Our education system

Causes damage to our schools is not limited to a sore back and severe neuroses. There are problems and these terrible.
The scientists some time ago carried an interesting study in an attempt to find out where are the virtuoso violinists. They took a large group of violinists of different levels and subjected them to detailed questioning about their biography. Where and when you were born, what purpose, what and how doing what had ability in childhood and so on.
It revealed an interesting pattern. The only significant factor in the success was the amount spent ... for study hours. Someone trained the whole day from morning to night and began to collect halls virtuoso pathos. Someone regularly tortured violin for an hour a day and became a music teacher in a rural school.
More specifically, in order to become a virtuoso, it was required to spend 10 thousand hours. At the same time, which is important, there was not a violinist, who would have spent 10,000 hours to study, and a virtuoso would not. That is, apparently, this is the period of a human being is required to reach the top skill.
If the child spent to study, say, 3-4 thousand hours - he became a good violinist. If you spend 1-2 thousand - are not particularly skilled, but still a professional violinist.
This, again, was not a single case when a child persistently engaged would be studied for the desired number of hours, but the effect of a remarkable ability to play the violin would not have reached.
Then scientists began to check whether this rule is valid for other musical instruments: piano, double bass, French horn ... all generally confirmed. Ten thousand hours - and you're a virtuoso. By the way, the famous Beatles in the beginning of his career, gained invaluable experience playing live audience in Hamburg for eight hours every day:
It was after a few years of playing in Hamburg Beatles developed their famous style. Musicians are well aware of this rule, and all sorts of specialized forums brief remark "10,000 hours" is a universal answers ask vague questions newcomer. In that vein, it is necessary to unlearn 10 thousand hours, and Muse certainly dwell in your heart.
The curious can zaguglit "10,000 hours" and find a lot of material on the subject. I note that the "rule of 10 thousand" applies not only to music but also to other professions. By programming, for example, or for the game of football. That is, if the child has minimal abilities in an interesting area to him, 10 thousand hours of training, he can become a virtuoso and enter the inner circle of the best specialists of the world.
I think at this point you're bound to ask, why not become a virtuoso drivers, for example, drivers of buses, and, say, an accountant, and after 30 years of service are often evince an obvious sign of incompetence.
My answer is an example with a gym. If you come to the gym and start to swing in a few years your body is sure to change in a more sporting way. But if you as a "workout" each day to do sit-ups and 10 push-ups 10, the growth of your results will be practically zero. Since the body very quickly get used to the stress and the muscles stop growing. This, in fact, different from the tedious work of Study: Study to be held close to the limits of the possible, otherwise the good of it will not be enough.
Slowly I turn to the essence of fasting. The curriculum of our schools involves students spending over 11 hours of training classes 8'600:
If you add the time small changes - as, apparently, did the study authors about the violin - we get all 10 thousand hours, even without homework, which also take up a lot of time in children.
So, colleagues, in the 16-17 years old students could be brilliant violinists, programmers, players or even dentists. Or, if the forces sprayed two or three directions, outstanding professionals in several areas.
For example, 4000 hours plumbing, 4000 hours on electronics and 2000 hours on the freestyle wrestling. And here we have a professional mechanic high level, which are willing to take a job in some elite studio.
Or, say, 5000 hours of programming and 5,000 hours on the interface design. And we are already seeing a developer who can participate on equal terms in the creation of a revolutionary computer game.
So, colleagues. Where are all these people? Why is the typical high school graduate is helpless larva man who writes with errors, hardly believes in the calculator and is not able to any meaningful activity harder to wash toilets McDuck?
You say, children are given a broad education so that they can be guided in our complicated world?
That's funny. "The multi-educated" adults poke your ass cucumber, steamed drink liters of urine, and then include savings on the normal treatment of the money directly to the club "received education system" gentlemen named Sergei Mavrodi. Worthless this "versatile education».
In fact, the child pulls its 10,000 hours of training in the toilet is not for the sake of some knowledge or skills. Everything is much simpler. There is a large layer of charlatans who mistakenly call themselves "teachers". They are cooked in a totally inefficient system, the main purpose of the existence of which the organization is warm places for most of these charlatans.
Instead of the normal training they engaged in a profanation read "lectures" in the manner of a bad tape or other outdated even under Peter I parodies of knowledge transfer. Divide each other teaching hours, driving flocks of schoolchildren from zagonchik in zagonchik.
And as the work of charlatans and quacks themselves exclusively controlled, they pretend brainless piece of meat the patient, which is a typical high school graduate - this is the best that we can only expect to get for their allotted 10 thousand hours.
To summarize
Lord of the education system may be as much as necessary to broadcast on the radio about his progressive ideas in the spirit of repainting desks in orange and release triangular textbooks. I have them exactly one question.
Where are my violinists?
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