Human Nose
Nose - a vital organ involved in the delivery of oxygen into the trachea, bronchi, lungs, heart and blood. It is necessary for the body to get rid of carbon dioxide. We believe that the nose - is a single body, but most of its functions performed in stereo. We have two lungs, left and right, but few people know that each light is connected with the corresponding nostril, left or right. If, say, the left nostril for some time closed the left lung may experience a lack of oxygen, then it moves the process to the right nostril breathing, which is a defense mechanism of the nasal reflex in particular and the entire respiratory system tselom.
Moreover, according to Dr. Pat Barelli from the American Society rinologicheskogo, 2 nostrils makes breathing more efficient and better support the work of the whole body. With breathable 2 nostrils, we allow each of them a little rest. However, remember that one nostril may be tired. If the nostril is working alone more than 3 hours, she gets tired. Typically, because of the force of gravity one nostril is laid down, as the man is in sleep position 8 hours or more. Therefore, two nostrils, we sleep more peacefully, and if one of them is temporarily not functioning, the process of breathing is not disturbed, because we have another.
Source: www.medeffect.ru/news/news-0087.shtml