Beef tongue with horseradish sauce, walnut

Beef tongue with horseradish - a classic of the genre. And if you combine horseradish with sour cream, basil, parsley and walnuts, you get a very delicate sauce that harmonizes with the delicate taste of boiled tongue.
Beef tongue - 1 pc.
Onions - 1 pc.
Celery - 1 stalk
Carrots - 1 pc.
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Gelatin - 1 pkg.
For the sauce:
Horseradish (grated) - 2 hours. L.
Sour cream (at least 20% of the fatty.) - 100 gr
Walnut (peeled) - 1 handful.
Basil Green - 7-10 leaves
Parsley - 0, 5 beams.
Lemon juice - 2 hours. L.
1. Beef tongue thoroughly wash and put in a large pot, completely covered with water. There also laid celery, bay leaf, peeled onion and pepper and bring the broth boil. When the water begins to boil, diminish the heat to low, remove noise (foam), salt and cook for about 4 hours, covered with a lid.
2. When the tongue is cooked, get it out of the hot broth and bring it down into the icy water. After that, the skin is removed with ya3yka like a glove. Purified language until slicing store in a pan with the broth.
3. Because of boiled beef tongue tends to open a fast zavetrivatsya and dark, slicing it makes sense to cover the jelly, then it is glossy and has a fresh new look for a long time. For the preparation of the jelly needs to take some broth (about 2/3 cup) which was cooked tongue to bring its hot state (approximately 70 degrees) and dissolve in it the instant gelatin. It is better to make a concentrated gel that is put more gelatin than indicated in the instructions.
Step 3: Preparation of jelly
4. Then, while the jelly is still warm, cut into the language as thin as possible, dip each slice into jelly and put on a plate.
Step 4. Splitting language
5. For the sauce, horseradish cleanse and rub on a small grater. Fresh horseradish can be difficult to find on the market, so it can replace canned. Still, the benefits of fresh root obvious - he and juicy, and flavorful. When I was rubbing my tears from both the bow
Step 5. Preparation of horseradish
6. Then put all the sauce ingredients in the bowl of a blender and grind until smooth.
Step 6. Preparation of sauce
7. sliced beef tongue served with sauce and greens. Very tasty piece of language to put a slice of fresh crusty bread and pour over the sauce.