Something about banknotes
When the country's runaway inflation, Mint works non-stop and throws to the domestic market ton of new banknotes awkward face value. Twenty years ago, we had the good fortune to watch it at home. Then, as I recall, the largest banknote was issued in denominations of 500 000. A little less than three dollars to the course. Kinda creepy candy wrappers on the paper. Yes, on the other, and the meaning is not to be done. However, this is not the highest number that was specified in the bill.
For example, in Zimbabwe in 2009, the Reserve Bank issued banknotes in denominations of one hundred trillion dollars local. It is about three hundred dollars. A loaf of bread at that time was worth three hundred billion.
But this is not the limit. Hungarian monetary unit before the Second World War, and it was during Pengo. So the inflation rate was such that doubling of prices occurs every fifteen hours, and in 1946 there were papers par value of one hundred million billion Pengo. In an appeal, however, they have not got. Was introduced forint, which operate to this day.
And in the Democratic Republic of Congo after the overthrow of the dictatorship in 1997, just not enough of cash, but did not have to print additional funds. The solution was found very original - from cuts carved image of the dictator.
In general, the first paper money appeared in China around 800's. The oldest surviving dated 1380