36 good habits that you can start following today!
● Every day, fall asleep and wake up at the same time.
● Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, too, at the same time - the body will tell you thank you for it.
● Sleep at least 8 hours.
● Before going to sleep go for a walk and breathe fresh air.
● Drink a day not less than 1500 ml. water.
● Try every day to eat fruits, vegetables and berries.
● Drink a cup of yogurt at night.
● Rinse feet with cold water - it is also a kind of hardening.
● Sit on the Internet is not more than an hour a day.
● Make face masks made from natural ingredients.
● Capture your every summer day.
● Run in the morning.
● Buy a hoop and occupy at least 15 minutes a day.
● Smile.
● Learn 5 new foreign words.
● Every day clean up in his room, throwing rubbish and watering favorite plants.
● Wipe face frozen concoctions chamomile (ie ice cubes)
● Completely give up fast food.
● doing morning exercises.
● Meditate - just relax, turn on soft music, do not think about anything.
● Learn something new every day.
● Read. At least 10-15 pages daily.
● Spend at least an hour to his parents. Help around the house, talk, learn about their problems and experiences, give them some advice.
● Talk to people nice words and compliments.
● Avoid profanity and words-parasites. In general, keep your speech.
● Make one small good deed every day.
● Take care of yourself - take a steam bath for the face, peeling, pamper body moisturizing lotion.
● Avoid cosmetics. Or tons of makeup. Although the summer let the skin breathe.
● Teach beautiful, inspirational poems you.
● Walk straight. Watch the bearing.
● Avoid all kinds of bad habits.
● Try to become a vegetarian at least a month. Suddenly like ?;)
● Keep a diary of his success.
● Save money.
● Engage in yoga.
● Think only about the good - everything will come true!