Edible design and food culture in the works Sony Rentsch (Sonia Rentsch)
Australian designer and director of short films, who lives in Melbourne, has created several series of original works, which is difficult to attribute to anything specific. Some see in this fashion, and others - art.
We will not clearly distinguish between these concepts and define the work presented in this material as creativity. Rentsch Sonia (Sonia Rentsch) ten years ago, graduated from the University RMIT, in "Industrial Design". Since then worked for the fashion shows around the world, but at some point, stopped and decided to open his own studio. Work, which we describe, made in cooperation with photographer Scott Nyuettom (Scott Newett). The first project - "Dining Etiquette". Is a cross between a serving table and dress code. The second - "Balanced existence" - the idea of using edible items. And the third - "Sweets". He imitates the contrary desserts using inedible parts.
Photo by Scott Newett
We will not clearly distinguish between these concepts and define the work presented in this material as creativity. Rentsch Sonia (Sonia Rentsch) ten years ago, graduated from the University RMIT, in "Industrial Design". Since then worked for the fashion shows around the world, but at some point, stopped and decided to open his own studio. Work, which we describe, made in cooperation with photographer Scott Nyuettom (Scott Newett). The first project - "Dining Etiquette". Is a cross between a serving table and dress code. The second - "Balanced existence" - the idea of using edible items. And the third - "Sweets". He imitates the contrary desserts using inedible parts.

Photo by Scott Newett
The strange world of photography Carlos Enrique Reynesha (Carlos Henrique Reinesch)
Greek street art in drawings Dimitris Taxis (Dimitris Taxis)