Food, destroying your brain
We want to tell you about products that are not recommended for use by many the world's leading nutritionists. All these products are in varying degrees over time damage your brain.
Foods with sugar
Himself sugar and products containing it are harmful not only for your figure, but also for the proper functioning of your brain. Long, daily use of this product may cause neurological problems have a negative impact on memory performance and reduce your ability to learn. Doctors often recommend or refuse or substantially reduce the intake of sugar-containing products, such as syrups, as well as products containing large amounts of fructose.
Everyone knows that alcohol adversely affects the health of your liver and causes the so-called porridge in the brain. It does not allow your brain to work, think and make the right decision, and the effect on your memory. Some probably know the situation where, after another drinking party in the morning they could not remember some things that happened to them the day before. This happens because alcohol blocks the nerve signals that create memories, and then your brain just refuses to remember some of the events. Early studies on the subject said that alcohol destroys brain cells. This is true, but it depends on several factors: the frequency of use of alcohol, a person's age, overall health, and so on. But what exactly known - 80 percent consume strong drinks there is a lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine). A serious shortage of this vitamin can lead to tragic consequences and cause a variety of mental disorders.
Fast Food
Recent studies by the University of Montreal study showed that fast food can influence the chemical composition of your brain. This may result in changes in your mood. Fast food may make you depressed or irritable. Besides his frequent use of high-fat, and then a sharp break in its reception may cause you the most real "break-up". This is due to the fact that fast food stimulates the production of dopamine, or as it is called - the pleasure hormone. Among other things, dopamine supports cognitive functions of your body, your ability to learn, your activity, motivation, and memory performance. That is why it is important to avoid foods with ultra-high-fat diet.
Fried foods
Almost all of the products that have passed the processing contain different chemicals, food additives, artificial flavor enhancers, flavoring agents, preservatives and so on, that is, all those things that can affect the behavior and the correct operation of the cognitive functions. This happens due to the fact that they contain chemicals can cause hyperactivity. And causes it to not only children but also adults. Fried or specially treated food is slowly but surely destroys the nerve cells of the brain. This used cooking oil such products - one is more harmful than the other. For example, currently one of the most toxic considered sunflower oil.
Like fried foods, precooked products or semi-finished products also affect the central nervous system. With their frequent use in humans increases the risk of degenerative disorders of the brain, which can lead to much more serious consequences, such as Alzheimer's disease.
Very salty food
Many probably know that salty foods affect blood pressure and seriously affect the work of your heart. In addition, new studies suggest that foods containing large amounts of salt may affect the proper operation of the cognitive functions and reduce the ability to think. In other words, salty foods affect your intelligence. Moreover, studies have shown that salty food, as well as nicotine can cause a habit and "break" with the abrupt cessation of its use.
Cereals (other than 100 percent of cereals)
All types of cereals affect your brain functioning and general health. The exception, perhaps, are 100 per cent grains, which are very rich in fiber and are very useful for maintaining the arteries and blood vessels of the body in good shape. If you frequently eat cereal products, the risk to wear out more quickly your body begin to experience memory loss and other unpleasant consequences. To avoid these consequences, doctors are advised to replace conventional carbohydrates to complex. For example, instead of the usual bread, eat whole grain breads.
Past processing protein products
The protein or proteins are the basic building blocks of our muscles and are essential for the proper operation of our body. The richest product in the protein content, of course, is meat. But the meat meat strife. Try to avoid the use of products such as hot dogs, sausages, and other types of salami. In contrast to the natural proteins that help in the work of your nervous system, past over-processing proteins do the opposite - they are destroying it. Make better focus on eating fish (especially salmon or tuna), dairy products, nuts and seeds - all of these products contain high protein supply.
Artificial sweeteners
When people want to lose weight, often in their minds there is the idea that the complete abandonment of sugar and replacing it with artificial sweeteners lead to the desired result. This is partly because, artificial sweeteners typically contain far fewer calories than sugar contained in them, but are much harm more than good! When duty to use them (and if they are consumed in large quantities), they may cause brain damage and a serious decline in cognitive abilities.
Although nicotine is not really a food product, it is no less harmful to your brain. It limits the flow of blood to the body, while reducing its saturation with glucose and oxygen. Nicotine is not only premature aging, bad breath and increases the risk of lung cancer, it also affects the productive function of the body and the correct operation of the neurotransmitters of the brain, by clogging the capillaries, the small blood vessels that play a key role in the proper functioning of the brain.
Source: ambienist.livejournal.com

Foods with sugar

Himself sugar and products containing it are harmful not only for your figure, but also for the proper functioning of your brain. Long, daily use of this product may cause neurological problems have a negative impact on memory performance and reduce your ability to learn. Doctors often recommend or refuse or substantially reduce the intake of sugar-containing products, such as syrups, as well as products containing large amounts of fructose.

Everyone knows that alcohol adversely affects the health of your liver and causes the so-called porridge in the brain. It does not allow your brain to work, think and make the right decision, and the effect on your memory. Some probably know the situation where, after another drinking party in the morning they could not remember some things that happened to them the day before. This happens because alcohol blocks the nerve signals that create memories, and then your brain just refuses to remember some of the events. Early studies on the subject said that alcohol destroys brain cells. This is true, but it depends on several factors: the frequency of use of alcohol, a person's age, overall health, and so on. But what exactly known - 80 percent consume strong drinks there is a lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine). A serious shortage of this vitamin can lead to tragic consequences and cause a variety of mental disorders.
Fast Food

Recent studies by the University of Montreal study showed that fast food can influence the chemical composition of your brain. This may result in changes in your mood. Fast food may make you depressed or irritable. Besides his frequent use of high-fat, and then a sharp break in its reception may cause you the most real "break-up". This is due to the fact that fast food stimulates the production of dopamine, or as it is called - the pleasure hormone. Among other things, dopamine supports cognitive functions of your body, your ability to learn, your activity, motivation, and memory performance. That is why it is important to avoid foods with ultra-high-fat diet.
Fried foods

Almost all of the products that have passed the processing contain different chemicals, food additives, artificial flavor enhancers, flavoring agents, preservatives and so on, that is, all those things that can affect the behavior and the correct operation of the cognitive functions. This happens due to the fact that they contain chemicals can cause hyperactivity. And causes it to not only children but also adults. Fried or specially treated food is slowly but surely destroys the nerve cells of the brain. This used cooking oil such products - one is more harmful than the other. For example, currently one of the most toxic considered sunflower oil.

Like fried foods, precooked products or semi-finished products also affect the central nervous system. With their frequent use in humans increases the risk of degenerative disorders of the brain, which can lead to much more serious consequences, such as Alzheimer's disease.
Very salty food

Many probably know that salty foods affect blood pressure and seriously affect the work of your heart. In addition, new studies suggest that foods containing large amounts of salt may affect the proper operation of the cognitive functions and reduce the ability to think. In other words, salty foods affect your intelligence. Moreover, studies have shown that salty food, as well as nicotine can cause a habit and "break" with the abrupt cessation of its use.
Cereals (other than 100 percent of cereals)

All types of cereals affect your brain functioning and general health. The exception, perhaps, are 100 per cent grains, which are very rich in fiber and are very useful for maintaining the arteries and blood vessels of the body in good shape. If you frequently eat cereal products, the risk to wear out more quickly your body begin to experience memory loss and other unpleasant consequences. To avoid these consequences, doctors are advised to replace conventional carbohydrates to complex. For example, instead of the usual bread, eat whole grain breads.
Past processing protein products

The protein or proteins are the basic building blocks of our muscles and are essential for the proper operation of our body. The richest product in the protein content, of course, is meat. But the meat meat strife. Try to avoid the use of products such as hot dogs, sausages, and other types of salami. In contrast to the natural proteins that help in the work of your nervous system, past over-processing proteins do the opposite - they are destroying it. Make better focus on eating fish (especially salmon or tuna), dairy products, nuts and seeds - all of these products contain high protein supply.
Artificial sweeteners

When people want to lose weight, often in their minds there is the idea that the complete abandonment of sugar and replacing it with artificial sweeteners lead to the desired result. This is partly because, artificial sweeteners typically contain far fewer calories than sugar contained in them, but are much harm more than good! When duty to use them (and if they are consumed in large quantities), they may cause brain damage and a serious decline in cognitive abilities.

Although nicotine is not really a food product, it is no less harmful to your brain. It limits the flow of blood to the body, while reducing its saturation with glucose and oxygen. Nicotine is not only premature aging, bad breath and increases the risk of lung cancer, it also affects the productive function of the body and the correct operation of the neurotransmitters of the brain, by clogging the capillaries, the small blood vessels that play a key role in the proper functioning of the brain.
Source: ambienist.livejournal.com