How to put the squeeze on the client at the end of the negotiations

Tell me, how often do you have it happens that the conversation with a potential client goes smoothly, your product like it as you like, the price is kind of happy ... but when it comes to paying at the cash register or the signing of the contract, the buyer says, "Well, I still think ... "- and goes?
This not only happens to you - some of the masters of American sales leads shocking statistic: the seller who can not "further squeezed" customer loses such "I think" up to 80% of transactions. Or, in other words, earns five times less than it could.
Let's see what tools can help close more deals, effectively "boosting" customers.
First, check yourself
Before turning on "boosting", you should check yourself. Are you done the necessary work and helped the client to understand the range, choose the most suitable for his product / service? Are you answer customer questions and answers it staged? Are you sure that it is really worth to buy this product? Is offered in clear text to make a deal? If not, "dozhimat" customer is too early.
In principle, the "boosting" sometimes will work even if the preparatory work is not done. But as skis glide better when they are lubricated and saw saws better when she is divorced and properly sharpened and techniques "dozhimaniya" work much better if all the preparatory work has been done at least a solid four.
1. Summarizing
If we have already discussed with the client all the conditions of the transaction, helped him to choose the goods and the like, we can summarize all the work done and go to the closing of the transaction. For example, a sales manager can look into their records and tell the client:
-So, You and I have found that the best choice for you is that's the model, right? [Waiting for a response] We agreed that we can supply you the X packages immediately and more Y in a week, right? [Waiting for a response] agreed that the price of NNN rubles per pack, right? [Waits for an answer] So, now I print the contract, we will contact you to sign it, and then I'll take you to the warehouse and provides immediate shipment of the goods.
And if the customer does not object, the seller starts to do what he said: prints and sends the client a contract to be signed.
For all its simplicity, this technique in many cases it will be effective - not least because it is hidden in the approach used by the "three" yes »».
2. Money Back Guarantee
This technique allows the buyer to get rid of the fear of wrong choice: "What if I took it not? And suddenly paid too much? And suddenly not work? »
The very technique is quite simple. You tell the buyer that he can make a purchase with a pure heart: if something does not suit him, he can return the item and get your money back. And then offer to make a purchase.
Of course, in order to use this technique in sales, your company should really be a money back guarantee. In some industries, it is always there, because that is the requirement of the law - if your industry is no such standard, head of sales should be discussed with the management of the introduction of such guarantees. It creators tangible competitive advantage and allow to close more deals.
3. "Sign here»
This technique of the old American school sales, which, however, works well in Russia. Part of it is similar to summarize. The essence of the reception that you do not persuade the client, and just put in front of him filled with the contract, put the fat cross on the spot where the buyer has to sign it, gives him a pen in your hand and say, "Sign here, please," pointing where just sign.
Here is how the application of this technique Bettdzher Frank, an American master of sales - in a situation where the reception has been applied to himself:
One of the leaders of the company put my contract on the table in front of me. He was completely filled in my name; at the bottom there was a beautiful golden seal and bold «X» at the line of the points where I have to sign!
For a while I was reading it silently. Not a word was said.
All the reasons why I decided not to agree to their contract, suddenly vanished from my mind. All the reasons for signing it began to swarm in my head ... "salary is very good; I could always count on her, sick or healthy, in good or bad times ... it was a great company ... ».
When I raised my head and began to speak to the head of the company, I decided not to accept their offer, putting forward their own reasons, they sounded as if I spoke memorized by heart the text, it is not going into it. But ... the country in this meeting was the fact that I have never occurred to me until I left the office that this person has applied the same techniques that I have used for three years, but I did not recognize him when he was tested on me! Yes, it's natural! I even had a pen in his hand, and I could not remember when he had to give it to me! He would be amazed if he knew how close I was to the signing of this contract. If he was trying to persuade me, if you would have stayed with me a little longer ... I would have signed.
As you can see, the reception works even on people who are accustomed to negotiating tricks. And, ironically, in many cases, the client will be more and thank you for what you have saved him from having to make a decision.
4. Bonus for immediate purchase
The essence of this technique is to offer the customer the doubting some bonus if he will make a purchase right now. But it is very important that it did not look as bribery. For example, if you want to use discount motivating and tell the customer "If the sign the contract now, I'll do you a discount of 10%", then, firstly, the client can guard to see how you are interested in the immediate closing of the transaction, and secondly, You can start prozhimat additional concessions, and thirdly, even if he does not buy it now, in the future it will require this discount because it has already been proposed.
So you need to think in advance how you obosnuete this bonus for immediate purchase, so it does not look like a desire to sell at any price - and that the client did not expect it in the future. For example, it might look like - the seller looks at your computer and informs the buyer:
-You Know, I see that there is still stock X packages that we took before the price increase. So, if you sign a contract now, before this product has not yet gone, you could pick it up at the price of NNN - is almost 10% lower than the price that we talked about.
Justification may be different. It is important that it is convincingly explained why today, this bonus will be, but there is no tomorrow. For example, "This week we took action today as the last day of the time - every buyer gets cooler maker as a gift." Or even the notorious "birthday today store manager, so today all electrical discount." If only it sounded convincing to your typical customers.