Happy children

1. Jokes help!

Relax! If you regularly make jokes with your child, it will help him tune in to social success. When parents make jokes and play with the baby, they give him the tools for creative thinking to find new friends and to cope with stress. So do not hesitate to portray the court jester, in the future your children will thank you for it. 2. Be positive sentiment 91,564,477
No wonder: the parents who towards children show negative emotions and treat them roughly, one day discover that their child is very aggressive. This is bad news, because behavioral aggression at age 5 years is directly linked with aggression in adulthood, even in relation to romantic partners. So if you are in the cycle of parent angry - angry child - parent even angrier, as quickly as possible to tear a vicious connection, it will greatly facilitate the life of you and your child's adult life. 3. Encourage an objective self-esteem 94,500,678
Studies show that "samosostradanie" is a very important life skill that helps people stay in the face of challenges. This sense includes attentiveness, ability to manage thoughts and emotions without succumbing to them, but do not suppress them, it is humanity, sympathy for the suffering of others, as well as recognition of their problems and address them. Parents themselves must possess such qualities to cope with the difficulties in the upbringing of children, and to be an example to the child. 4. Release the 60,047,354 children
When children want to fly away from the family nest, studies show that it is better to let them go. First-year students whose parents hardly let them go, more restless and less open to new experiences, compared with those whose parents let go easily. This does not mean that the child reaches the age of 18 you must get rid of it, but that does not mean that you will assign your child's teacher meeting to challenge its assessment. 5. Constantly "feed" their marriage 79,576,974
Do not let your relationship get away derailed after birth. According to a study conducted in May 2011, parents who suffer from instability in the relationship, thus causing sleep problems in their children. The study found that marital problems are contributing to the development of mental abilities of young children. If the problem began when the child was not yet 9 months, to achieve them 18 months, the baby will develop serious problems with sleep. Perhaps troubled family - it is always a state of stress, which interferes with normal sleep. 6. Take care of your mental health

If you suspect that you start to get depressed, you should seek help, thus you will help not only themselves, but also not harm the child. Studies show that depressed mothers can not cope with raising their children, and their cries of mothers annoying much stronger. Depressed mothers are also promoting a negative parenting style, thus they introduce their children to the state of stress, so the children, according to the study, grown in this parent and become too sensitive and vulnerable. The results seem bleak, but experts say they are hopeful as well, you can raise a child, even when Mom and Dad are trying to improve their mental health. 7. Mom, be nicer to their sons 40,878,174
According to the study in 2010, a close relationship with his mother keeps boys from anti-social behavior. Warm, friendly relations with the mother play a crucial role in the behavior of children, especially boys. The findings, published in the journal "Child Development» (Child Development), highlight the need for attachment between parents and children, that is the style of relationship must be such that the child knows that he can come to mom and dad for a "solid basis" before than to get into the adult world. Another study showed that a close relationship with his mother contributes to a better development of romantic relationships later in life. "The relationship between parents and children is very important because it is looking at them, the child builds its relations, the parents are the model," - says a leading specialist research Geger Constance (Constance Gager). "Therefore, if a child does not feel the heat between the parents and in relation to itself, it will probably be the same way and build their relations in the future." 8. Do not push on the baby 37,756,697
Teens often do not want to communicate with their parents, it may be due to the repulsion of peer pressure out. In other words, the autonomy of the house contributes to the autonomy of friends. However, do not worry: the experts do not believe that children should be adversarial relationship with their parents. In fact, a strong association between a teenager and a parent is also associated with less peer pressure. Teens should be able to stand up for themselves, but they also need the support of parents. 9. Do not aim for perfection 10,092,276
No one is perfect, so do not torture yourself, setting the bar too high to achieve concrete progress in education. According to the survey of 2011 parents who believe that society expects them to succeed on the perfect parenting, feel more tense, and they lose confidence in their parenting skills. And no wonder! Try to ignore the pressure from the outside, and you are sure to safely implement as a parent. 10. Understand their children

Everyone thinks they know the best methods of child-rearing. But it turns out that education - this thing is far from universal. In fact, those children whose parents have adapted their parenting style for the child, much less feel a sense of anxiety and depression are compared with those raised by parents aggressive and tough. It turns out that some children, especially those who are experiencing difficulties with emotion regulation, need more help from mom and dad. However, parents do not always feel it, so a child in such situations does not receive what he needs. It is important to pick up signals from the child and help him to develop.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Kak-vospitat-schastlivyh-detei.html