EBay delivery service to the day moribund
More last fall guide eBay divided ambitious plans to develop the service delivery to the day eBay Now , why even bought a company Shutl - British startup develop faster delivery for e-Commerce customers. The plans included eBay расширение to 25 cities , including London, before the end of 2014.
Now, apparently, these plans were not destined to come true. Sources site VentureBeat утверждают, that the case moves to the closing.
Since late April, are layoffs within the company and the transfer of functions to third-party delivery express services.
Among the problems the project is given the inefficient management, but the main trouble apparently began conceptual difficulties: demand in okoloprazdnichnuyu time of service was not sufficiently loaded in the remaining days. An even more serious problem is that eBay - do not store like Amazon, a playground mediator and each is individual specific order - delivery service, you must link the two sides of the transaction, not just to bring the goods from the warehouse to the customer. Such processes are difficult to debug, which probably led to the mentioned problems of management.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/225917/

Now, apparently, these plans were not destined to come true. Sources site VentureBeat утверждают, that the case moves to the closing.
Since late April, are layoffs within the company and the transfer of functions to third-party delivery express services.

Among the problems the project is given the inefficient management, but the main trouble apparently began conceptual difficulties: demand in okoloprazdnichnuyu time of service was not sufficiently loaded in the remaining days. An even more serious problem is that eBay - do not store like Amazon, a playground mediator and each is individual specific order - delivery service, you must link the two sides of the transaction, not just to bring the goods from the warehouse to the customer. Such processes are difficult to debug, which probably led to the mentioned problems of management.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/225917/
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