Haunted House is exposed for 1 euro on eBay

House to bringing auctioned in the French version of eBay with a starting price of 1 euro. According to the seller, bringing home visit after the murder, allegedly committed in the 1950s.

According to eyewitnesses paranormal phenomena occurring in the house, and next to him. Witnesses said that occasionally strange noises, knocks out the window, strange voices, whispers and mutterings, and periodically move predmety.

House area of 110 square meters. m with a small plot is located in the town of Arbresle in the Rhone-Alpine region Frantsii.

While many are wondering whether it is not a joke seller of the lot and whether living in a house ghosts?

However, the owner of the house says that the house does have to bring the skeptics and offers to contact him, to make sure it is right.
Source: mirfactov.com/