into the data warehouse, Elliot spoofs page "Wikipedia". Free Encyclopedia edited, and, if the page is not very popular, editors may detect an error by the clock. Most attackers simply copy the famous sites - social networks, online banks - to unsuspecting user enters their username and password, the data card, which immediately fall to the attacker.

1. Internet from the air h2> The series offers a host of spectacular scenes revelations cafe part-owner of the website with illegal content, the existence of which the hero learned cracking a public Wi-Fi-point institutions and tracked these enterprising fraudster. Indeed, free internet access in the subway, restaurants and other public places - just a feast for the townspeople. User traffic is literally flying through the air, so that a person with certain skills, it can take advantage of.
And if the character "Mr. Robot" exposes the offender in real life danger is rather careless citizens who make transactions via internet banking or transmit personal data. In this case, better to wait, even if you really do not want to.
2. «Qwerty» or «Barsik2011»? H2> If you are so young and advanced that use of passwords for more complex combinations than brilliant «Qwerty1», congratulations. But maybe your password - it's Mom's birthday? Name a cat? The name of your favorite band?
In the first series Elliot easily hacked his psychiatrist mail: password should consist of the name of the favorite singer of the heroine and her year of birth, written backwards - Dylan_2791. A colleague from the account was even easier - 123456Seven.
Perhaps our cunning passwords consisting of the most important names and dates, not so reliable? Especially if the offender is willing to spend time on the sorting options.
The surest way to keep the password secret - to make it difficult. And most change.
3. Do not talk to strangers h2> The quick-witted, and has some knowledge of people can learn about you a lot. For example, when Elliot was required to find out where the taxi rides with the right person, he just called the dispatcher and lied that he dropped the car keys. I immediately got the address for sending his "protege».
The code to access issues in a foreign account protagonist finds out, seeming to bank officer and informing the victim that her account was attacked.
Of course, to fully protect yourself is difficult, but before you transfer your data, ask the interlocutor to introduce themselves and tell in detail, what they needed. It is about your personal information, and you have every right to know. A report on the phone passwords just not worth it - the employees of banks and other organizations can only ask a security question, if someone is interested in a password - this is exactly the fraudster.
4. Digital Care h2> Free - does not mean safe. This rule does not just Wi-Fi. In the series, the hero easily installs a virus on the user's computer, giving a free promo CD with music. Such viruses can transmit information about the user's actions to his master. Some programs read shortcuts and including - passwords. In the series, one of the characters so the camera is connected to a laptop a "victim", which blackmails.
Viewers will help avoid unnecessary digital hygiene - connect to your computer, only those devices that you are sure not to download files from suspicious sites and keep free access only the data that are not ashamed to publish and himself.
5. "Hospitals. The more computerize them, the easier it is to break them » h2> State institutions, of course, obliged to protect your personal information from intruders. However, many of them are outdated and cheap antivirus software that is updated infrequently.
Forgery of data in the hospital takes the main character a few minutes: changed the results of the survey on-line medical card and no longer needs to go to rehab.
But the real crooks could, for example, to steal from the base hospital patients or passport data to write yourself a prescription. Frankly, at this point, native perennial clinics with their papers do not seem so bad.
6. Keep a notebook nearby, and the smartphone closer h2> There are applications that allow you to keep track of other people's mobile phone. You just need to install it on your smartphone and conceal the victim did not notice anything.
So you'd better keep the technique to yourself and do not leave unattended. Why do more than people know that every weekend you are going out of the city, leaving the apartment unattended.
7. Even the "Wikipedia" is not always possible to believe h2> In order to deceive the guard and into the data warehouse, Elliot spoofs page "Wikipedia". Free Encyclopedia edited, and, if the page is not very popular, editors may detect an error by the clock. Most attackers simply copy the famous sites - social networks, online banks - to unsuspecting user enters their username and password, the data card, which immediately fall to the attacker.
In general, test data for more than one resource, and follow the addresses of favorite sites: suddenly it cbrehbank, rather than Sberbank, or instead vtentakle popular social networks.
We hope that after reading this text, you will be a little bit serious about their online security. You are advised to change passwords frequently, updating antivirus software, be careful on the Internet and see the show, "Mr. Robot" - it is really very exciting.
Oh, and do not forget to stick the camera on a laptop! And you never know what ☺
via factroom.ru
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