Spanish omelette
100gr.kartofelya, 1sladky bolg.perets, 3zubch.chesnoka, 200gr.pomidorov, 4yaytsa, 100gr.konserv.kukuruzy, dill, parsley, sol.Ochischenny kartof.narezat mugs, pepper cut into cubes, put on a heated pan and fry in Subfam. oil (turning) 5min.Zatem add diced tomatoes, corn and chopped garlic and cook on low heat for 10-15min. (I added a bit of sausage cubes in a recipe is not included) .Vzbit eggs, salt to taste, add the finely chopped herbs and again beat mikserom.Etoy mixture pour the contents of the pan, stir fry under the lid until the eggs zapekutsya. (I still sprinkle with grated cheese and heated to 200gr.duhovku on the top ring stove for 5-7 min is also not included in the recipe)