Chicken fillet with mushrooms and cream
- Chicken - about 1 kg
- Mushrooms - 7-8 pieces large
- Cream 10%
- 350 mlchesnok 3-4 cloves
- Cheese 200-300 g
- A little parsley
- Pravanskie grass (very little)
Chicken cut into large chunks, mushrooms "plates." Chicken and mushrooms put in a pan and fry in butter.
While fried chicken and mushrooms cook cream: In a deep dish davim garlic, three cheese there, add finely chopped dill, pour the cream, add a little Provencal herbs and stir. How to put out the chicken and mushrooms, merge them liberated juice (not all and so still have some at your discretion) and fill the back of our cream, simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes more.