Seven Commandments freelancer Jedi
Among Freelancers there are those to whom I want to take my hat and say "Thank you." They strive to fulfill the order qualitatively and leave a favorable impression of yourself. These freelancers demand and successful. They took the bright side. But there is a dark side of creativity - it took her a freelancer leaves a black plume in the memory of the client, spoil your karma and sits without orders. It is important that the project and harm relations with dear customers performer may unintentionally. This can occur due to lack of experience.
Over the past ten years I had to deal with more than a hundred freelancers. I regularly attracts narrow specialists artists for various tasks within established projects - designers, illustrators, programmers, system administrators, copywriters, artists, web designers, and photographers trehmerschikov.
If we analyze the successes and failures of cooperation and summarize the causes which impel me for years and would gladly refer to the same people, we can derive a number of simple recommendations. In my opinion, following these guidelines will help to form a freelancer in the market a positive reputation, have the opportunity to work on interesting projects and constantly feel a sense of satisfaction from their activities.
Here is the recommendation in order of their importance
Over the past ten years I had to deal with more than a hundred freelancers. I regularly attracts narrow specialists artists for various tasks within established projects - designers, illustrators, programmers, system administrators, copywriters, artists, web designers, and photographers trehmerschikov.
If we analyze the successes and failures of cooperation and summarize the causes which impel me for years and would gladly refer to the same people, we can derive a number of simple recommendations. In my opinion, following these guidelines will help to form a freelancer in the market a positive reputation, have the opportunity to work on interesting projects and constantly feel a sense of satisfaction from their activities.
Here is the recommendation in order of their importance
- soberly assess their strength Work schedule Gantt is called the real prices Use technology does not disappear after Discuss the financial conditions before work ask customers to write a review
And by the way, jump on the bright side is never too late.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/243733/